Showing posts with label traveling. Show all posts
Showing posts with label traveling. Show all posts

Friday, June 16, 2017

6 Essential Oils to Take With You When You Travel

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When I started using essential oils, I started off not really knowing how to use them. I didn't know when to use them. As time went by, they became something I used more often and something I turned to before trying medicine in most cases. After a few years of using oils, I was using them. So much so that when we traveled, I would haul ALL of them with me "just in case." We don't usually have space to take everything with us "just in case" when we travel, so I have refined what is really needed in most instances. Here are 6 essential oils to take with you when you travel. This post contains affiliate links.

6 Essential Oils to Take With You When You Travel

Several of my children get carsick. For that reason, Digestzen is a must in our travels. You can rub it on the tummy, under the nose, and/or behind the ears (in the soft spot behind the ear) to help with nausea. It is also helpful to have it on hand in case of indigestion while traveling and eating out more. 

Peppermint can also be used for nausea. It is also useful for headaches and for improving mood. You can diffuse this in the car (they make these cool diffusers for cars!).  I also love peppermint for allergies, so if you travel somewhere and find it flares up allergies, you can apply it to the bottoms of feet and/or under your nose. You can also rub peppermint oil diluted in fractionated coconut oil to boost milk supply, so if you are breastfeeding and the traveling is dropping yous supply, give that a try (just be sure it is cleaned off before you feed your baby!). 

Melaleuca, or tea tree oil, is great for sickness. It is great to fight against fungus, which can be a good thing to fight against when you are traveling at times. It is helpful to pair with lavender to put on a cut or wound to clean and disinfect it. It is also helpful for ear infections (oils cannot go in ears! Just around them). 

6 Essential Oils to Take With You When You TravelLavender is a calming oil. This is another one you can diffuse in the car. If everyone is getting edgy or you want to inspire sleepiness, lavender is a great oil to turn to. It can help at night if your child is having a hard time sleeping in a new place (just put on the bottoms of feed or diffuse. You can also put it on your child's hand and have her smell it). You can also put lavender on sunburns to help heal the skin. Lavender is also a good one for allergies--put it under your nose to help. You can also put it in cuts to help disinfect and over blisters to help them heal. 

Citrus Bliss
Citrus Bliss is my very favorite smell. It really lifts my mood. This is a great one for helping everyone feel happy and to keep your driver awake. It makes a great air freshener, which we all know the car can use during and after a road trip. Another great one to diffuse. It can be used any day while you are doing things. You can put a drop in your palms and rub them together, then smell them when you need a pick-me-up. You can also put it on palms, under the nose, or on the back of the neck. You can also use this as an antiseptic, so if you aren't sure about a surface, this can be mixed with water and sprayed on the surface. 

This is one of my very favorite oils. When we are fighting a sickness or if someone just gets sick, we diffuse this through the night. You can also put it on palms, bottoms of feet, or even just smell from the bottle. When you are traveling, you can pick up a bunch of sickness from your activities or from staying in close proximity with lots of people. You can also use this as an antiseptic, so if you aren't sure about a surface, this can be mixed with water and sprayed on the surface. On children, this is one you want to dilute.

How to Transport?
So how do you transport your oils without it taking up a ton of space? I have two different methods. One is a travel oils case. 

6 Essential Oils to Take With You When You Travel

Here is one for just the 5 ML bottles.
Essential oils travel case

You can also use a keychain case that has small vials that you fill up from your bottles of oils.
Essential oils travel case

I also have this case that holds 16 different bottles, from the 5 ML on up through roll-ons. It zips closed and has a carrying case. It is great if you can't possibly go with just 6 oils. Maybe you want to bring along some Lime for your water or maybe you use Zendocrine oil each day to help with your hormones and want to bring those along. This just allows you to take even more oils than what I listed above.
Essential oils travel case

If you want to buy some essential oils and don't know how to get started, or just want help, please email me at and I will help you out!  You can also go to my doTERRA store to order oils online. 

Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Traveling Sleep Hierarchy for Babies

All links to Amazon are affiliate links.

