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Trump Accuses Comey of Lies; Offers Sworn Testimony

  • President Trump emerged defiant after James B. Comey’s harsh testimony to Congress, accusing him of lying under oath and calling him “a leaker.”
  • But he also said that Mr. Comey’s comments “showed no collusion, no obstruction” regarding the Trump campaign and Russia.


Video by NATALIA V. OSIPOVA and NEETI UPADHYE. Photo by Doug Mills/The New York Times

A look at what we can glean from the questions the former director of the F.B.I would not answer publicly.

U.K. Election Manages to Make Brexit Even Harder

It was expected to create political clarity before negotiations to leave the European Union. Instead, Britain is staring at a hung Parliament and a deeply damaged Prime Minister Theresa May.


Settlements Won’t Aid Other Projects, Sessions Says

Attorney General Jeff Sessions signed an order this week to end the practice of requiring corporate wrongdoers to make payments to outside groups or causes.

Chang W. Lee/The New York Times. Technology by Samsung.

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Posing as a Reporter, He Hunted Putin’s Enemies

Pretending to be a reporter for Le Monde, the assassin pulled a gun and fired during an interview with two well-known soldiers in the war against separatists in eastern Ukraine.

Critic's Notebook

Frank Lloyd Wright Dreamed of Mile-High Skyscrapers

The architect didn’t like New York’s skyline, and thought about making the Guggenheim pink. A review of “Frank Lloyd Wright at 150: Unpacking the Archive” at the Museum of Modern Art.

10 Things to Do in New York City Now

It’s a big city, with plenty to do, see, hear and watch. Here’s a sampling of cultural highlights this weekend and over the week ahead.

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Where a Rockefeller Raised His Family

David Rockefeller’s double-wide mansion on the Upper East Side is being put on the market by his estate for $32.5 million.
