Prepaid Mobile Telephony Services (MTS) Surcharge Rates

Current Rates

Historical Tax Rates



The following files are provided to download MTS rates for California Cities and Counties (all have 3 digits after the decimal).

Please Note: Some communities located within a county or a city may not be listed.

**You must format the Tax Rate Column to three digits on the csv files

Local Charges

The statewide prepaid MTS rate is 5.90%. The prepaid MTS surcharge rate in your area may be higher than 5.90% due to local charges. Local charges may include local 911 charges and/or Utility User Taxes (UUT). For questions about paying the local charges, please contact the local jurisdiction directly. See Contact Information for Cities and Counties with Local Prepaid Mobile Telephony Services Charges.

If you need help identifying the correct rate, you may look up the rate by county and city, contact our Customer Service Center at 1-800-400-7115 (TTY: 711), or call the local BOE office closest to you for assistance.