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Environment and program where top management representatives and company owners can find themselves and at the same time feel relaxed.

Emotive and unreserved atmosphere is intensified by music which is an inseparable part of the program.

Event where each participant is mainly himself…

Topic of the year 2015 was passion and fear at the workplace. Itzik Amiel, internationally renowned motivation speaker came to support the emotive side of passion.

Hanu Kasi: "no try" Performance evaluation = management Business = real attention

"Do you have an idea how to make the conference better? Contact us."

team Blue Events

KDYBY NĚCO, JSME TU PRO VÁS: Blue Events, Hlubočepská 38c, 152 00 Praha 5, Česká republika | email: info@BlueEvents.eu
Infolinka pro účastníky: +420 222 749 841 | Infolinka pro zájemce o propagaci: +420 737 216 978