Chemicals & Resources statistics
Statistics and facts on chemicals and resources

The chemical sector is one of the most influential industries worldwide. This is because many industries – the plastics industry, food industry, automobile industry, glass industry, building industry, and many more – are highly dependent on chemical materials. The chemical industry includes, first of all, all inorganic chemistry, agricultural chemistry, and petrochemicals. Further, the plastics and rubber industry, and the paper industry are part of this category. Although it is very close to chemistry, pharmaceuticals are a separate branch in this categorization.

Among the most popular data within the chemical sector are total global chemical revenues, the revenue of the total U.S. chemical industry, and other regional market data. Figures on the plastics and rubber industry are also among the top chemical statistics. There are also rankings of top chemical companies, top countries by chemical production, etc.

Resource economics in this category primarily refers to reserves, production, and consumption - supply and demand, respectively – of the most important energy resources, metals and minerals. Energy resources like oil, gas and coal are still a cornerstone of our industrialized world. Metals and minerals are often the only choices for many industries, especially the high-tech sector. Precious metals like gold and silver are still driving world finance.

Accordingly, this category provides interesting facts about oil, gas, and coal, as well as data on the whole mining industry. Oil production and consumption worldwide and earnings within the mining industry are among the most prominent statistics, as are historic price developments of gold and oil.

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