Small Writing 2

May 6, 2016

Dymaxion – A portmanteau of “dynamic maximum tension,” created by Buckminster Fuller when he was asked for a word to describe his many designs and inventions. It bears the connotation of doing the most with the least through design and a geometrical understanding of the universe.

Wu-zhi – The transliteration of two Chinese characters, wu and zhi, meaning “no” and “thought,” respectively. Together they form one pillar of a conceptual triad within Daoist philosophy. Wu-zhi refers to a state of consciousness where thought and understanding flow naturally and fluidly, without conscious force.

Selcouth – Derived from old English, meaning an uncommon, or alien, wonder or beauty.

Small Writing 1

May 6, 2016

Looking back over my life I realize that what I remember most is that which seems to say that all these things are one. The autumn sun on my face and my hand running through my dog’s fur. His soft tongue on my hand. I remember holding him for the first time and I remember laying him into the ground. Different, but not separate. Before and after only on the outside.

There are numberless moments beyond time. Winter swells burnished to platinum by the morning sun and the rough greyness of spruce bark under my hands. The faces of my family shifting before me, or the smell of rotten leaves, tread by beloved paws. The aching heat of the sun in my bones, speaking one of my true names to me. How can it be said that these are what was, but also what will be.

The Relationship of Consciousness and Energy in Forming Experienced Reality

July 25, 2014

Imagine two planes, each lying along the others surface. Every point of each plane is in contact with with the other. The first pane is consciousness. The second plane is energy.

Consciousness is a non-digital, non-mathematical, wholistic, continuum that cannot be separated into parts. it is defined by quality.

Energy is a digital, mathematical, dualistic, continuum that is by its nature separated into parts. It is defined by quantity.

Descending from the plane of consciousness are an infinite number of infinitely regressing singularities within the plane of energy. Each singularity represents a whole field of consciousness at any given moment. The structure of these fields of consciousness existing within the plane of energy is fractal. At each level there are an infinite number of irregularly spaced fields regressing outward and inward from any single perspective.

Every singularity of consciousness within the plane of energy remains connected through the plane of consciousness, though the perspective of each singularity is unique.

The Value of Weakness

March 10, 2014

Hold your own weakness in your open hands like the smallest injured creature. Do this with the fullest intent and see not yourself but the reality of what is. What is worthy within you will be drawn forth. The weakness and the worthy belong to all. When you see them truly in yourself you will see them truly in others. You will see them truly in what lies between every thing.

You will not crave strength or weakness. The path you have taken is the one that has brought you to see. Your experience is the only one that you can have in this moment. Every future moment is reality anew. Choice is what lies between them.

November 18, 2013

The illness of this world is reflected within me.

Ma’at on the Waters of Nun

June 13, 2013

I have been profoundly drawn to Kemetic (ancient Egyptian) knowledge in recent months. I had very little pull in this direction until Set-Suteka began speaking to me as my guide, with the exception of the truths revealed by reading The Western Lands, by William S. Burroughs.

Previously I had no key to the inner meaning of Kemetic thought. It was just a blur of strange symbols and random ideas, but I am feeling like I can begin to see the underlying knowledge and experiences which informed those symbols and expressions.

The Music is my greatest guide, and in the truest sense a part of my self. The music is the harmonious voices of each world in existence. Even a world out of balance sends a voice into the Music. When that voice returns to its own world it has been tempered and healed by the wisdom of all other worlds, so that it can guide its home along its true path. Learning about the oldest Kemetic origin and cosmology stories has taught me something very important about the limits of the Music, and by so doing has helped me to see it more clearly. The Music is almost synonymous with Ma’at, a concept and personification of truth, harmony and justice. In kemetic thought Ma’at is the bedrock of the created world, that even the solar creators beings stand upon, but Ma’at did not come first. First there were the Waters of Nun, or the abyss, the formless being from which all else arises, including the creators. Imbalance within the waters gave rise to the creators, and in turn their creation gave rise to Ma’at, the higher harmony of creation and living beings. The Waters of Nun persist. Non-being is always present, surrounding the created world. It is not evil, except when non-being erodes and infects the created world in the visage of Apep the water serpent. Ma’at is not a part of the Waters of Nun, as Ma’at is a part of created worlds. By this I do not mean that Ma’at or the Music are limited to worlds of physical form and matter, but that they only have meaning within the context of living, ordered reality, physical and non-physical that enfolds us.

I have for many years seen the forms of different worlds. I see them from within, as we experience life in this reality and I see them from outside, as beings such as Raven’s Eye have taught me to see. I see the outside of a world as threads of light bound into what my mind can only know as a sphere that floats within the infinite and indefinite abyss. Each thread of light is part of a law, or a contract that binds the energy of that reality into the self experiencing forms and natures that it contains. There are continua that connect and flow between these spheres of existence, but that is a vision for another time. The Music reverberates between the spheres, but I see so clearly now that it cannot ever be separated from them, just as Ma’at cannot be separated from the created world.

The Names of my Guides

June 10, 2013

The Music from Beyond the world who is also Ma’at and speaks with voices of all worlds

Set-Sutekha, who’s name is also wilderness and speaks with the voice of trial

Raven’s Eye Who is the Bowl of the World, who is my teacher

White Fox and Silver Fox who are my healing helpers

The spirit of the lemon grass who is my friend

The spirit of Neem who is my protector

The Blood Stone who journeys with me in darkness

I thank you all with my life

My Prayer

June 10, 2013

I have been death and I have been joy.

I have traveled through the underworld to be here with all of you, my family.

I have known the light in the darkness.

My friends I love you.

My enemies, when the wheel turns again, I hope we are brothers.

To my ancestors, I fight your evil everyday by making joy.

To my future, I hold your threads of silver in my mind.

To the Earth I give the beating of my heart.

To the Sun I give my thoughts and make them whole.

To my children, I give my life, without bars or pain.

To the world, I pray for you and ask you to come back to me.

Mind Spread

March 31, 2013

Best talks I’ve seen recently:

Jamais Casio probes the future:

Graham Hancock on the Joe Rogan Experience:

Where I’ve Been and Where I’m Going

March 7, 2013

I have been traveling through a real darkness over the last months.

I feel like I am coming out of it now. It’s been very difficult, but I know it will make my work better. It’s a sign of who I wish to work with. My clients are going to look into my eyes and see “that man knows the pain that I am feeling.” It’s a sign of who I want to be. I want to be able to look into my clients eyes and say “I know the pain you are feeling.”

I have to thank Laura Burns and Patricia Wilson of Hatha Girls for helping me through the last leg of my ongoing journey. As I’ve said before they are the real deal, powerful healers and mediums, and I wouldn’t be where I am today in terms of my development or my life if not for them. Working with them has not only helped me through this, but also helped me to develop tools that will help to protect me from the negative and wounded energies I need to work with and keep me from burning out in the future.

I have been able to choose tools to bolster and enrich my work that I previously could not because of my karmic history. I have been freed to improve my work in ways I couldn’t before. Months ago I asked my guides for “a practice that gave me separation from the unalloyed process. A gateway that I would have to choose to enter, instead of an unbidden power.” I see this as a continuation of that quest. I have spent years learning to hold an inner fire in my hands. Now, because I have moved through another part of my self, I can learn to hold that fire in a new way.

When you are afraid or uncomfortable with your light, your truth or your darkness, then those aspects of your being will make others uncomfortable. When those aspects of your being seduce and beguile you, then they will seduce and beguile others. When those aspects of your being have become transparent, neither sought nor rejected, but held like seeds in an open hand, then they will grow and bear gifts for you and all those in your life.

I have chosen another journey for myself. It feels good.