Amazon Web Services
General Reference (Version 1.0)

AWS Service Limits

The following tables provide the default limits for AWS services for an AWS account. Unless otherwise noted, each limit is region-specific. Many services contain limits that cannot be changed. For more information about the limits for a specific service, see the documentation for that service.

AWS Trusted Advisor offers a Service Limits check (in the Performance category) that displays your usage and limits for some aspects of some services. For more information, see Service Limits Check Questions in the Trusted Advisor FAQs.

You can take the following steps to request an increase for limits. These increases are not granted immediately, so it may take a couple of days for your increase to become effective.

To request a limit increase

  1. Open the AWS Support Center page, sign in, if necessary, and then choose Create Case.

  2. Under Regarding, choose Service Limit Increase.

  3. Under Limit Type, choose the type of limit to increase, fill in the necessary fields in the form, and then choose your preferred method of contact.

Default Limits

Amazon API Gateway Limits

The following limits apply to configuring and running an API in Amazon API Gateway and can be increased upon request to optimize performances of a deployed API in Amazon API Gateway.

Resource or Operation Default Limit
Throttle rate per account 10000 request per second (rps) with an additional burst capacity provided by the token bucket algorithm, using a maximum bucket capacity of 5000 requests.
APIs per account 60
API keys per account 500
Custom authorizers per API 10
Client certificates per account 60
Documentation parts per API 2000
Resources per API 300
Stages per API 10
Usage plans per account 300
Usage plans per API key 10

All of the per API limits can only be increased on specific APIs.

Limits in Amazon API Gateway in the API Gateway Developer Guide.

AWS Application Discovery Service Limits

Resource Default Limit
Inactive agents heartbeating but not collecting data 10,000
Active agents sending data to the service 250
Total collected data for all agents, per day 10 GB
Data storage duration before being purged 90 days

Amazon AppStream Limits


This information applies only to an older version of Amazon AppStream.

An Amazon AppStream account has a service limit of up to five concurrent streaming sessions:

  • Up to two concurrent streaming application deployments using the interactive wizard.

  • Up to three streaming applications in the Building, Active, or Error states.

For more information, see Amazon AppStream Application Lifecycle in the Amazon AppStream Developer Guide.

Amazon AppStream 2.0 Limits


This information applies only to the latest version, Amazon AppStream 2.0.

Default Limits Per Region

Resource Default Limit
Stacks 5 per account
Fleets 5 per account
Streaming instances 5 per account
Images 5 per account
Image builders 5 per account
Users 5 per account

Application Auto Scaling Limits

Resource Default Limit
Scalable targets 500
Scaling policies per scalable target 50
Step adjustments per scaling policy 20

Amazon Athena Limits

Resource Default Limit
Number of concurrent queries 5
Query timeout 30 minutes
Number of databases 100
Number of tables per database 100
Number of partitions per table 20,000

Auto Scaling Limits

Resource Default Limit
Launch configurations per region 100
Auto Scaling groups per region 20
Scaling policies per Auto Scaling group 50
Scheduled actions per Auto Scaling group 125
Lifecycle hooks per Auto Scaling group 50
SNS topics per Auto Scaling group 10
Load balancers per Auto Scaling group 50
Target groups per Auto Scaling group 50
Step adjustments per scaling policy 20

Auto Scaling Limits in the Auto Scaling User Guide.

AWS Batch Limits

Item Default Limit
Maximum number of compute environments 10
Maximum number of job queues 5
Maximum number of compute environments per job queue 3

For more information about these limits, see Service Limits in the AWS Batch User Guide.

AWS Certificate Manager (ACM) Limits

Item Default Limit
Number of ACM-provided certificates 100
Number of imported certificates 100
Number of domain names per ACM-provided certificate 10

For more information about these limits, see Limits in the AWS Certificate Manager User Guide.

AWS CloudFormation Limits

Resource Default Limit
Stacks 200

AWS CloudFormation Limits in the AWS CloudFormation User Guide.

Amazon CloudFront Limits

Resource Default Limit
Data transfer rate per distribution 40 Gbps
Requests per second per distribution 100,000
Web distributions per account 200
RTMP distributions per account 100
Alternate domain names (CNAMEs) per distribution 100
Origins per distribution 25
Cache behaviors per distribution 25
Whitelisted headers per cache behavior 10
Whitelisted cookies per cache behavior 10
SSL certificates per account when serving HTTPS requests using dedicated IP addresses (no limit when serving HTTPS requests using SNI) 2
Custom headers that you can have Amazon CloudFront forward to the origin 10 name–value pairs

Whitelisted query strings per cache behavior

For more information, see Configuring CloudFront to Cache Based on Query String Parameters in the Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide.

Request timeout per origin

For more information, see Request Timeout in the Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide.

Limits in the Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide.

AWS CloudHSM Limits

Resource Default Limit
HSM appliances 3
High-availability partition groups 20
Clients 800

Amazon CloudSearch Limits

Resource Default Limit
Partitions 10
Search instances 50

Understanding Amazon CloudSearch Limits in the Amazon CloudSearch Developer Guide.

AWS CloudTrail Limits

Resource Default Limit Comments
Trails per region 5 This limit cannot be increased.

Get, describe, and list APIs

10 transactions per second (TPS)

The maximum number of operation requests you can make per second without being throttled.

This limit cannot be increased.

All other APIs

1 transaction per second (TPS)

The maximum number of operation requests you can make per second without being throttled.

This limit cannot be increased.

Amazon CloudWatch Limits

Resource Default Limit Comments


3 transactions per second (TPS)

The maximum number of operation requests you can make per second without being throttled.

You can request a limit increase.


400 transactions per second (TPS)

The maximum number of operation requests you can make per second without being throttled.

You can request a limit increase.


25 transactions per second (TPS)

The maximum number of operation requests you can make per second without being throttled.

