Meet Min.

A smarter web browser.

Find anything instantly

The searchbar answers your questions immediately, with information from DuckDuckGo including Wikipedia entries, a calculator, and more. Jump to any site quickly with fuzzy search, and get suggestions before you even start typing. And Min lets you search the contents of every page you visit, so you'll never lose anything again.

Effortless tab management

Tabs in Min open next to the current tab, so you’ll never lose your place. Tabs you haven’t looked at in a while dim, so you can focus on what you’re working on. And when you have lots of tabs, you can view your tabs in a list, or split them into groups.

Built-in ad blocking

Min lets you decide whether you want to see ads or not. And when you’re using a slow or expensive internet connection, it lets you block scripts and images, so pages load faster and use less data.

Fast and efficient

Min is designed to be fast. It uses less battery power, so you don't have to worry about finding a charger.

Open-Source software

Min is written entirely with CSS and JavaScript using Electron, and is open-source software, available on GitHub.

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