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Wednesday 17 August 2011

Wannabe president's husband 'cures' gays

Posted in: International News
By Daily News staff - 12th July 2011

Marcus Bachmann
US: The husband of Republican presidential candidate Michele Bachmann is denying he has tried to turn gay people straight by 'curing' them.

Marcus Bachmann is a Christian counselling therapist and although he says he has not practised 'reparative therapy', ex-patients say he did.

Witness Andrew Ramirez said that in 2004, as a teenager, he was sent to the clinic by his parents and told being gay was not an acceptable lifestyle in God's eyes.

Gay group Truth Wins Out has sent an undercover member to the clinic who left with no doubts Mr Bachmann & Associates tries to turn gay people straight. The undercover member says he was told that everyone is heterosexual but some people have "challenges".

Mr Bachmann also told a Christian radio station last year that gay people are barbarians who need to be disciplined: "We have to understand: Barbarians need to be educated. They need to be disciplined. Just because someone feels it or thinks it doesn't mean that we are supposed to go down that road. That's what is called the sinful nature. We have a responsibility as parents and as authority figures not to encourage such thoughts and feelings from moving into the action steps."

Michele Bachmann herself is against gay marriage and has stated gay people suffer sexual dysfunction and personal enslavement. She has also claimed that gays are "specifically targeting our children".

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