You can request a limit increase.


3 transactions per second (TPS)

The maximum number of operation requests you can make per second without being throttled.

You can request a limit increase.


150 transactions per second (TPS)

The maximum number of operation requests you can make per second without being throttled.

You can request a limit increase.

CloudWatch Limits in the Amazon CloudWatch User Guide.

Amazon CloudWatch Events Limits

Resource Default Limit Comments


100 per region per account

You can request a limit increase.

Before requesting a limit increase, examine your rules. You may have multiple rules each matching to very specific events. Consider broadening their scope by using fewer identifiers in your Events and Event Patterns. In addition, a rule can invoke several targets each time it matches an event. Consider adding more targets to your rules.

CloudWatch Events Limits in the Amazon CloudWatch Events User Guide.

Amazon CloudWatch Logs Limits

Resource Default Limit Comments


5000 log groups/account/region

If you exceed your log group limit, you get a ResourceLimitExceeded exception.

You can request a limit increase.


5 transactions per second (TPS)/account/region

If you experience frequent throttling, you can request a limit increase.


5 transactions per second (TPS)/account/region

This limit can be changed only in special circumstances. If you experience frequent throttling, contact AWS Support.


10 transactions per second (TPS)/account/region

We recommend subscriptions if you are continuously processing new data. If you need historical data, we recommend exporting your data to Amazon S3. This limit can be changed only in special circumstances. If you experience frequent throttling, contact AWS Support.

CloudWatch Logs Limits in the Amazon CloudWatch Logs User Guide.

AWS CodeBuild Limits

Resource Default Limit
Maximum number of build projects 1,000
Maximum number of concurrent running builds 20

Limits for AWS CodeBuild in the AWS CodeBuild User Guide.

AWS CodeCommit Limits

Resource Default Limit
Number of repositories 1,000 per AWS account

Limits in AWS CodeCommit in the AWS CodeCommit User Guide.

AWS CodeDeploy Limits

Resource Default Limit
Maximum number of applications associated with an AWS account in a single region 100
Maxium number of concurrent deployments associated with an AWS account 10
Maximum number of deployment groups associated with a single application 100
Maximum number of instances in a single deployment 500
Maximum number of event notification triggers in a deployment group 10

Limits in AWS CodeDeploy in the AWS CodeDeploy User Guide.

AWS CodePipeline Limits

Resource Default Limit

Maximum number of pipelines per region in an AWS account

US East (N. Virginia) (us-east-1): 40

US West (Oregon) (us-west-2): 60

EU (Ireland) (eu-west-1): 60

All other supported regions: 20

Number of stages in a pipeline

Minimum of 2, maxi­mum of 10

Number of actions in a stage

Minimum of 1, maxi­mum of 20

Number of parallel actions in a stage 5
Number of sequential actions in a stage 5

Number of custom actions per region in an AWS account


Maximum number of revisions running across all pipelines in an AWS account, per region

Five times the number of pipelines in the region

Maximum size of source artifacts

500 megabytes (MB)

Maximum number of times an action can be run per month

1,000 per calendar month

It may take up to two weeks to process requests for a limit increase.

Limits in AWS CodePipeline in the AWS CodePipeline User Guide.

Amazon Cognito User Pools Limits

Resource Default Limit
Maximum number of apps per user pool 25
Maximum number of user pools per account 60
Maximum number of user import jobs per user pool 50
Maximum number of identity providers per user pool 25

For information about additional documented limits, see Limits in Amazon Cognito in the Amazon Cognito Developer Guide.

Amazon Cognito Federated Identities Limits

Resource Default Limit
Maximum number of identity pools per account 60

For information about additional documented limits, see Limits in Amazon Cognito in the Amazon Cognito Developer Guide.

Amazon Cognito Sync Limits

Resource Default Limit
Maximum number of datasets per identity 20
Maximum number of records per dataset 1024
Maximum size of a single dataset 1 MB

For information about additional documented limits, see Limits in Amazon Cognito in the Amazon Cognito Developer Guide.

Amazon Connect Limits

Configuration area (per AWS account) Limit

Maximum Amazon Connect instances


Resource Default Limit

Maximum users


Maximum phone numbers


Maximum queues


Maximum queues per routing profile


Maximum routing profiles


Maximum hours of operation


Maximum transfer destinations


Maximum prompts


Maximum agent status


Maximum security profiles


Maximum contact flows


Maximum groups per level


Maximum reports


Maximum scheduled reports


Maximum active calls


Maximum sustained incoming call rate per second


Dialable outbound destination countries


For information about additional documented limits, see Service Limits in the Amazon Connect Administrator Guide.

AWS Config Limits

Resource Default Limit Notes
Number of AWS Config rules per region in your account 50

You can request a limit increase.

AWS Data Pipeline Limits

Attribute Limit Adjustable
Number of pipelines 100 Yes
Number of objects per pipeline 100 Yes
Number of active instances per object 5 Yes
Number of fields per object 50 No
Number of UTF8 bytes per field name or identifier 256 No
Number of UTF8 bytes per field 10,240 No
Number of UTF8 bytes per object 15,360 (including field names) No
Rate of creation of an instance from an object 1 per 5 minutes No
Retries of a pipeline activity 5 per task No
Minimum delay between retry attempts 2 minutes No
Minimum scheduling interval 15 minutes No
Maximum number of roll-ups into a single object 32 No
Maximum number of EC2 instances per Ec2Resource object 1 No

For additional limits, see AWS Data Pipeline Limits in the AWS Data Pipeline Developer Guide.

AWS Database Migration Service Limits

Resource Default Limit
Replication instances 20
Total amount of storage 6 TB
Replication subnet groups 20
Subnets per replication subnet group 20
Endpoints 100
Tasks 200
Endpoints per instance 20

AWS Device Farm Limits

Resource Default Limit Comments

App file size you can upload

4 GB

Number of devices that AWS Device Farm can test during a run


This limit can be increased to 100 upon request.

