
Quantum Manifesto: Europe leads in quantum technology

26 May 2016

With all the application possibilities, quantum technology has a lot to offer in tackling societal challenges worldwide. The computing power and precision of this technology will help generate solutions for the global of climate, energy, health and security. During 'Quantum Europe 2016' (Tuesday May 17th) the Quantum Manifesto was presented to Minister Kamp and Eurocommissioner Oettinger.
Minister Kamp (on the right) and Euro commissioner Oettinger (on the left) (Source: EZ / Martijn Beekman)

Quantum Manifesto

Europe wants to keep and extend its leading position in the field of quantum technology. To ensure this happens, Minister Kamp (Economic Affairs) and EU Commissioner Oettinger (Digital Economy and Society) have been working with other member states, industry and research institutions on a Quantum Manifesto that contains a comprehensive European strategy for the development of quantum technology. This manifesto, which aims to keep and strengthen Europe’s lead, was presented and debated during Quantum Europe 2016 on 17 and 18 May.

Quantum technology and quantum computer herald radical change

The quantum computer, a new type of computer that may herald a new revolution, is not yet a reality. Scientists are likely to need another decade before it is. But what is clear is that the computing power will increase enormously through the use of quantumbits, or qubits, and this quantum computer will be an opportunity for science, government and industry. Companies will be able to search through valuable big data, physicists will be able to calculate climate models, logistics will benefit from optimised processes and industry in creating new aircraft concepts or pharmaceutical systems. Many sectors have much to gain from this invention. It’s up to industry to indicate where they need applications. The quantum computer is likely to have the same revolutionary impact in the 21st century as the classical computer had in the 20th century.

The European Commission has proposed making a billion euros available to establish a Quantum Flagship, a large-scale European research programme that will see European researchers, industry and requesting parties come together through a common ambition and roadmap, and to take the development of quantum mechanics closer to the market. The Quantum Flagship is part of the ‘Technology Package’, a broad package of measures to strengthen the digital economy of Europe.

Furthermore, QuTech, the quantum institute of TU Delft and TNO, was designated as one of four National Icons at the end of 2014 in the Ridderzaal in The Hague. National Icons are pioneering innovative projects that safeguard future prosperity and help solve the ageing problem, the energy issue and the world food shortages.


QuTech was founded in 2013 by TU Delft and TNO. In 2015 six partners signed up to a covenant to form a solid basis for a period of 10 years within the QuTech institute. The other partners are the government ministries of Economic Affairs and Education, Culture and Science, the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO), the STW Technology Foundation, the FOM Foundation for Research on Fundamental Matter and the top sector High Tech Systems and Materials (HTSM). QuTech also works very closely with different companies, including Microsoft and Intel, on the engineering that is needed.


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