[–] kestrel9 0 points 21 points (+21|-0) ago 

This is the must watch video...people may not believe PG but they'll believe the 'follow the money' insider. How to spread the video to mainstream?

[–] gh0st7 [S] 0 points 14 points (+14|-0) ago 

just spread it everywhere you can

[–] truther12 0 points 18 points (+18|-0) ago 

This video is being heavily supressed (downvoted or deleted) whenever someone posts it to any large social media site (Reddit, 4chan...). This is no wonder, because it gives so much credibility to the pedogate blackmail scandal.

[–] kestrel9 0 points 9 points (+9|-0) ago  (edited ago)

A good meme to make later (imo)... something to the effect of, 'You can't change the world, if you can't see the world'. Maybe have a picture of a lit candle (one that inspires hope, not a dark looking one)...include link to video. People can spread to friends on FB etc... Any other suggestions for memes welcome.

Edit again: I like this one a bit better https://i.imgflip.com/1nrok7.jpg

Edit: https://i.imgflip.com/1nrdek.jpg This one just has the youtube reference. People would have to write in the context depending on where they post it or to whom they recommend the link. I wish I could just embed the hyperlink, but I'm in tard brain mode right now lol.

[–] helpingabit12 0 points 2 points (+2|-0) ago  (edited ago)

Ronald Bernard, the other INTERESTING video interview! https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1812922

This is not only a whiteness he comes with solutions, and seems to know the rules of the system...

Youtubers are picking up the first video maybe someone can translate (parts) of the "second" video?

in my post are some translated sentences.

Some things he say / mention in other videos: - He want you to share his video's/information because his past is why he created the new initiative and he want to move forward with the participants knowing about his past.

Part of the initiative is starting a new bank, He explains how to start a new bank and the ways to accomplish this in a legal way: The bank also is called Bank of Joy.

His initiative also shares this video (Positive vibe):

Ronald Bernard (from De Blije B), want you to see this video: We Are The Creators. Rise Up! (Eng. Dutch Subs) (reminds me of the worlds most famous speech from Charlie Chaplin!) https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1812892

Charlie Chaplin - Final Speech from The Great Dictator https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J7GY1Xg6X20

[–] probus 0 points 11 points (+11|-0) ago 

Jesus fucking christ. If you would have showed me this video one year ago I would have called it complete bullshit. But the past year I have read a lot of conspiracies, from 9/11 to JFK, from MKULTRA to Tavistock, I read about Chomsky and his view on western propaganda, I took the entire redpill. And this video sums it all up, it makes so much sense now. I am 21 years old now, I have always been unsure what to do with my life, but now I sure as hell don't know what to do.

[–] EndTBTB 0 points 5 points (+5|-0) ago 

I'm in the same boat. 20, just finished college and this red pill I took a couple months back has fucked me up entirely.

[–] sunajAeon 0 points 4 points (+4|-0) ago 

This is a sign of your intelligence and character, be glad you did not waste your adult life on fantasy and corruption, life is good and your future is so bright you need to wear shades:)

[–] SoSpricyHotDog 0 points 2 points (+2|-0) ago 

Don't fret! No one knows what they want to do when they are 20. My grandfather told me "I have no idea what I want to do when I grow up" after he retired. Start with what makes you happy/what you are good at, and see if you can make it into a career. Then, balance work/life/crushing elite scum and you will be just fine.

Think of the red pill as a gift... you can see through the bullshit that most people never can, I'm not saying this makes you better than most people, but, it kind of does.

[–] andrevandelft 0 points 0 points (+0|-0) ago 

It is now a turbulent and confusing time. I realized 10 years ago that things were steadily getting worse: ever more frequent political problems. 2016 was worse than 2015, and this year is a bit like a roller coaster. So extrapolating I expect things to evolve even further this way.

I'd recommend you to stay calm and stable, invest in your future: education, starting a family etc. And meanwhile try to do good using your red pilled knowledge.

There is a positive side: the world has been ruled by criminals for ages, and that is finally starting to come to an end now, because of honest and active people like us. And you could read this piece:

Believe It Or Not, This Is What The Great Awakening Looks Like

[–] Vic138 0 points 11 points (+11|-0) ago 

A similar story was told by Scott Bennett, that the west (CIA) actually funds Al-Queda and other terrorist groups. Military officer and Booz Allen Hamilton employee in Psychological Warfare Scott Bennett turned whistleblower when he discovered the west (CIA) is funding terrorism (Al Queda/ISIS) through Union Bank of Switzerland (UBS) and HSBC. Imprisoned for 36 months for wearing his uniform on base (w/out being asked to) and filling out his housing form carelessly. While there he met Brad Berkenfeld (UBS whistleblower of the same reason - funding of terrorists thru 20,000+ UBS accounts).