Traveling to see family or to go on vacations is (usually) a whole lot of fun! Great memories are made and bonds are strengthened. There is always concern, however, of how it will impact your life and your baby's life both during the vacation and after the vacation. Chances are you have made a lot of sacrifices to have your baby sleeping how she is, and the idea of negating that effort is scary.

There is also a very real, and justified, concern over how the baby will be while on vacation. Will baby sleep, or will baby be up all night crying? How will that impact the other people in the house? You don't want to keep everyone up. Will you even have fun if you are up all night with the baby (I have been on those trips that are not so fun for me because of things not going well with baby!)? Is it worth it?!? I mean, the packing list alone is enough to keep people home.

Despite those fears, concerns, and work, you have decided to go on a trip. I think that is a wise choice. At least give it a try and see how it works out. Now you are left wondering what you should do about sleep while traveling. What do you do if baby wakes early from a nap? What if baby won't even fall asleep for a nap? What about night sleep? Will all of baby's progress be totally ruined?!? Aaahhh! 

Take a deep breath. Go in with a game plan. It will work out. This post contains affiliate links.

GOAL #1: Baby Sleeps When She Should
This is the same as my first goal in the Newborn Sleep Hierarchy. Your first goal when traveling is just to get baby to take a nap at nap time and go to bed at bed time. You don't want an overly tired baby. Overly tired babies have a hard time sleeping and also aren't fun. They cry a lot, which means people can't enjoy baby and you can't enjoy yourself, not to mention your poor baby who can't stop crying. 

If baby will go to sleep as he usually does at home, fantastic! That is ideal, of course. 

Not all babies will do that, however. The house might be super noisy and make it hard for your baby to sleep. Your baby might not be as flexible of a personality type and might find it hard to sleep in a new environment. You might be out and about and not have a bed available for your baby to sleep in. 

So you might find baby sleeping in a car seat, in the arms of someone, or even in a swing. When Kaitlyn was a baby, we literally brought her big old swing with us to Nate's family's house when we went. It was super noisy and she wasn't used to sleeping with noise. A swing was a way for us to make sure she could fall asleep when needed. Side note, I had dreams of a travel swing after Kaitlyn, but it turned out my next two babies both hated the swing, so we never traveled with a swing again.

We have been known to bring a pack and play, bassinet, or pea pod with us so our baby can sleep. Once I discovered white noise, I also brought that along with me to help block out noise. I have often nursed a baby back to sleep in the night who has previously been sleeping through the night with no feedings for months. 

If you are out and about, see if you can get baby to fall asleep at nap time in the carseat, in your arms, or in your baby carrier. 

Even if your baby only takes a 45 minute nap, it is better than zero nap. 

The point is, you often have to do what it takes to get your baby to sleep while on vacation. Doing those things is better than your baby not getting sleep. That doesn't mean you will face zero consequences when you get home. Just because you had to doesn't mean it won't take some retraining once you get home. Just do not be afraid to do what your baby needs to get the sleep she needs. Sleep is most important here. 

GOAL #2: Baby Sleeps in a Bed When She Should
If you are able, a nap in a bed is always preferable to a nap on the move. It is more restorative. It will help keep your baby on track so that when you go home, you don't spend 1-3 weeks trying to get back to where things were before you left.

Goal #1 is the most important for traveling and sleep. You might not even broach goal #2 at all, and that is okay. This is your call and you will make it based on a whole myriad of factors. Some trips are short and you might choose to not worry so much about sleep while on that trip. Some might be weeks and you want to keep things as normal as possible so life isn't so disrupted when you get home. Some babies are flexible and adaptable while others just aren't. Some can be tired and still content while others will scream. Sometimes you are visiting family that you might only visit once in a very great while. Decide what is best overall based on your unique travel situation.

Know your child and be an advocate for your child. If you baby is more flexible, you might allow her sleep to be disrupted to give family more time with her. If your child is not flexible, however, make sure you do what she needs you to do as her parent. I always say, baby's needs come before adult's wants. 

