Public Affairs Office

The NRL Public Affairs Office is the Laboratory's focal point for releasing information to the public; working with local, national and international media; community relations, including tours of the Laboratory; and the Freedom of Information Act. The NRL website is a product of the Public Affairs Office.

The NRL Public Affairs Officer represents the Laboratory's Commanding Officer for all public affairs matters and provides public affairs guidance to NRL employees at the main site in Washington, DC, and most NRL field sites. NRL-Stennis maintains its own public affairs office.

Internal command communications are also managed by the Public Affairs Office and include a bi-weekly newspaper, programming for a closed-circuit television channel, an electronic billboard, and NRL's employee Intranet.

For questions or inquiries, please contact us at 202-767-2541 or via email.

Media and Public Relations - Learn more about press resources and on-site interviews.

Freedom of Information Act - Find answers to your questions regarding FOIA procedures.

Community Outreach - Learn how NRL volunteers have promoted K-12 math and science education, mentored young people, and provided support to the local community.

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