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Community Spotlight: Hokanu

Posted date / 02.15.17

1) What is your main character's in-game name and how did you come up with it?

Hokanu Narayana is my go-to name for a heavy fighting class like Warrior, Dire Lord or Paladin. Hokanu comes from the series of books which probably kick-started my interest in the fantasy genre. The first book is Magician in the series from Raymond E Feist although I think Hokanu didn't appear till later books. The second part of the name was derived from a song in one of my favourite electronic albums "Fat of the Land" By The Prodigy, The song Narayan takes you on a great journey.

Salvia Divinorum would be my magic users name for those of the mental magic variety like Enchanters. It comes from the name of a very interesting plant!

2) What interests you the most about Pantheon: Rise of the Fallen?

Something that interests me so much is being part of building the community that is going to be organically created over time in-game. Being amongst the great vibe that exists in a true cooperative PVE environment where reputation matters, where people understand the woes of each other because we have all worn the shoes of a low-level player trying to make their way in an unforgiving world. We are all helping others and being helped by others alike to achieve our current goal because a good community of like-minded folks looks after each other. Of course one of the important driving forces of this is that the community will be sculptured in this way as a result of the dangerous world, group orientated conditions & environment VR gives us to work with in game and of course the interdependence of each class.

This is why I am such an avid fighter for keeping the tough features VR want to employ in the game tough and also keep fighting for as much class interdependence as possible. I am looking forward to each player being an important cog in the well-oiled machine of a group that is pushing the boundaries of difficulty in what it does and having a laugh and making some great friends on the way.

3) What will your main race and class be and why?

Elven Enchanter for sure! I always like an Elf as a magic user (though all the races look so good) I am so pumped about the return of true crowd control classes like the Enchanter in this MMO. There is nothing like being the person that turns a situation of almost certain death into one where we can regroup, get our tactics back on track and come out on top. I also enjoy leading/directing traffic in a group scenario, and I think leadership is an important role for any enchanter to take part in to insure that crowd control is maximised, the healer isn't too stressed out, and the rest of the group knows the intended targets or plan of attack.

I love the focus required and weight of responsibility that is placed on an Enchanter to do the job right. At varying times all players in an interdependent class system have the capacity to be the one that saves the day, but an Enchanter can do it in such a way that involves finesse, perfect timing and a bit of good old fashioned luck :)

4) What is your favorite system, mechanic or feature so far in Pantheon?

So many things, so hard to choose, I think my most favourite feature would be the return to a group focus, social gameplay where you work with others to achieve your goals and progress your character. Every class having their speciality role and players needing to truly master their class and work together to maximise the groups potential in any circumstance or group makeup. With this in mind, I look forward the emergent gameplay and bending the way we use our classes abilities to be able to fight on when your group may be lacking in a certain class type or if you just want to try and achieve something in a creative way.

5) If you could enter the game and visit anywhere in Terminus for 1 hour, where would you go and why?

That's a tough one, zones we have seen so far look so nice it's going to be a gorgeous game, I love fighting things like Giants and other big mobs like Cyclops, they look so epic crossing the landscape so I would definitely love to go to where they are roaming and see what the VR Giant looks like. But unfortunately, without knowing their location, I would take a stab and say I'd head to the Khaga Sands and check out that area and see what's roaming out there! I always liked wide open desert zones and done well they always feel extra dangerous and unforgiving. Then if I had time, I would go up north to see that massive partially buried skeleton shown on the map and check out how awesome it looks up close and what mobs are hanging around it!

6) Finally, if you had to choose between being absorbed into the forums and forced to read every single post without a way to escape (included all sections including admin) or being locked at level 1 on one character only for the rest of your gaming life in Pantheon, what would you choose and why?

Haha, love it! These options remind me of a Rick and Morty episode with "The Devil" and his cursed items he gives away for "free" haha. While being in game would be AMAZING... being stuck at level one for eternity would be unbelievably infuriating and you are rendered almost powerless, I don't think I could handle it... the upside to this would be one of the starting city's rat problem would be well and truly dealt with ;)

For a good laugh, I think I would go for the forums absorption... I would (with my new found "data" powers) start editing and messing with everyone's posts. I'd start by making Dullahan seem like he is a big advocate for single player style easy mode MMO's and make it seem like Kilsin is openly admitting to his train addiction!! All jokes aside any day, any hour I would ALWAYS enjoy re-reading Krixus's "Defining The Magic of EQ" post.. what a cracker and many relevant features to Pantheon. If you haven't read it, do yourself a favour!

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