Number of devices you can include in a test run


Number of runs you can schedule


Duration of a remote access session

60 minutes

AWS Direct Connect Limits

Resource Default Limit Comment
Virtual interfaces per AWS Direct Connect connection 50 This limit cannot be increased.
Active AWS Direct Connect connections per region per account 10 To increase this limit, submit a request.
Routes per Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) session on a private virtual interface 100 This limit cannot be increased.
Routes per Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) session on a public virtual interface 1,000 This limit cannot be increased.
Connections per link aggregation group (LAG) 4 To increase this limit, submit a request.
Link aggregation groups (LAGs) per region 10 To increase this limit, submit a request.

AWS Directory Service Limits

Resource Default Limit
AD Connector directories 10
AWS Directory Service for Microsoft Active Directory (Enterprise Edition) directories 10
Simple AD directories 10
Manual snapshots 5 per Microsoft AD
Manual snapshots 5 per Simple AD

For information about additional documented limits, including limits on Amazon Cloud Directory, see AWS Directory Service Limits in the AWS Directory Service Admin Guide.

Amazon DynamoDB Limits

Resource Default Limit
US East (N. Virginia) Region:

Maximum capacity units per table or global secondary index

40,000 read capacity units and 40,000 write capacity units
US East (N. Virginia) Region:

Maximum capacity units per account

80,000 read capacity units and 80,000 write capacity units
All other regions:

Maximum capacity units per table or global secondary index

10,000 read capacity units and 10,000 write capacity units
All other regions:

Maximum capacity units per account

20,000 read capacity units and 20,000 write capacity units
Maximum number of tables 256

Limits in Amazon DynamoDB in the Amazon DynamoDB Developer Guide.

Amazon EC2 Container Registry (Amazon ECR) Limits

Resource Default Limit
Maximum number of repositories per account 1,000
Maximum number of images per repository 1,000

For information about additional documented limits, see Amazon ECR Service Limits in the Amazon EC2 Container Registry User Guide.

Amazon EC2 Container Service (Amazon ECS) Limits

Resource Default Limit
Number of clusters per region per account 1000
Number of container instances per cluster 1000
Number of services per cluster 500

For information about additional documented limits, see Amazon ECS Service Limits in the Amazon EC2 Container Service Developer Guide.

Amazon EC2 Systems Manager Limits

Resource Default Limit
Managed instances


Each AWS account can register/activate a maximum of 500 managed instances in a region.

Systems Manager documents


Each AWS account can create a maximum of 200 documents per region.

Privately shared Systems Manager document


A single Systems Manager document can be shared with a maximum of 1000 AWS accounts.

Publicly shared Systems Manager document


Each AWS account can publicly share a maximum of five documents.

Document associations


Each Systems Manager document can be associated with a maximum of 10,000 instances.

Inventory data collected per instance per call

1 MB

This maximum adequately supports most inventory collection scenarios. When this limit is reached, no new inventory data is collected for the instance. Inventory data previously collected is stored until the expiration.

Inventory data collected per instance per day

5 MB

When this limit is reached, no new inventory data is collected for the instance. Inventory data previously collected is stored until the expiration.

Custom Inventory Types


You can add up to 20 custom inventory types.

Custom Inventory Type Size

4 KB

This is the maximum size of the type, not the inventory collected.

Custom Inventory Type Attributes


This is the maximum number of attributes within the custom inventory type.

Inventory data expiration

30 days

If you terminate an instance, inventory data for that instance is deleted immediately. For running instances, inventory data older than 30 days is deleted. If you need to store inventory data longer than 30 days, you can use AWS Config to record history or periodically query and upload the data to an Amazon S3 bucket. For more information, see, Recording Amazon EC2 managed instance inventory in the AWS Config Developer Guide.

Maintenance Windows per account


Tasks per Maintenance Window


Targets per Maintenance Window


Instance IDs per target


Targets per task


Concurrent executions of a single Maintenance Window


Concurrent executions of Maintenance Windows


Maintenance Window execution history retention

30 days

Maximum number of parameters per account


Max size for parameter value

4096 characters

Max history for a parameter

100 past values

Patch baselines per account


Patch groups per patch baseline


AWS Elastic Beanstalk Limits

Resource Default Limit
Applications 75
Application Versions 1000
Environments 200

Amazon Elastic Block Store (Amazon EBS) Limits

Resource Default Limit
Number of EBS volumes 5,000
Number of EBS snapshots 10,000
Total volume storage of General Purpose SSD (gp2) volumes 20 TiB
Total volume storage of Provisioned IOPS SSD (io1) volumes 20 TiB
Total volume storage of Throughput Optimized HDD (st1) 20 TiB
Total volume storage of Cold HDD (sc1) 20 TiB
Total volume storage of Magnetic volumes 20 TiB
Total provisioned IOPS 40,000 

Amazon EC2 Service Limits in the Amazon EC2 User Guide for Linux Instances.

Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) Limits

Resource Default Limit
Elastic IP addresses for EC2-Classic 5
Security groups for EC2-Classic per instance 500
Rules per security group for EC2-Classic 100
Key pairs 5,000
Throttle on the emails that can be sent from your Amazon EC2 account Throttle applied
On-Demand Instances Limits vary depending on instance type. For more information, see How many instances can I run in Amazon EC2.
Spot Instances Limits vary depending on instance type, region, and account. For more information, see Spot Instance Limits.
Reserved Instances 20 Reserved Instances per Availability Zone, per month, plus 20 regional Reserved Instances.
Dedicated Hosts Up to two Dedicated Hosts per instance family, per region can be allocated.
AMI Copies Destination regions are limited to 50 concurrent AMI copies at a time, with no more than 25 of those coming from a single source region.

