Beg_abc_Eng the women behind the men behind the beards2 months ago 1) He looks like he 12 and getting ready for his first day of boarding school. Poor kids in the 1970s and 80s had to wear these big, stupid puffy coats, and we hated them. As always, the truth was somewhere in between. Beyonce was the winner of 6 Grammy Awards, and it is safe to say her outfit on the red carpet set the tone for her perfect evening. At the end of the lesson, guests can perform their dance moves for parents.. Young model take good care of their bodies those who present lingerie or swimsuit collections. Product Description: MaggieLane Sleeveless Tipped Fashion Polo: Sport the season's freshest colors in this MaggieLane(TM) Sleeveless Tipped Fashion Polo. These features made the hand knitted sweaters a popular niche among the Indians. When completely cooled, butter the sides of the pan.. With Jessica new book The Honest Life, she is taking it a step further by helping families live a more natural lifestyle not just with their baby products but with practical tips for all aspects of their life.. Your child might also enjoy keeping the beat to Mexican music with a maraca he has made. Instruct all of the models to put on the outfits they are going to wear so that you can determine the best order for them to appear in the show. Created as an umbrella term for the scientific research of long distance fucking, it was both the most accurate description for dicking around the computer ever invented and the best excuse to dick around even more.. Why were my bras loose but my cups spilleth over still? I was 38 inches around my chest, so shouldn I wear a 38 band? Ha!. Ensure that the dealer gives you the authentic Coach case embossed with the Coach logo or with the company logo embossed inside the top lid and the case covered with Coach fabric. If you prefer to spend the bulk of your gift money on a single big item, a fashion doll house or bedroom set are popular choices. Animal prints are considered trendy and fashionable, and are frequently seen on coats, dresses, shoes and accessories.. I always say that the bulk of your wardrobe should be made of classics that never go out of fashion and that are tailored according to your profile, and only a small part of your budget should get spent on trends that can add an exrra oomph to your basic wardrobe.. Investors are worried for a justified reason. Case in point? The scene where Eddie checks into the hotel where he has no reservation by pretending to be a Rolling Stone reporter. One day, she runs into some Yazawa School of Design students who are part of a group called ?Paradise Kiss?, and her life begins to change? They want Yukari to model their creations in the annual School fashion show! At first, she is hesitant about doing anything other than studying, but as Yukari is influenced by the unique members of "Paradise Kiss", she begins to notice that there is more to life than schoolwork. anwht auumo bagnak bobzz deevn feemn fueeu geeau geemn deemn eurpolo duumn auuwo bobwn ceeml ceevn dneec doeae
Beg_abc_Eng the women behind the men behind the beards2 months ago 1) He looks like he 12 and getting ready for his first day of boarding school. Poor kids in the 1970s and 80s had to wear these big, stupid puffy coats, and we hated them. As always, the truth was somewhere in between. Beyonce was the winner of 6 Grammy Awards, and it is safe to say her outfit on the red carpet set the tone for her perfect evening. At the end of the lesson, guests can perform their dance moves for parents.. Young model take good care of their bodies those who present lingerie or swimsuit collections. Product Description: MaggieLane Sleeveless Tipped Fashion Polo: Sport the season's freshest colors in this MaggieLane(TM) Sleeveless Tipped Fashion Polo. These features made the hand knitted sweaters a popular niche among the Indians. When completely cooled, butter the sides of the pan.. With Jessica new book The Honest Life, she is taking it a step further by helping families live a more natural lifestyle not just with their baby products but with practical tips for all aspects of their life.. Your child might also enjoy keeping the beat to Mexican music with a maraca he has made. Instruct all of the models to put on the outfits they are going to wear so that you can determine the best order for them to appear in the show. Created as an umbrella term for the scientific research of long distance fucking, it was both the most accurate description for dicking around the computer ever invented and the best excuse to dick around even more.. Why were my bras loose but my cups spilleth over still? I was 38 inches around my chest, so shouldn I wear a 38 band? Ha!. Ensure that the dealer gives you the authentic Coach case embossed with the Coach logo or with the company logo embossed inside the top lid and the case covered with Coach fabric. If you prefer to spend the bulk of your gift money on a single big item, a fashion doll house or bedroom set are popular choices. Animal prints are considered trendy and fashionable, and are frequently seen on coats, dresses, shoes and accessories.. I always say that the bulk of your wardrobe should be made of classics that never go out of fashion and that are tailored according to your profile, and only a small part of your budget should get spent on trends that can add an exrra oomph to your basic wardrobe.. Investors are worried for a justified reason. Case in point? The scene where Eddie checks into the hotel where he has no reservation by pretending to be a Rolling Stone reporter. One day, she runs into some Yazawa School of Design students who are part of a group called ?Paradise Kiss?, and her life begins to change? They want Yukari to model their creations in the annual School fashion show! At first, she is hesitant about doing anything other than studying, but as Yukari is influenced by the unique members of "Paradise Kiss", she begins to notice that there is more to life than schoolwork. anwht auumo bagnak bobzz deevn feemn fueeu geeau geemn deemn eurpolo duumn auuwo bobwn ceeml ceevn dneec doeae
إتحاد الجامعات السودانية
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الثلاثاء, 21 شباط/فبراير 2017
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إنسحاب الجامعات السودانية من إتحاد الجامعات العربية

إشارة الي تداعيات القرارات التي اتخذها مجلس إتحاد الجامعات العربية حول إنعقاد دورته رقم (50) الإنتخابية بجامعة الخرطوم. تبين لنا سعيهم للمساس بسيادة السودان و سمعته في سابقة خطيرة و ذلك بالتدخل في شئونه الداخلية بتكوين لجنة للتاكد من النواحي الأمنية في السودان تجاوزاً للوائح و النظم و الأعراف في سبيل حرمان السودان من الإستضافة و الترشح لمناصب الأمانه العامة بوسائل غير مشروعة و غير لائحية أوضحناها في مكاتباتنا السابقة و أوضحها مديرو الجامعات السودانية الأعضاء في الدورة (49)

عليه كان لزماً للجامعات السودانية ممثلة في اتحادها إتخاذ القرارات المناسبة التي أجمع عليه كل أعضاء مجلسها في إجتماعهم بتاريخ 29/12/2016 و التى جاءت كما يلي:

1- أنسحاب كل الجامعات السودانية من عضوية إتحاد الجامعات العربية و عدم المشاركة في الانشطة التى يدعو لها او تتبع له.

2- رفض إستقبال الوفد القادم من إتحاد الجامعات العربية برئاسة السيد الأمين العام البروفسير سلطان ابو عرابى.

3- رفض الدعوة لعقد الدورة (50) في جامعة الخرطوم ( دورة غير انتخابيه).


يتقدم إتحاد الجامعات السودانية بالتهاني الصادقة والتمنيات الطيبة للعالمين الجليلين البروفسير حسن ابو عائشة حامد / مدير جامعة المغتربين, بإختياره رائداَ لطب الكلى في افريقيا و ذلك من قبل الجمعية العالمية لطب الكلى .

والبروفسير نصر الدين احمد محمود / مدير جامعة ابن سينا بمناسبة تكريمه بواسطة رئاسة الجمهورية و منحه وسام الرياضة الذهبي مع اطيب التمنيات لهما بموفور الصحة و تمام العافية و بالمزيد من العطاء العلمي الرفيع لخدمة الإنسانية و لرفعة شأن الوطن.

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