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Fields marked with an * are required to complete your Opt-Out request.
Important Considerations: Opting-out, or choosing to have data about you removed from Acxiom's US marketing data products, will have two effects: 1) reduce the amount of unsolicited marketing offers you receive from companies with whom you have not done business and 2) reduce the relevance of marketing offers you receive from companies you do have a relationship with that are also Acxiom clients. This is because Acxiom clients use these marketing data products to better understand what offers may be of interest to you.
Your choice to opt-out with Acxiom will only impact marketers using our marketing data products. Therefore, we suggest you also consider opting-out directly from any company that sends you unwanted solicitations or use the Direct Marketing Association's consumer choice services, which applies to all DMA member companies. Bear in mind that opting out doesn’t mean you won’t receive any marketing offers or digital advertising.
Before opting-out we advise you review and download Acxiom's full U.S. Products Privacy Policy, which explains all our privacy practices and your full range of choices. It will help you understand the impact of your opt-out.
Acxiom's U.S. Products Privacy Policy
What Consumers Should Know
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If you have any questions about this opt-out, contact our consumer advocate at

Acxiom’s Online Opt-Out Request Process is intended only for individual consumer use. Third Party Opt-Out services are prohibited from using this process. Acxiom will accept opt-outs from qualified third parties. To obtain a copy of Acxiom’s third-party qualification criteria, please send an email to

Acxiom Corporation’s Online Opt-Out
To opt-out of Acxiom marketing products please indicate your preferences below. Your request will be processed within two weeks after you respond to the confirmation email but it could take some time before the removal of data about you becomes fully effective. Please note that this opt-out request is not effective for removal of data that may have been provided to marketers prior to your request. To complete the opt-out request online you must provide a valid email address in order to respond to the confirmation email that validates your request. If you do not have a valid email address, you may submit an opt-out request by calling us at (877) 774-2094 and following the prompts.
If you want to opt out of web-based targeting or targeting on mobile applications enabled by Acxiom, please use the cookie opt out and mobile advertising ID opt out mechanism provided by our Connectivity division here. If you want to opt out of targeted marketing on social media platforms please make sure to opt out of ALL of the options below – the opt out will take time to process and will not be immediate.
Opt-Out: I wish to have the following information about me removed from use in Acxiom's marketing data products.
The information provided on this form will be used only for the purpose of removing information about you from Acxiom’s marketing data products.
I certify that the information provided below relates to a single identity that is one of the following:
In the sections below, please add all variations of your name (i.e. nick names, former names, married name, common spellings or misspellings), phone numbers, email addresses, P.O. Boxes, and street addresses that are associated with, and which you would like added to the opt-out request. It is important that you provide the most accurate contact information possible for the opt-out to be effective.
Click on the located on the right side of a section, then enter the details of one name, address, email address or telephone number then click the Add button to save it to the list. You may add up to 10 entries per section. If more entries are necessary, please open a new opt-out request form. If you wish to remove an entry, click on the .
- please add all personal variations *
No Full Names have been added to the request
Phone Numbers - please add all phone number variations
No Phone Numbers have been added to the request
Email Addresses - please add all email address variations*
No Email Addresses have been added to the request
Mailing Addresses - please add all mailing address variations
No Mailing Addresses have been added to the request
By clicking SUBMIT, I accept the terms and conditions of this opt-out.

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