Governor's Position on Transportation


  • A well-functioning transportation system is critical to a strong economy.
  • Good roads cost less, and through proactive preservation we maximize the value of our infrastructure investment for today and the future.
  • Roads are only one aspect of transportation. With Utah's population projected to nearly double by 2050, the governor believes in a robust system that includes funding for bridges, mass transit, and other modes of transportation.
  • It is also imperative that everyone pay their fair share for using Utah's roads, highways and mass-transit.
  • Public Safety is priority one. That's why the governor remains committed to working with law enforcement and transportation stakeholders to achieve zero crashes, zero injuries, zero fatalities -- and zero tolerance for drunk or distracted drivers.


Develop water funding policies and mechanisms that ensure:

  • Create stable, long-term funding solutions to meet current and future demands.
  • Develop new roads, highways, and bridges,only after appropriately preserving the existing infrastructure and enacting feasible solutions that optimize mobility.
  • Focus on continuous improvement by maximizing current resources and continually finding more efficient and effective ways to build and maintain Utah's transportation system.
  • Make full use of innovative technology to cut down on traffic jams and keep Utahns and Utah commerce moving.
  • Encourage Utahns to make sustainable and responsible transportation decisions.
  • Seek ways to improve and achieve more efficiency in local mass transit systems.
  • Encourage the safe use of its roadways, including a primary seat belt law, as well as measures aimed at reducing impaired and distracted driving.


  • Overall, the condition of Utah's roads and bridges are the envy of every state in the nation.
  • Worked with state lawmakers to reform transportation funding to ensure Utah will have sufficient funds to support our state's growing population and to keep commerce flowing for decades to come.
  • Utah has invested more than $5 billion on transportation over the past decade.
  • The FrontRunner commuter rail project was completed two years ahead of schedule and $300 million under budget. Light rail extensions to Draper and the Salt Lake International Airport were also completed ahead of schedule and under budget.
  • Passed the state's first primary seat belt law, which the governor and public safety experts believe will help save countless lives.