What To Bring
Over-packing with a baby is a very easy thing to do. The struggle is real! You don't want to take more than you need, but you also don't want to be left without something you really need! So far as sleep goes, keep these things in mind:
  • Place to sleep (pack and play, bassinet, pea pod, moses basket...a place your baby would ideally sleep on her own while you are traveling).
  • Back-up sleep location (sling, carrier, swing...what are your back-ups at home? You might like something on the road).
  • Normal sleep attire. Swaddle blanket, lovie, types of pajamas, socks, pacifier...whatever your baby normally sleeps in and with, have it with you. 
  • Alternative sleep attire. Also, have an alternative to what your baby is sleeping in at the moment. When Kaitlyn was a baby, we traveled to my grandmother's funeral. At the time, it was July and Kaitlyn's room at home was very hot. We traveled to a state where the nights even in July are often in the 30s. We ended up sleeping in my aunt's basement. Kaitlyn woke up a couple of times that night because she was cold. We should have brought warm pajamas, not just the light pajamas she was sleeping with at home. 
  • Stimulation blockers (sound machine, something to cover a window, something to block you at night from eyesight...). 
What to Expect When You Get Home
People often worry that they will negate all forward progress by going on vacation or having some disruption of some sort. That is not the case. Like I said, different babies respond differently. Some get home and slip right back into the normal routine. Some take a day or two of fussiness to get back to normal. Some might take a couple of weeks. No matter how long it takes, it won't negate everything you had previously achieved. Plan on taking a few days to be super consistent when you get home so your baby has the best chance at bouncing back quickly. 

Helpful Reading Material:

Thursday, September 15, 2016

Portland, Oregon Travel Tips

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When I posted pictures of our trip to Portland, Oregon to Instagram, I got several comments from people talking about how much they love Portland. The city of Portland was not my favorite, but the surrounding area was beautiful. 

Nate and I went to Portland for a wedding. We went without children and were with some great friends, so we had a great time! There are some key places we want to take our children some day on a trip. 

Portland is a long road trip away from us, but since it was just the two of us, we flew. We went in July, which is supposed to be a time of year that the sun shines, but while we were there, it was almost always cloudy. When we landed in Portland, I noticed we went through a layer of clouds, had some open air, and then went through another layer of clouds. It was like the clouds were doing their finest to make sure the sun couldn't reach the Earth. I am very much a sun girl. When the sun doesn't shine for days, I get tired and introverted. The lack of sun was not fun for me. 

So what sites did we love? 

This is a book store that encompasses the entire city block. It has about one million books. It is huge. And overwhelming, but overwhelming in the best way. Imagine being on Amazon in the flesh. That is what being in that store is like. If you like books, you will want to check this store out. 

Yes, you read that right. Segway Tour. I had on the list of ideas a walking tour because I love to get to know a city when I visit. I like to know the culture and the history and see as much of the city as possible. One of my good friends suggested a Segway Tour. She and her husband had done one in Memphis and though it was a riot. So we gave it a shot.

This was probably the highlight for Nate. A Segway is very easy to ride and you get used to it quickly. We had a little learning and practice time and then we set off around the city. We were able to cover a lot of ground in a short time. We learned some of the history of Portland and about different landmarks. 

Pittock Mansion is a chateau that was built in 1909. It has the absolute best views of the city. If you want to be able to see Portland, you will want to visit the mansion. It is an interesting home and we learned more interesting Portland history here. There are also some nice walking trails that lead off the mansion property.

The men in our group were not terribly interested in either of these ideas, but one woman in our group went and did these gardens. She said they were beautiful and breathtaking. 

Here are some places we ate that we liked:
  • Pine State Biscuits: This is a famous stop for Portland eats. 
  • Tilt: Good place for burgers
  • Voodoo Doughnuts: Not all it is cracked up to be. I feel like these are famous not because they are good, but because the toppings are weird.
  • Blue Star Doughnuts: These were good. And a LOT more expensive than Voodoo. Also, the lines for these doughnut places are very long, so be there early. 
  • Salt & Straw Ice Cream: This was very good. The smell of the place alone is enough to make it worth it to go there. 
Historic Columbia River Highway
THIS is where you must spend your time. This is where there are breathtaking sites and views unique to this area of the country. Now, I had done a lot of reading about the Portland area to get ideas of what must be done when you visit the area. On every list was Multnomah Falls. We went there and loved it. It has a short, but challenging, hike to get to the top. It was a beautiful site and we spent a fair amount of time just hanging out there. We got there first thing in the morning, which is definitely the way to go. By the time we left in the early afternoon, it was packed

As we left, I stopped at a ranger station and asked where the best place to stop would be for a great view of the area. They gave me a map and told me to stop at Crown Point/Vista House. So we took the historic highway rather than the interstate and headed to Crown Point.

