Sunday, 12 February 2017 / TRUTH-OUT.ORG
  • An American Imam Lights a Candle of Hope

    By William Rivers Pitt, Truthout | Interview

    Where our politicians fail us, our shared values lift us all up.Where our politicians fail us, our shared values lift us all up. (Image: Jared Rodriguez / Truthout)

    Whole swaths of the American public -- Muslims, African Americans, Latinxs, LGBTQ people, women, immigrants, Indigenous people -- have been targeted by the wrath of the New Know Nothings in the White House. In our shared darkness, Imam Ibrahim Rahim holds a candle.

  • Refusing to Sing or Stand: The Anthem as an Opportunity for Resistance

    Refusing to Sing or Stand: The Anthem as an Opportunity for Resistance

    By Shana L. Redmond, Truthout | Op-Ed

    "The Star Spangled Banner" -- with its boast about the "land of the free" and its rarely sung third verse about slaveholding -- reflects and enforces the divisions between us. Simple acts of "taking the knee" can continue to inspire other public acts in kind and reveal the possibility for a new nation. In this perilous political present, singing and listening are tools; toward what ends remains our choice.

  • Populist Coalition Beats Back Chevron in California Refinery Town

    Populist Coalition Beats Back Chevron in California Refinery Town

    By Mark Karlin, Truthout | Interview

    Tired of living for generations in the toxic shadow of Chevron's profit-over-people policies, residents of Richmond, California, formed a community-labor coalition in 2004 to organize around the interests of the city's multiracial, working-class population. Activist and author Steve Early discusses how the Richmond Progressive Alliance won control of the city council and put Chevron on the defensive.


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