Free Photo Wallpapers / Backgrounds from

Desktop Wallpapers

Below is our range of free wallpapers, or backgrounds, in a photographic style. ? That doesn't read right. Photos which can be used as wallapers or backgrounds. How's that?

In time there will be a wide vaiety of styles of background to choose from. In time. All good things etc..

Newly added we have the autumn wallpaper range. Stunning autumnal imagery for your focal delight.

Free Landscape Wallpapers

Flower Wallpapers

Beach Wallpapers

torchlight Wallpapers

A range of torchlight wallpapers / backgrounds to select from. Made with a torch!

Sky Wallpapers

A range of sky wallpapers / backgrounds to select from.

Autumn / Fall Wallpapers

A range of autumn wallpapers / backgrounds to choose from.

Nature Wallpapers

A range of nature wallpapers / backgrounds to choose from. All things green feature heavily on this page. If you are green averse, avoid. Or just cover with you hand the offending green images. You might need two hand. In which case your stuck there.

Fabric Wallpapers

A range of fabric wallpapers / backgrounds to choose from. If you want carpet on your background - then download one of these. Try the cardboard one. Looks - well, look pretty cardboardy.

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Please be aware that all wallpapers are for personal use only. Wallpapers are the copyright of Please do not use them for commercial purposes or for redistribution on other sites.