For information about related limits for EC2-VPC, see Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (Amazon VPC) Limits.

For information about viewing your current limits, see Amazon EC2 Service Limits in the Amazon EC2 User Guide for Linux Instances.

Amazon Elastic File System Limits

Resource Default Limit
Total throughput per file system 3 GB/s for all connected clients

Amazon EFS Limits in the Amazon Elastic File System User Guide.

Elastic Load Balancing Limits

Elastic Load Balancing supports two types of load balancers: Application Load Balancers and Classic Load Balancers.

Application Load Balancers

Resource Default Limit
Load balancers per region 20
Target groups per region 200
Listeners per load balancer 10
Targets per load balancer 1000
Subnets per Availability Zone per load balancer 1
Security groups per load balancer 5
Rules per load balancer (not counting default rules) 100
Number of times a target can be registered per load balancer 100
Load balancers per target group 1
Targets per target group 1000

Classic Load Balancers

Resource Default Limit
Load balancers per region 20
Listeners per load balancer 100
Security groups per load balancer 5
Subnets per Availability Zone per load balancer 1

This limit includes both your Application LoadBalancers and your Classic Load Balancers. This limit can be increased upon request.

Amazon Elastic Transcoder Limits

Resource Default Limit
Pipelines per region 4
User-defined presets 50
Maximum number of jobs processed simultaneously by each pipeline

US East (N. Virginia) Region – 20

US West (N. California) Region – 12

US West (Oregon) Region – 20

Asia Pacific (Mumbai) Region – 12

Asia Pacific (Singapore) Region – 12

Asia Pacific (Sydney) Region – 12

Asia Pacific (Tokyo) Region – 12

EU (Ireland) Region – 20

It may take up to two weeks to process requests for a limit increase.

Amazon Elastic Transcoder limits in the Amazon Elastic Transcoder Developer Guide.

Amazon ElastiCache Limits

For information on ElastiCache terminology, see ElastiCache Components and Features.

Resource Default Limit Description
Nodes per region 100 The maximum number of nodes across all clusters in a region. This limit applies to both your reserved and nonreserved nodes within the given region. You can have up to 100 reserved nodes and 100 nonreserved nodes in the same region.
Nodes per cluster (Memcached) 20 The maximum number of nodes in an individual Memcached cluster.
Nodes per shard (Redis) 6 The maximum number of nodes in an individual Redis shard (node group). One node is the read/write Primary. All other nodes are read-only Replicas.
Shards per Cluster (Redis cluster mode disabled) 1 The maximum number of shards (node groups) in a Redis (cluster mode disabled) cluster.
Shards per Cluster (Redis cluster mode enabled) 15 The maximum number of shards (node groups) in a Redis (cluster mode enabled) cluster.
Parameter groups per region 20 The maximum number of parameters groups you can create in a region.
Security groups per region 50 The maximum number of security groups you can create in a region.
Subnet groups per region 50 The maximum number of subnet groups you can create in a region.
Subnets per subnet group 20 The maximum number of subnets you can define for a subnet group.

These limits are global limits per customer account. To exceed these limits, make your request using the ElastiCache Node request form.

Amazon Elasticsearch Service Limits

Resource Default Limit
Number of Amazon ES instances per cluster 20 (except for T2 instance types, which have a maximum of 10).


The default limit is 20 instances per domain. To request an increase up to 100 instances per domain, create a case with the AWS Support Center.

Amazon GameLift Limits

Resource Default Limit
Aliases 20
Fleets 20
Builds 1000
Total size of builds 100 GB
Log upload size per game session 200 MB
On-demand instances Limits vary depending on instance type;

20 instances per account, regardless of instance type

Server processes per instance

1 with GameLift SDK v2.x

50 with GameLift SDK v3.x and up

Player sessions per game session 200

Scaling Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) Instances in the Amazon GameLift Developer Guide.

AWS Greengrass Limits

AWS Greengrass Cloud API Limits

Description Limit
Maximum number of AWS IoT devices in a group. 200
Maximum number of Lambda functions in a group. 200
Maximum number of transactions per second (TPS) on the AWS Greengrass API. 30
Maximum number of subscriptions per AWS Greengrass group. 1000
Maximum number of subscriptions that specify Cloud as the source per AWS Greengrass group. 50
Maximum length of a Core thing name. 124 bytes of UTF-8 encoded characters.

AWS Greengrass core Limits

Description Limit
Maximum number of routing table entries that specify "Cloud" as the source. 50 (matches AWS IoT subscription limit)
Maximum size of messages sent by an AWS IoT device. 128 KB (matches AWS IoT message size limit)
Maximum message queue size in the Greengrass core router. 2.5 MB
Maxium length of a topic string 256 bytes of UTF-8 encoded characters.
Maximum number of forward slashes '/' in a topic or topic filter. 7
Minimum disk space needed to run the Greengrass core software 128 MB
Minimum RAM to run the Greengrass core software 128 MB
Automatic IP detection should not be used when:
  • IP address changes are frequent.

  • Interruption of the Greengrass core service is unacceptable.

  • The Greengrass core is multi-homed or Greengrass devices cannot reliably determine which IP address to use.

  • Reporting of Greengrass core IP addresses to the cloud may raise security concerns.

The Greengrass core software provides a service to automatically detect the IP address(es) of your Greengrass core devices. It sends this information to the AWS Greengrass cloud service and allows AWS IoT devices to download the IP address of the Greengrass core they need to connect to. This feature should not be used in the following circumstances:

  • The IP address of a Greengrass core device changes frequently.

  • The Greengrass core device must always be available to AWS IoT devices in it's group.

  • The Greengrass core has multiple IP addresses and an AWS IoT device is unable to reliably determine which address to use.

  • Sending IP addresses to the cloud raises security concerns.

AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) Limits

Resource Default Limit
Groups per account 100
Instance profiles 100
Roles 250
Server certificates 20
Users 5000

Limitations on IAM Entities and Objects in the IAM User Guide.

AWS Import/Export Limits

AWS Snowball (Snowball)

Resource Default Limit Comments
Snowball 1

To increase this limit, contact AWS Support.

Amazon Inspector Limits

Resource Default Limit
Running agents 500
Assessment runs 50,000
Assessment templates 500
Assessment targets 50

For more information, see the Amazon Inspector User Guide.

AWS IoT Limits

Thing Limits

Resource Limit
Thing name size 128 bytes of UTF-8 encoded characters. This limit applies for both the thing registry and Thing Shadow services.
Maximum number of thing attributes for a thing with a thing type 50
Maximum number of thing attribute for a thing without a thing type 3
Number of thing types that can be associated with a thing 1
Maximum number of thing types in an AWS account Unlimited

Message Broker Limits

Client ID size 128 bytes of UTF-8 encoded characters.
Connection inactivity (keep-alive interval)

By default, an MQTT client connection is disconnected after 30 minutes of inactivity. When the client sends a PUBLISH, SUBSCRIBE, PING, or PUBACK message, the inactivity timer is reset.

A client can request a shorter keep-alive interval by specifying a value between 5-1,200 seconds in the MQTT CONNECT message sent to the server. If a keep-alive value is specified, the server disconnects the client if it does not receive a PUBLISH, SUBSCRIBE, PINGREQ, or PUBACK message within a period 1.5 times the requested interval. The keep-alive timer starts after the sender sends a CONNACK.

If a client sends a keep-alive value of zero, the default keep-alive behavior remains in place.

If a client requests a keep-alive shorter than 5 seconds, the server treats the client as though it requested a keep-alive interval of 5 seconds.

The keep-alive timer begins immediately after the server returns a CONNACK to the client. There might be a brief delay between the client's sending of a CONNECT message and the start of keep-alive behavior.

Connect requests per second per account

AWS IoT limits an account to a maximum of 300 MQTT CONNECT requests per second.

Maximum number of slashes in topic and topic filter

A topic provided while publishing a message or a topic filter provided while subscribing can have no more than 7 forward slashes (/).

Maximum inbound unacknowledged messages

The message broker allows 100 in-progress unacknowledged messages per client. (This limit is applied across all messages that require ACK.) When this limit is reached, no new messages are accepted from this client until an ACK is returned by the server.

Maximum outbound unacknowledged messages

The message broker allows only 100 in-progress unacknowledged messages per client. (This limit is applied across all messages that require ACK.) When this limit is reached, no new messages are sent to the client until the client acknowledges the in-progress messages.

Maximum retry interval for delivering QoS 1 messages If a connected client is unable to receive an ACK on a QoS 1 message for one hour, the message broker drops the message. The client might be unable to receive the message if it has 100 in-flight messages, it is being throttled due to large payloads, or other errors.
Maximum subscriptions per subscribe call

A single SUBSCRIBE call is limited to request a maximum of eight subscriptions.

Message size

The payload for every PUBLISH message is limited to 128 KB. The AWS IoT service rejects messages larger than this size.

Publish requests per second per account

9000 per second per account (inbound publishes - max. 3000 per second, outbound publishes - max. 6000 per second)

Inbound publishes count for all the messages that the message broker processes before routing the messages to the subscribed clients or the rules engine. For example, a single message published on $aws/things/device/shadow/update topic can result in publishing three additional messages to $aws/things/device/shadow/update/accepted, $aws/things/device/shadow/update/documents, $aws/things/device/shadow/delta topics. In this case, AWS IoT counts those as 4 inbound publishes towards this limit. However, a single message to an unreserved topic like "a/b" is counted only as a single inbound publish

Outbound publishes count for every message that resulted in matching a client's subscription or matching a rules engine subscription. For example, two clients are subscribed to topic filter 'a/b' and a rule is subscribed to topic filter 'a/#'. An inbound publish message on topic 'a/b' results in a total of 3 outbound publishes.


Inbound and outbound publishes cannot be traded for each other, for example, if only 1,000 inbound publishes per second are used, the maximum outbound publishes per second remains 6,000.

Restricted client ID prefix '$' is reserved for internally generated client IDs.
Restricted topic prefix Topics beginning with '$' are considered reserved and are not supported for publishing and subscribing except when working with the Thing Shadows service.

Subscriptions per second per account

AWS IoT limits an account to a maximum of 500 subscriptions per second. For example, if there are two MQTT SUBSCRIBE calls within a second with 3 subscriptions (topic filters) each, AWS IoT counts those as 6 subscriptions towards this limit.

Subscriptions per session

The message broker limits each client session to subscribe to up to 50 subscriptions. A SUBSCRIBE request that pushes the total number of subscriptions past 50 results in the connection being disconnected.

Throughput per connection

AWS IoT limits the ingress and egress rate on each client connection to 512 KB/s. Data sent or received at a higher rate is throttled to this throughput.

Topic size The topic passed to the message broker when publishing a message cannot exceed 256 bytes of UTF-8 encoded characters.
WebSocket connection duration

WebSocket connections are limited to 24 hours. If the limit is exceeded, the WebSocket connection is automatically closed when an attempt is made to send a message by the client or server. To maintain an active WebSocket connection for longer than 24 hours, simply close and reopen the WebSocket connection from the client side before the time limit elapses.