Um, this should be on every "must-do" list of Portland. The view was incredible. The highway was incredible. There are several falls along the drive. We were sad we didn't know that; we wouldn't have spent the hours hanging out at Multnomah and would have visited more of the falls along the way. You can easily spend a day along this highway visiting the many, beautiful sites. 

Mt. Hood
If we had more time, this is a place I would have had us spend our time. I am including the map for your consideration.

Mount St. Helens
The drive from Portland to Mount St. Helens is about two hours, so it isn't very close, but if you are willing to make the drive, it is a cool day trip. Mount St. Helens is in Washington state. It is quite the site to see. There are several places to stop and learn about the volcano and its eruption. There is also an entirely different area that has lava flows, so you could probably make two days out of it. We did the actual volcano in a half a day, but it really wasn't enough time. 

Oregon Coast
This is another place I would have liked to have spent a day if we had an extra one. The Oregon coast has creameries, and Haystack Rock (located at Cannon Beach), one of the most iconic images of Oregon, is about a two hour drive from Portland. 

If you don't already, be sure to follow me on Facebook. I share what is posted here each day along with other articles I find helpful and interesting. I also answer questions and do live Q&As each week. It is a great way to connect!

You can also find me on Instagram, posting pictures from our days. 

Monday, August 15, 2016

Things To Do in Denver as a Family

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We love to travel. Some of our favorite memories were made while on trips. This summer, we took a road trip to Denver, Colorado. Here are the things we did (and a couple of things we would have liked to have done).

Little Man Ice Cream
Little Man Ice Cream is quite famous. This ice cream shop has unique flavors and delicious ice cream. It is a popular place, so be prepared for a long line. There are times that it is more crowded than others. There is a park right across the street, so if there is a line, one parent can take the kids to the park while the other orders. Once you have your ice cream, you can go eat it at the park since there isn't much seating at Little Man.

When we got there, the line wasn't HUGE, but it wasn't short, either. We were far enough back that we couldn't see the list of ice cream options at all. So I walked up to the menu and took a picture with my phone so we could look over the options while we waited in line. that way when we got up front, we were ready to order. 

Red Rock Amphitheater
image source
This is another very famous Denver spot. It is a natural amphitheater that is breathtaking.

Or so I hear. When we got there, they were prepping for a concert so the theater was closed. We were able to walk to the entrance and we saw some of the natural beauty, but we missed the actual amphitheater.

So when you go, I highly recommend you find out the concert schedule and visit your trip when you will be able to go in.

Another big reason for avoiding the concert crowd is you will be able to avoid the overwhelming marijuana smell. Ugh.

Downtown Denver
One of our favorite things to do in a place we visit is always to walk around the area. We like to get a feel for what life is like in the area and walking around it helps give a vibe. If you decide to walk around, just be sure you are doing so in safe areas. Not every place in the city is recommended for walking. We went to the State Capitol building where you can stand on the step that is exactly one mile above sea level (mile high city, right?). You can also get tours of the building. A short walk from there is the Denver Art Museum. We also walked to the convention center and saw the big blue bear and walked over to Union Station.

Dinosaur Ridge
Plan your Dinosaur Ridge trip for the same day as the Amphitheater. They are right by each other. Dinosaur Ridge has a free trail you can walk that is full of fossilized dinosaur tracks. It is really neat to see. Normal tennis shoes will suffice. Sunscreen is a good idea with the high altitude. Bring water for everyone.

Denver Art Museum
The first Saturday of every month everyone gets in free to the Denver Art Museum. Kids are always free. This is a fun stop for a couple of hours and makes it a fun thing to do in Denver with your children. They have kids sections of the museum and you can show your children some of the other art. If your children are like mine, they won't last through the entire museum, but they will appreciate it for a short period.

