
Tissue Organization Field Theory

It’s been a while since I brought everyone up to date on the progress of my Ecological Development course, because I’ve been busy. So have the students. After our spring break I subjected them to the dreaded oral exam, which actually isn’t so bad. I tried to engage them less in an adversarial role and…

Botanical Wednesday: I am not fooled

That isn’t the Carrizo Plain National Monument. It’s obviously Oz.

Mary’s Monday Metazoan: Salpflower

Cephalopods are natural-born editors

Did you know cephalopods may have traded evolution gains for extra smarts? I didn’t either. I don’t believe it, anyway. The paper is fine, though, it’s just the weird spin the media has been putting on it. The actual title of the paper is Trade-off between Transcriptome Plasticity and Genome Evolution in Cephalopods, which is…

Friday Cephalopod: Reflections

What it’s like to be an octopus? This review of Peter Godfrey Smith’s book, Other Minds: The Octopus, the Sea, and the Deep Origins of Consciousness, captures perfectly why I’ve been fascinated by them — they’re the closest thing to aliens we’ve got. Unlike cetaceans – whose sentience it is possible to imagine, partly because…

Friday Cephalopod: Spotty

Is anyone else seeing this picture and immediately wondering what molecules regulate the orderly dispersal of those well-distributed pigment cells?

Friday Cephalopod: She persisted