AWS IoT supports keep-alive values specified in MQTT CONNECT messages. When a client specifies a keep-alive value, the client tells the server to disconnect the client and transmit any last-will message associated with the MQTT session if the server does not receive a message (PUBLISH, SUBSCRIBE, PUBACK, PINGREQ) within 1.5 times the keep-alive period. AWS IoT supports keep-alive values between 5 seconds and 20 minutes. If a client requests no keep-alive (that is, sets the field to 0 in the MQTT CONNECT message), the server sets the keep-alive value to 20 minutes, which corresponds to the maximum idle time supported by AWS IoT of 30 minutes. Most MQTT clients (including the AWS SDK clients) support keep-alive values by sending a PINGREQ if the keep-alive period expires without the transmission of any other message by the client.

Device Shadow Limits

Maximum depth of JSON device state documents The maximum number of levels in the desired or reported section of the JSON device state document is 5. For example:
"desired": { "one": { "two": { "three": { "four": { "five":{ } } } } } }
Maximum number of in-flight, unacknowledged messages The Thing Shadows service supports up to 10 in-flight unacknowledged messages. When this limit is reached, all new shadow requests is rejected with a 429 error code.
Maximum number of JSON objects per AWS account There is no limit on the number of JSON objects per AWS account.
Maximum size of a JSON state document 8 KB.
Maximum size of a thing name 128 bytes of UTF-8 encoded characters.
Shadow lifetime A thing shadow is deleted by AWS IoT up to six months after the creating account is deleted or per customer request. For operational purposes, AWS IoT service backups are kept for 6 months

Security and Identity Limits

Maximum number of CA certificates with the same subject field allowed per AWS account per region 10
Maximum number of policies that can be attached to a certificate or Amazon Cognito identity 10
Maximum number of named policy versions 5
Maximum policy document size 2048 characters (excluding white space)
Maximum number of device certificates that can be registered per second 15

Throttling Limits

API Transaction per Second
AcceptCertificateTransfer 10
AttachPrincipalPolicy 15
AttachThingPrincipal 15
CancelCertificateTransfer 10
CreateCertificateFromCsr 15
CreatePolicy 10
CreatePolicyVersion 10
CreateThing 15
CreateThingType 15
DeleteCertificate 10
DeleteCACertificate 10
DeletePolicy 10
DeletePolicyVersion 10
DeleteThing 15
DeleteThingType 15
DeprecateThingType 15
DescribeCertificate 10
DescribeCACertificate 10
DescribeThing 10
DescribeThingType 10
DetachThingPrincipal 15
DetachPrincipalPolicy 15
DeleteRegistrationCode 10
GetPolicy 10
GetPolicyVersion 15
GetRegistrationCode 10
ListCACertificates 10
ListCertificates 10
ListCertificatesByCA 10
ListOutgoingCertificates 10
ListPolicies 10
ListPolicyPrincipals 10
ListPolicyVersions 10
ListPrincipalPolicies 15
ListPrincipalThings 10
ListThings 10
ListThingPrincipals 10
ListThingTypes 10
RegisterCertificate 10
RegisterCACertificate 10
RejectCertificateTransfer 10
SetDefaultPolicyVersion 10
TransferCertificate 10
UpdateCertificate 10
UpdateCACertificate 10
UpdateThing 10

AWS IoT Rules Engine Limits

Maximum number of rules per AWS account 1000
Actions per rule A maximum of 10 actions can be defined per rule.
Rule size Up to 256 KB of UTF-8 encoded characters (including white space).

AWS Key Management Service (AWS KMS) Limits

Resource Default Limit
Customer Master Keys (CMKs) 1000
Aliases 1100
Grants per CMK 2500
Grants for a given principal per CMK 500
Requests per second Varies by API operation; see Limits in the AWS Key Management Service Developer Guide.

All limits in the preceding table apply per region and per AWS account.

Limits in the AWS Key Management Service Developer Guide.

Amazon Kinesis Firehose Limits

Resource Default Limit
Delivery streams per region


Delivery stream capacity †

2,000 transactions/second

5,000 records/second

5 MB/second

† The three capacity limits scale proportionally. For example, if you increase the throughput limit to 10MB/second, the other limits increase to 4,000 transactions/second and 10,000 records/second.

Amazon Kinesis Firehose Limits in the Amazon Kinesis Firehose Developer Guide.

Amazon Kinesis Streams Limits

Resource Default Limit
Shards per region

US East (N. Virginia) Region – 500

US West (Oregon) Region – 500

EU (Ireland) Region – 500

All other supported regions – 200

Amazon Kinesis Streams Limits in the Amazon Kinesis Streams Developer Guide.

AWS Lambda Limits

Resource Limit
Concurrent requests safety throttle per account 100

AWS Lambda Limits in the AWS Lambda Developer Guide.

Amazon Lightsail Limits

Resource Default Limit Comment
Number of instances 20 per account This limit cannot be increased.
Number of Elastic IP addresses 5 per account This limit cannot be increased.
Number of parallel SSH connections 3 x the number of instances in the account This limit cannot be increased.
Number of hosted zones 3 per account This limit cannot be increased.

Amazon Machine Learning (Amazon ML) Limits

Resource Default Limit
Data file size* 100 GB
Batch prediction input size 1 TB
Batch prediction input (number of records) 100 million
Number of variables in a data file (schema) 1,000
Recipe complexity (number of processed output variables) 10,000
Transactions Per Second for each real-time prediction endpoint 200
Total Transactions Per Second for all real-time prediction endpoints 10,000
Total RAM for all real-time prediction endpoints 10 GB
Number of simultaneous jobs 25
Longest run time for any job 7 days
Number of classes for multiclass ML models 100
ML model size 2 GB


The size of your data files is limited to ensure that jobs finish in a timely manner. Jobs that have been running for more than seven days are automatically terminated, resulting in a FAILED status.

Amazon ML Limits in the Amazon Machine Learning Developer Guide.

AWS OpsWorks for Chef Automate Limits

Resource Default Limit
Chef servers 5
User-initiated (manual) backup generations 10
Automated (scheduled) backup generations 30

AWS OpsWorks Stacks Limits

Resource Default Limit
Stacks 40
Layers per stack 40
Instances per stack 40
Apps per stack 40

AWS Organizations Limits

Resource Default Limit
Accounts per organization 20
Invitations sent per day 20

Limits of AWS Organizations in the AWS Organizations User Guide.