Also, Walter Ratheneau said this in 1921 in a book: "Only three hundred men, each of whom knows all the others, govern the fate of Europe. They select their successors from their own entourage. These men have the means in their hands of putting an end to the form of the State, which they find unreasonable."

He was assassinated 6 months to the day after releasing that. That is similar to what Ronald Bernard said in this video.

[–] sunajAeon 0 points 0 points (+0|-0) ago 

Fascinating post-would love to hear any more information you have on this story

[–] equineluvr 0 points 10 points (+10|-0) ago 

The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion (arranged in folders) that the interviewee mentioned


[–] Jem777 0 points 8 points (+8|-0) ago 

Must watch. All those who have been shilling & lying are caught.

He encompasses all the truths many of us have been bringing. Elite banksters, intell., corrupt politicians, & judges, & L. E. are all involved.

Yes it is evil and yes they are Luceferian involved in child rape & sacrifices

[–] Kiwi_Slave 0 points 9 points (+9|-0) ago 

The biggest revelation from Ronald Bernard is not that the elite are Luciferian (delusional degenerates with a sick cult fantasy), but that they are meat puppets controlled by Lucifer. This is it. This is the bottom of the rabbit hole. For 150 years the establishment media and public school brainwashing has been atheist/humanist/materialist, there is no unseen world, all religions are false, psychic senses are just mental illness. Meanwhile, the elite are worshiping and making deals with fallen angels. "The greatest trick the Devil ever pulled was convincing the world he didn't exist."

As Ronald says, this is in the gospels, the "powers and principalities", but not just there, in many other traditions besides. Buddhism in Asia (not so much the watered down meditation schools in the west) addresses the spiritual conflict and the actual existence of demons.

Unfortunately, organized religion is not much help. Every tax exempt religious entity has already bent the knee to the prince of this world. There is an answer, maddeningly simple, yet hard for the modern mind to comprehend. Embrace humility and ask for help from upstairs. Good is vastly more powerful than evil. Good is just waiting for us to collectively wake up and ask for help. Tolkien is misunderstood as a linguist/historian who became an SF/fantasy writer, when in actuality he was an eccentric theologian. The Silmarillion, the prequel to the better known Lord of the Rings tells a very clear story. After hundreds of years of elves and men fighting an evil much greater than themselves, they are nearly destroyed. Only when the hero Eärendil voyages to Valinor (heaven), bends the knee in humility and asks for help does good rise to destroy evil.

As Ronald Bernard himself says, we all need to do is love, trust, open our hearts and minds, and develop a personal relationship with the highest power. It is that simple.

[–] Jem777 0 points 1 points (+1|-0) ago 

Completely agree with your insight. Over and over people say it is not real it is ridiculous to believe.

Yes it is real and true. This does go back to the beginning as you alluded. Many people have yet to realize the depth of this.

Many victims..Incredible courage for him to speak

[–] The_Roman_Numeral 0 points 0 points (+0|-0) ago 

That is the simple, yet most complicated dilemma most on these boards are faced with.

If they choose not to believe, they're doomed within humanity. Shill or Truther. Same boat. One has to simply read some of the replies within these threads to see where they stand on their knowledge of the existence of good and evil, and it's theological issue. It by way, greatly affects the outcome of their processed opinion and understanding when faced with these type of truths.

[–] UglyTruth 0 points 0 points (+0|-0) ago 

In the Catholic Exultset the purpose of the candle is to honour the name of the Lord, but only the name of Lucifer is mentioned.

Flammas eius lúcifer matutínus invéniat:

May this flame be found still burning by the Morning Star:


[–] The_Roman_Numeral 0 points 4 points (+4|-0) ago 

This is one of the most important whistle blowing testimonies I have seen in quite some time. I could feel his pain. I have done my duty to spread this as much as I could. I suggest we all do the same. He is very credible and people will see that for themselves. this needs to be mass consumed.

[–] Chronik 0 points 3 points (+3|-0) ago 

Since it's becoming so popular on voat why not email the "vrijemedia" and request more interviews with him about this matter? It might/might not work since they rely on donations. They also have articles about how msm called in "fake news" to silence journalists like them.

[–] seekingpeace 0 points 1 points (+1|-0) ago 

And where is the world's financial capital? The City of London, a sovereign city within London. Remember Saville and his pedophile entrapment schemes? Remember Ken Livingston said M16 were using boys from Kincora Boys Home to entrap Irish MoP's?

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