Hundreds 'March for Science' in San Antonio

Teachers, researchers, students, and average students that are just fans of science marched at San Pedro Park.

SAN ANTONIO - Hundreds of San Antonio citizen scientists came out to be part of the global “March for Science” campaign Saturday.

The group rallied at San Pedro Park and marched around the campus of San Antonio College, advocating for a broad spectrum of scientific concerns.

From a senior citizen toting a sign that read “Gradmas for Science,” to toddlers celebrating the planet, organizers encouraged the throng to raise their voices and their signs.

Isabelle Warrington carried a sign that read "I'm sure the dinosaurs thought they had time too."

"Science has been a really big part of my life. I love science. I love learning about science, and I can't imagine it being thrown to the side and people not considering how important it is to our future generations, to everyone," Warrington said.

Her friend, Sophia Mendez, agreed.

"I'm here because I realize how much science impacts not only me, but everyone else in the world, and I hope that our politics will learn that as well," Mendez said.

Bill Clarke, biomedical researcher at the Health Science Center, said he came to the event because he wanted to spread the message that the world depends on scientific research.

“I think that people just need to be aware that science is under attack, and we need to make sure that that doesn't happen,” Clarke said.

Clarke also said he was delighted with the turnout.

“I'm really, really so happy to see it because it just tells the world that people in San Antonio, people around the country, are excited about science and they understand the problem," he said.

Patricia Meredith carried a sign that read "Paws for a Moment of Science.” She agreed the turnout was a hopeful sign.

“It just makes me proud to be from San Antonio and Texas and part of this nationwide movement that all of us band together and support science and go forward instead of backwards,” Meredith said.

“I’m here because we're failing the country. We believe in science. We're science teachers. We can't live without science," local teacher Sasha Menard said.

“People love science and they want to come out and show their support for science, and how they feel about the country and how it's affecting what they love and cherish and believe in," Mari Brown, who also teaches science, said.

Brian Hughes made a sign that declared "Democracy Demands Data."

“For an effective democracy, we need to have good data, and good data means true data. I'm marching in support of the science that gives us good data," Hughes said.

Hughes said the crowd was three to four times the size he expected.

“I'm wildly excited to see this kind of turnout in San Antonio for a march for science. It's really fantastic,” Hughes said.

“I want to encourage everyone to think critically and not accept things that are not necessarily true, learn how to find the information that we need to think for ourselves,” UTSA professor Nicole Wicha said.

The local march was one of many held internationally Saturday. 

Here is a link to the website of the organizers.

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