Amazon Polly Limits

  • Throttle rate per IP address: 100 transactions (requests) per second (tps) with a burst limit of 120 tps.

  • Throttle rate per operation:

    Throttle Rate per Operation








    Any 2 transactions per second (tps) from these operations combined.

    Maximum allowed burst of 4 tps.



    80 rps with a burst limit of 100 tps


    80 rps with a burst limit of 100 tps

Amazon Pinpoint Limits

Resource Default Limit
Active campaigns per account 100
Apps per account 100
Concurrent endpoint import jobs per account 2
Custom event types per app 1500
Endpoint custom attributes per app 40
Endpoints per mobile app user 10
Message sends per campaign activity 100 million
Segments per app 200
Total file size per endpoint import job 1 GB

Amazon Redshift Limits

Resource Default Limit
Nodes per cluster 101
Nodes 200
Reserved Nodes 200
Snapshots 20
Parameter Groups 20
Security Groups 20
Subnet Groups 20
Subnets per Subnet Group 20
Event Subscriptions 20

Limits in Amazon Redshift in the Amazon Redshift Cluster Management Guide.

Amazon Relational Database Service (Amazon RDS) Limits

Resource Default Limit
Clusters 40
Cluster parameter groups 50
DB Instances 40
Event subscriptions 20
Manual snapshots 100
Manual cluster snapshots 50
Option groups 20
Parameter groups 50
Read replicas per master 5
Reserved instances (purchased per month) 40
Rules per security group 20
Security groups 25
Security groups (VPC) 5
Subnet groups 50
Subnets per subnet group 20
Tags per resource 50
Total storage for all DB instances 100 TB

Amazon Route 53 Limits

Resource Default Limit
Hosted zones 500
Domains 50
Resource record sets per hosted zone 10,000
Reusable delegation sets 100
Hosted zones that can use the same reusable delegation set 100
Amazon VPCs that you can associate with a private hosted zone 100
Health checks 50
Traffic policies 50
Policy records 5

Amazon Route 53 Limits in the Amazon Route 53 Developer Guide.

AWS Server Migration Service Limits

Resource Default Limit
Concurrent VM migrations 50 per account

Maximum duration of service usage per VM (not per account), beginning with the initial replication of a VM. We terminate an ongoing replication after this period, unless a customer requests a limit increase.

90 days

AWS Service Catalog Limits

Resource Default Limit
Portfolios 25 per account
Users, groups, and roles 25 per portfolio
Products 25 per portfolio, 100 total per account
Product versions 50 per product
Constraints 25 per product per portfolio
Tags 20 per product, 20 per portfolio, 50 per provisioned product
Stacks 200 (AWS CloudFormation limit)

AWS Shield Advanced Limits

AWS Shield Advanced offers advanced monitoring and protection for up to 100 CloudFront distributions, Amazon Route 53 hosted zones or Elastic Load Balancing resources combined.

Amazon Simple Email Service (Amazon SES) Limits

The following are the default limits for Amazon SES in the sandbox environment.

Resource Default Limit
Daily sending quota 200 messages per 24-hour period.
Maximum send rate 1 email per second.


The rate at which Amazon SES accepts your messages might be less than the maximum send rate.

Recipient address verification All recipient addresses must be verified.

Limits in Amazon SES in the Amazon Simple Email Service Developer Guide.

Amazon Simple Notification Service (Amazon SNS) Limits

Resource Default Limit
Topics 100,000
Account spend threshold for SMS 1.00 USD
Delivery rate for promotional SMS messages 20 messages per second
Delivery rate for transactional SMS messages 20 messages per second

To increase any of these limits, submit a request.

Amazon SNS API Throttling Limits

API Transaction per Second
ListEndpointsByPlatformApplication 30
ListTopics 30
ListPlatformApplications 15
ListSubscriptions 30
ListSubscriptionsByTopic 30
Subscribe 100
Unsubscribe 100

Amazon Simple Queue Service (Amazon SQS)

Amazon SQS Limits in the Amazon Simple Queue Service Developer Guide and the "Limits and Restrictions" section of the Amazon SQS FAQs.

Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) Limits

Resource Default Limit
Buckets 100 per account

Amazon S3 limits in the Amazon Simple Storage Service Developer Guide.

Amazon Simple Workflow Service (Amazon SWF) Limits

Amazon SWF Limits in the Amazon Simple Workflow Service Developer Guide.

Amazon SimpleDB Limits

Resource Default Limit
Domains 250

Amazon SimpleDB Limits in the Amazon SimpleDB Developer Guide.

AWS Step Functions Limits

AWS Step Functions Limits in the AWS Step Functions Developer Guide.

AWS Storage Gateway Limits

AWS Storage Gateway Limits in the AWS Storage Gateway User Guide.

Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (Amazon VPC) Limits

Resource Default limit Comments

VPCs per region


The limit for Internet gateways per region is directly correlated to this one. Increasing this limit increases the limit on Internet gateways per region by the same amount. To increase this limit, submit a request.

Subnets per VPC


To increase this limit, submit a request.

Internet gateways per region


This limit is directly correlated with the limit on VPCs per region. You cannot increase this limit individually; the only way to increase this limit is to increase the limit on VPCs per region. Only one Internet gateway can be attached to a VPC at a time.

Egress-only Internet gateways per region 5 This limit is directly correlated with the limit on VPCs per region. You cannot increase this limit individually; the only way to increase this limit is to increase the limit on VPCs per region. Only one egress-only Internet gateway can be attached to a VPC at a time.

Virtual private gateways per region


To increase this limit, contact AWS Support; however, only one virtual private gateway can be attached to a VPC at a time.

