Nieman Foundation at Harvard
Harvard Library gets slammed for its earnest fake news guide: Updates from the fake news world
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Stories on Reporting & Production

“That’s one of the reasons people have turned away from newspapers. They’re full of richly reported, detailed, and useless information. We want people to reacquire a sense that this is their government.”
“This is an opportunity to write about something new.”
“When newspapers insist they’re just being impartial observers, I think that performance hurts trust in journalists.”
It borrows from the design language of magazines — but also of the web.
“I think the keys to making this kind of small operation work are collegiality, responsiveness, and flexibility.”
At MisinfoCon, stopping “fake news” wasn’t the only focus: Issues from news literacy to newsroom standards and reader empathy to ad revenue were all up for discussion.
While investigative reporting is some of the most critical work journalists do, few of the people doing it are non-white.
“If I were a U.S. journalist, I would be looking to launch The Trump Watch.”