Denver Mint Museum
The Denver Mint is a stop we planned on, but we did not realize that we needed to make reservations ahead of time early enough. We were disappointed to miss it. If you want to take the free tour, be sure to set up a reservation ahead of time. We called about a week before we wanted to go and they were filled up. 

Maria Empenada
My husband served a mission in Argentina, as did my brother-in-law, who lives in Denver. He introduced us to Maria Empenada. When my husband took his first bite, he was in heaven. He said it was very authentic. We loved the food! This restaurant was featured on Diners, Drive-Ins, and Dives, also. This is a great place for some authentic food.

Aurora Reservoir
A reservoir is not terribly unique in the west. We live in Utah and they are everywhere. But, wow. This reservoir in Aurora is unlike any I have ever been to. It was well-developed and is well-maintained. The beach is nice with a lot of covered picnic tables. Our kids love spending time at the beach and playing in the water. It was a nice relaxing way to spend a day on our vacation.

Colorado Railroad Museum
The Colorado Railroad Museum is a place we would have gone if we had one more day in Denver. It is in Golden, which is about 25 minutes west of Denver.

For more fun travel ideas, see my Pinterest boards. 

If you don't already, be sure to follow me on Facebook. I share what is posted here each day along with other articles I find helpful and interesting. I also answer questions and do live Q&As each week. It is a great way to connect!

You can also find me on Instagram, posting pictures from our days.

Tuesday, June 21, 2016

5 Must Have Items for Parents Keep in the Car

All links to Amazon are affiliate links.

Without fail, the moment a child is required to sit still for a few minutes or more, the child will become thirsty. Not just thirsty. Parched. The child is suddenly dehydrated and is bound to die at any moment. This happens during family scriptures, at bedtime, and of course, in the car.

I have responded in logical ways, "We don't have any water in here, but as soon as we get where we are going, you can have a drink." That, of course, is not received well. The child is at death's door. How could logic work?

I have met the continued wailing with, "Then get a drink!" That usually stops the wailing for a while, and sometimes even for good. When the child is told to get a drink and realizes there really is no drink in the vehicle, the child just might stop the drama.

But hey, I am a problem solver. Here is the reality. Children don't even walk from room to room; children run. Children are movers and only pause when necessary (or when a screen is on). When the child is forced to sit still, the child will start to notice pesky things like thirst. The body does need water to survive, so the emergency is broadcast from the child immediately.

The child is thirsty and does need water for life to continue on. I like my children and want their lives to continue on. I also like not hearing the irrational meltdown that comes with the inevitable thirst in the car.

So I keep water in the car. Always.

There are other things I keep in the car as a rule. I have learned over the years that these simple things in the vehicle make life happier. As your children get older, you spend more and more time in the vehicle, so it is nice to keep what is necessary.

I don't over-do it. I don't mind children being "bored." I don't like having an over-crowded car, either. So these are the basics for survival (emotionally, mentally, and physically). This post contains affiliate links.

As I just discussed, I keep water in the car. I like to keep a case of water bottles in the car in case of real emergency. If we get in the vehicle and we are 10 minutes away from home and someone is going to die of thirst, I assure her she can last ten minutes until we get home. I don't like to open bottled water unless it is a must. If we got in the car and were 10 minutes away but we had been at the pool for the last few hours, for example, I would open some water to drink.

When we are going for a long drive--like an hour or more--we usually fill up reusable water bottles. We do at least one per person (our vehicle has a lot of cup holders). That way we can have plenty of water for drinking on our drive.

I keep some food in the car at all times for emergencies, also. We are not a snacking family; we don't need to eat at all times. But I often find that a Brinley stuck in the car while we are driving people around is a lot more pleasant if she can have a granola bar every so often. I just keep a box of granola bars in the vehicle. We also use them often when I am driving Brayden to swim team or McKenna to cheer straight from school. They need a snack but are literally going from school to their activity. 

