Definition of unfollow in English:



  • Stop tracking (a person, group, or organization) on a social media website or application by unsubscribing from their account.

    ‘never unfollow someone just because they unfollowed you!’
    • ‘Therefore, I will be unfollowing via Google.’
    • ‘More to the point, what did I do to make a T-shirt company unfollow me?’
    • ‘And should he get flamed from any of those he follows, he can unfollow and / or block them.’
    • ‘I had to unfollow scores of those people as well.’
    • ‘And yes, you can always chose to ignore or unfollow the person, if you find him / her irritating.’
    • ‘Two strikes and they're unfollowed.’
    • ‘Spammers may try to game the system by autofollowing users then unfollowing them to invert their followers / friend ratio.’
    • ‘I've started both unfollowing and reporting users of this game.’
    • ‘He told me he's noticed an increase in people threatening to "unfollow" (or unfriend / un-subscribe etc.) from his feed.’
    • ‘Meanwhile, most Twitter users probably don't unfollow people unless they find them annoying.’
    • ‘I have had to unfollow dozens and dozens of so called writers for their completely insipid tweets.’
    • ‘The nice thing is that you can tune your group by unfollowing people who don't prove useful and adding people who are.’
    • ‘And the neat part is that unfollowing the whiners is just a click away.’
    • ‘From now on, whenever I see constant negative feelings, I'm going to unfollow that person.’
    • ‘"People are recoiling and unfollowing me but I'm picking up people too."’
    • ‘These people are constantly following and unfollowing people to increase their number of followers.’


