National News

Parking enforcement officer testifies at sex assault trial of three Toronto cops

TORONTO — A female parking enforcement officer is testifying today at the trial of three Toronto police officers accused of sexually assaulting her after a night of partying.

The Crown alleges the officers had sex with the woman at a downtown hotel without her consent.

Joshua Cabero, Leslie Nyznik, and Sameer Kara have all pleaded not guilty in connection with the alleged incident, which occurred between 12:20 a.m. and 3:30 a.m. on Jan. 17, 2015.

The trial has been shown surveillance video of the three officers and the complainant at various points before and after the alleged incident.

The defence has been focusing on the thoroughness of the lead detective on the case as well as some missing video from that night.

The woman cannot be named due to a standard publication ban.

The Canadian Press

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