I like to keep a few books in the car in case of boredom. We chose to not have a movie player in our car at all times. On really long car rides, we bring along our Kindle Fires and watch shows on those for part of the time, but for driving around town or driving usually less than 2 hours, it is books and music only. I keep picture books in there at all times for Brinley's entertainment. 

Motion Eaze
We have a couple of children who get car sick. They mostly only get sick when driving through canyons, and we live in the Rockies, so we are often going through canyons. They can also get sick if they look down too long. So we keep some natural drops that help with nausea in there at all times. Side note, these drops are fantastic if you have morning sickness. I also find they bring some relief when someone has a stomach bug. So I have one in the vehicle and a one in the house.

Wet Wipes
I mean, kids are dirty. We frequently need wet wipes, and always at random times. I just keep a package of wipes in there at all times. I has never been a regret.

These are five must-have items for you to keep in your vehicle at all times, year round, if you have children. There are other things that are smart, like an emergency kit, first aid kit, and blankets. Sunglasses, tissues, napkins, chapstick, pens...those are all things that you might find handy at times. These five listed above will be common sanity savers for you and your children. Then when your child buckles that seatbelt and suddenly realizes how parched he is, you can respond with "Here's some water" and get peace in return.

If you don't already, be sure to follow me on Facebook. I share what is posted here each day along with other articles I find helpful and interesting. I also answer questions and do live Q&As each week. It is a great way to connect!

Monday, November 2, 2015

Traveling to Chicago Tips

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We recently took a trip to Chicago as a family. The number one question I got when I told people we were going to Chicago was, "Why?!?" Chicago is not your typical family destination vacation spot. Why did we go? We have some very good friends who live near Chicago who invited us, so we went.

I was very pleasantly surprised at how family friendly Chicago was. Honestly, when we were in California last year, I fielded many dirty looks over having children. People often commented on how many children we have. Now, as a Utah resident, you can imagine that four children is just not a high number of kids. No one thinks twice about four here. 

I fully expected to get the same reaction, if not stronger, in Chicago. After all, in California we were hanging around a bunch of parks aimed at children and families--they are used to seeing children around, right? 

Despite the fact that my children and the children of my friend were often the only children we would see in the city that day (school is in session after all), we did not get one single weird look or comment for having kids. My friend explained to me that Chicago is the Midwest and that that large families are not uncommon and are valued. 

In short, we loved our time in Chicago and I would highly recommend it to any family! Chicago has a rich history and a unique culture. October was a lovely time to go. The weather was nice--it wasn't too hot and it wasn't too cold. The crowds were very small. Here is what we did:

Willis Tower
This was my favorite thing we did. We did this on the first day and I think it was the perfect way to start our visit. We walked through the city to get to the tower (since parking is the kind of situation where once you have a spot, you don't give it up). In the tower, we had amazing views. We were able to orient ourselves and see the city as a whole.

Millennium Park
After the tower, we walked to Millennium Park. This has got to be one of the smartest things Chicago ever did. Honestly, the biggest shock to me being in the city was the lack of sunlight. It was a beautfiul, bright sunny fall day and the sun did not reach the ground. That would really get to me, so this park would be a must-visit daily for me if I lived in Chicago. This park is full of art and sunshine! You also have a great view of the city, which made it another great day one activity.

Maggie Daley Park
After Millennium Park, we wanted to visit the Lake Front Trail. We headed across the bridge toward Lake Michigan. As we crossed it, we saw something amazing ahead of us. It was of great interest to our children. As we approached it, we were shocked to see it was free. It is just a park. But not just a park. It is the most amazing park I have ever seen. If you go to Chicago with children, you must come to this park. Our children loved every minute.

Lakefront Trail
As I did research for this trip, I thought it was so nice that Chicago has all of these nice outside spaces. Like I said, being there, I realized how essential it would be to have these for citizens. It really is nice and smart of them to have space for people to access sunshine and open space.

The Lakefront Trail is 18 miles of paved path that can be used to run, walk, bike, rollerblade...and we saw it all happening each day. There are amazing views of Lake Michigan and the city from the trail. By the way, if you have not yet seen a great lake, it is definitely a destination by itself. Lake Michigan is so wide that it really looks like you are looking at the ocean. We have a lot of lakes in Utah, all of which you can see the other side (helped by the mountains here). We have also been to the ocean. Our children were very impressed by how wide Lake Michigan is.