Customer gateways per region


To increase this limit, contact AWS Support.

VPN connections per region


To increase this limit, submit a request.

VPN connections per VPC (per virtual private gateway)


To increase this limit, submit a request.

Route tables per VPC


Including the main route table. You can associate one route table to one or more subnets in a VPC.

Routes per route table (non-propagated routes)


This is the limit for the number of non-propagated entries per route table. You can submit a request for an increase of up to a maximum of 100; however, network performance may be impacted. This limit is enforced separately for IPv4 routes and IPv6 routes (50 each, and a maximum of 100 each).

BGP advertised routes per route table (propagated routes)


You can have up to 100 propagated routes per route table. This limit cannot be increased. If you require more than 100 prefixes, advertise a default route.

Elastic IP addresses per region for each AWS account


This is the limit for the number of VPC Elastic IP addresses you can allocate within a region. This is a separate limit from the Amazon EC2 Elastic IP address limit. To increase this limit, submit a request.

Security groups per VPC


To increase this limit, you can submit a request.

Inbound or outbound rules per security group


You can have 50 inbound and 50 outbound rules per security group (giving a total of 100 combined inbound and outbound rules). To increase or decrease this limit, you can contact AWS Support — a limit change applies to both inbound and outbound rules. However, the multiple of the limit for inbound or outbound rules per security group and the limit for security groups per network interface cannot exceed 250. For example, if you increase the limit to 100, we decrease your number of security groups per network interface to 2.

This limit is enforced separately for IPv4 rules and IPv6 rules. A rule that references a security group counts as one rule for IPv4 and one rule for IPv6.

Security groups per network interface


To increase or decrease this limit, you can contact AWS Support. The maximum is 16. The multiple of the limit for security groups per network interface and the limit for rules per security group cannot exceed 250. For example, if you want 10 security groups per network interface, we decrease your number of rules per security group to 25.

Network interfaces per instance


This limit varies by instance type. For more information, see IP Addresses Per ENI Per Instance Type.

Network interfaces per region


This limit is the greater of either the default limit (350) or your On-Demand Instance limit multiplied by 5. The default limit for On-Demand Instances is 20. If your On-Demand Instance limit is below 70, the default limit of 350 applies. You can increase the number of network interfaces per region by contacting AWS Support, or by increasing your On-Demand Instance limit.

Network ACLs per VPC


You can associate one network ACL to one or more subnets in a VPC. This limit is not the same as the number of rules per network ACL.

Rules per network ACL


This is the one-way limit for a single network ACL, where the limit for ingress rules is 20, and the limit for egress rules is 20. This limit includes both IPv4 and IPv6 rules, and includes the default deny rules (rule number 32767 for IPv4 and 32768 for IPv6, or an asterisk * in the Amazon VPC console).

This limit can be increased upon request up to a maximum if 40; however, network performance may be impacted due to the increased workload to process the additional rules.

Active VPC peering connections per VPC


To increase this limit, contact AWS Support. The maximum limit is 125 peering connections per VPC. The number of entries per route table should be increased accordingly; however, network performance may be impacted.

Outstanding VPC peering connection requests


This is the limit for the number of outstanding VPC peering connection requests that you've requested from your account. To increase this limit, contact AWS Support.

Expiry time for an unaccepted VPC peering connection request

1 week (168 hours)

To increase this limit, contact AWS Support.

VPC endpoints per region


To increase this limit, contact AWS Support. The maximum limit is 255 endpoints per VPC, regardless of your endpoint limit per region.

Flow logs per single network interface, single subnet, or single VPC in a region

2 You can effectively have 6 flow logs per network interface if you create 2 flow logs for the subnet, and 2 flow logs for the VPC in which your network interface resides. This limit cannot be increased.
NAT gateways per Availability Zone 5 To increase this limit, submit a request. A NAT gateway in the pending, active, or deleting state counts against your limit.

Amazon VPC Limits in the Amazon VPC User Guide.

AWS WAF Limits

AWS WAF has default limits on the number of entities per account. You can request an increase in these limits.

Resource Default Limit

Web ACLs per AWS account


Rules per AWS account


Conditions per AWS account

100 of each condition type (For example: 100 Size constraint conditions, 100 IP match conditions, etc.)

Requests per Second 10,000 per web ACL*

*This limit applies only to AWS WAF on an Application Load Balancer. Requests per Second (RPS) limits for AWS WAF on CloudFront are the same as the RPS limits support by CloudFront described in the CloudFront developer guide.

The following limits on AWS WAF entities can't be changed.

Resource Limit

Rules per web ACL


Conditions per rule


IP address ranges (in CIDR notation) per IP match condition


Filters per cross-site scripting match condition


Filters per size constraint condition


Filters per SQL injection match condition


Filters per string match condition


In string match conditions, the number of characters in HTTP header names, when you've configured AWS WAF to inspect the headers in web requests for a specified value


In string match conditions, the number of bytes in the value tfor which AWS WAF should search


These limits are the same for all regions in which AWS WAF is available. Each region is subject to these limits individually. That is, the limits are not cumulative across regions.

Amazon WorkMail Limits

The following limits apply to Amazon WorkMail.

Resource Default Limit
Organizations per region 5
Users per organization 1,000
Messages sent per user per day 1,000 messages, regardless of destination.
Recipients addressed per user per day Users can send emails to a maximum of 10,000 recipients external to the organization, and a maximum of 500,000 recipients internal to the organization.
Number of recipients per message 500

This is a hard limit and cannot be changed.

Number of domains per organization 100

This is a hard limit and cannot be changed.

Number of aliases per user 100

This is a hard limit and cannot be changed.

Amazon WorkSpaces Limits

Resource Default Limit
WorkSpaces 1
Graphics WorkSpaces 0
Images 5

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