Support the Site

If you have found our site to be helpful, there are a number of ways you can support the project.

• Donating: We will gratefully accept donations of any size via our PayPal donate button below. Proceeds help us to expand and maintain the site. If you have any questions about donations you can consult our Support FAQ.

• Sharing: Alternatively, you can support the site by following us on Twitter & Facebook, by subscribing to our forthcoming YouTube channel, and by spreading the word amongst your friends and guild mates!

• White-Listing: If you use an ad blocking script, you can also white-list our adverts (don’t worry, we don’t use pop-ups!). The small contributions from the advert views help to pay our hosting fees.

• Commenting: Most importantly, keep visiting the site and leaving messages. Not only do your comments and questions help us to develop the site, but they can also be very helpful for other readers.

Anything you do to support WoW Roleplay Gear is greatly appreciated!

Support FAQ

Q. Can I donate without a PayPal account?
A. Yes you can. Here are the steps for how to do it:

    1. Click on the PayPal “Donate” button.
    2. Click on the “Continue” link beneath the bold headline “Don’t have a PayPal Account?”.
    3. Enter the amount you wish to donate into the box on the top of the screen and then click “Update Totals”.
    4. Fill out the form and then click on the “Review Donation and Continue” button to confirm and complete the donation.

Q. What will donations be used for?
A. Donations are used to cover the expenses of running and expanding the site. However, we also plan to use some funds for competition prizes in future, in line with our WoW Factor project.

Q. Do you accept volunteers to submit outfits/screenshots?
A. No, for now the site is a project between the two of us only. However, we greatly appreciate any feedback or additions you may wish to suggest for our articles, be it via comments, Twitter or email.

If you have any further questions about supporting WoW Roleplay Gear, you’re welcome to email us.

2 Responses to “Support the Site”

  1. RPer says:


    I was wondering if anyone have any sets/ideas for something that fits with the Cataclysm plate items: Anomuran Helm and Pauldrons of Unholy Rituals?

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