Home Security Vault 7: guide to leak data from Samsung TVs released

A guide for recording and exfiltrating audio data from Samsung F Series Smart Televisions has been released by WikiLeaks in the latest of its Vault 7 data dumps which it says came from the CIA.

The guide is for a tool known as Weeping Angel, based on one known as EXTENDING, that was referred to in earlier dumps.

This is the sixth lot of documents that WikiLeaks has dumped, beginning on 7 March.

The guide provides detailed instructions on how to build an implant on a Linux computer and place it on any Samsung F series TV using an USB stick.

The implant records audio from the TV's built-in microphone and either stores it or exfiltrates it.

Audio files can be extracted using a USB stick or setting up a Wi-Fi hotspot within range of the TV. It is also possible to listen to audio exfiltration live, using a Live Listen Tool, designed for use on a Windows OS.

The release of the tool came a day after the US hinted that it may be looking at formulating a case to arrest WikiLeaks publisher Julian Assange.

“We’ve seen too many breaches, and hopefully we’ll be able to strike back against those who violate our systems,” Attorney-General Jeff Sessions told CBS News.


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Sam Varghese

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A professional journalist with decades of experience, Sam for nine years used DOS and then Windows, which led him to start experimenting with GNU/Linux in 1998. Since then he has written widely about the use of both free and open source software, and the people behind the code. His personal blog is titled Irregular Expression.






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