POINT380 helps utilities and municipalities quantify opportunities and develop marketing analytics for deployment of efficiency and renewable resources in their service territories and communities.

Our Utility & Community Resource Strategy Practice

Many communities and public utility commissions are seeking to expand the scope and depth of the efficiency services provided to their constituents. Utilities and other service providers must confront the unique challenges of efficiency services marketplace to deliver measurable reductions in costs for consumers relative to the business-as-usual trajectory.

Efficiency services create financial benefits for both customer and utility, as well as for society as a whole. The split of financial benefits between customer, utility and society creates a situation where an efficiency technology may be economic overall, but may not provide enough direct benefit to any party to garner unilateral investment. In these cases, the parties must share both costs and benefits in such a way as to make it attractive to each. This requirement increases the complication and cost of transaction for efficiency services. Therefore, to reach higher levels of implementation, efficiency programs need to reduce the costs of transaction and provide effective incentives, which are found, in practice, to be very specific to particular types of customers. Also, efficiency services are almost always significantly more integrated with customers' infrastructure and behavior than traditional metered supplies. Thus they require a higher level of customer knowledge and more sophisticated value propositions to be successful.

Utility and community efficiency program managers must understand their customers' awareness, barriers, priorities and mindset to develop effective programs and marketing. However, the cost of developing this understanding for every customer segment in a diverse territory is cost prohibitive and potentially counterproductive. Point380 believes that strategic application of limited financial and management resources begins with quantitative segmentation and characterization of technical market opportunity.

Point380's market opportunity analytics provide managers with a clear picture of the relative importance all important market segments. The model is built on the latest efficiency and renewable measure data and uses clients' past program performance data to form the basis for projecting implementation goals. These analytics have become a key knowledge base for clients to define effective program strategy and structure. With a coherent multi-year strategy in hand, these organizations have been able to effectively prioritize and conduct customer market research required to develop and implement successful programs and to drive marketing results.

Our Services

Analytical Services
  • Consumption baselines and forecasts
  • Data collection audits and surveys
  • Efficiency and renewable resource supply curves
  • Market opportunity modeling
  • Risk adjusted cost analysis
Innovation Services
  • Energy and resource kaizen
  • Program design workshops
  • Product innovation programs