What learning means to us

Learning isn’t a destination, starting and stopping at the classroom door. It’s a never-ending road of discovery, challenge, inspiration, and wonder.

For many people, learning is the route to a job to support their family or the skills to help them progress in their career. For others, it’s simply a passion for discovery. Learning opens up opportunity and enriches every stage of life.

Helping people along this path of discovery and inspiration, Pearson cultivates a love of learning that enables a lifetime of progress. Because wherever learning flourishes, so do people.


Learning makes us

Every learning moment builds character, shapes dreams, guides futures, and strengthens communities. At Pearson, your learning gives us purpose. We are devoted to creating effective, accessible solutions that provide boundless opportunities for learners at every stage of the journey.

Learning that’s personal and collaborative

For years classrooms fit a one-size-fits-all industrial model. That model is changing, thanks in large part to technology. Pearson is partnering with school leaders, educators, business professionals, policy makers, and technology providers to develop digital products and services that make learning more personal.

At the same time, we’re using technology to break down barriers. New curriculum encourages deeper thinking, problem solving, collaboration, and communication. We’re helping 21st century learners prepare for college, careers, and a promising future. And we’re working with educators to create a learner-centered culture of inquiry, questions, and conversation.

A commitment to measurable results

Learning can be fun, but we take what we do seriously. We believe in learning and stand behind what we do. Every action, lesson, and decision we make has one purpose: to make a measurable impact on learner outcomes. It’s more than just words. It’s an industry-best commitment to results.
Learn more about our Efficacy & Research



Pearson & our work around the world

We’re proud of our work in learning. The American Federation of Teachers and others have recently made claims about our business strategy, our work with state-mandated assessments, and our investments in the developing world. Many of their claims are incorrect and we feel we must set the record straight.

Get the facts