There is a lot that is accessible from the trail. parks, the zoo, Soldier field, several museums (Field Museum, Museum of Science and Industry, Planetarium, the aquarium...), and Navy Pier are all just a few examples.

If you have any boat lovers, you can see a lot in the harbor. There are a lot of yachts and other boats.

Alder Planetarium
The next day, we started at Alder Planetarium. We parked at Soldier Field and walked over. Now, honestly, the planetarium is something I would skip. It was okay. We have a much smaller planetarium in Utah that I think is quite good and I expected this one to be exponentially better. It was not even comparable. It was okay, and we had one price for several of the museums so it was essentially free, but if you are paying, I wouldn't do it.

If you do decide to do it, you would be wise to call ahead and find out if there are any field trips happening that day and the times. There were a few field trips the day we were there and the children on these field trips were running around seriously out of control. I am sure that impacted my impression of the place.

I will say, my favorite part of the planetarium was the incredible view of the city from the planetarium. It was definitely worth the view. We had packed a lunch and we sat on the grass outside and ate with that amazing view before us.

Architecture Boat Tour
We had heard of doing a boat tour in the city. We had heard only good things, but the price was a little steep for all six of us to go. I can be very frugal and it just seemed like a lot of money to spend for just over an hour. However, it also seemed like one of those must-dos in the city. An added bonus is that Brayden right now wants to be an architect when he grows up, so it would be something really interesting to him. So we did it.

We loved it! It was definitely worth the money. It was a great way to view the city and to learn a whole lot about the history of the city.

We went with Shoreline Sightseeing and departed from Navy Pier. It was a great tour. A bonus was that we were at Navy Pier and could look around there. If you book with Shoreline, be sure you do it online because you will get $5 off per ticket. Make sure you enter the code they tell you to at checkout to get the discount.

Now, little word of advice. We did the boat tour and the planetarium on the same day. We walked along the Lakefront Trail to get there. It didn't look too long.

Wrong! It was pretty long. It took us about 2 hours to walk there with kids. We didn't rush and we stopped for breaks, but the kids were tired by the end. Afterward, the dads ran back to Solider Field to get our vehicles while we stayed at Navy Pier, and it took them about 45 minutes. It was a great walk, just don't leave yourself with too little time if you do something like that.

Museum of Science and Industry
Hands down, this is the best museum I have ever been to. It was very hands on, very kid friendly, very educational, and very fun. We spent the whole day there Friday and didn't see it all. It was Brayden's favorite thing we did on this trip, but it was also frustrating for him because he couldn't do everything. You could easily spend two days here and not get bored.

The U-505 Submarine is a must see in this museum. This is the only German sub in the United States and includes a national memorial to sailors who gave their lives in WWI and WWII.

Our favorite room and where we spent the most time was in the Science Storms room. Be sure you visit that one.

They also have a Mirror Maze that is absolutely fascinating. You need tickets for this, which are free, but they like to control the flow through the maze so there aren't too many people. Go to this first thing and get your tickets for later in the day.

If you only go to one museum in Chicago, go to this one. Also, parking is right under the building, so that is a huge perk.

The Art Institute of Chicago
Saturday morning, Kaitlyn and I went with my friend Kelli and her baby to the Art Institute while the men took the rest of the kids to the Field Museum. They dropped us off and we then walked to the Field after we were done (a short 1.5 mile walk).

I am not a huge art lover. I don't dislike art, I just know I can't appreciate it for what it is. Kaitlyn, however, is an artist and I knew this was a must-see for her.

She loved it. Children under 14 are free, which is fantastic. We went through pretty quickly--even though she loves art, she is 8 and can't appreciate it fully yet. She isn't to the point of standing and staring at one painting for an hour. And despite my lack of understanding, I enjoyed the museum and the paintings and sculptures on display. I loved the collection of Monet paintings.

They also have a children's area in the museum, which you can enter without paying to go to the museum, where children can do art. Kaitlyn loved doing art in the museum.

The Field Museum of Natural History
We joined the men after a few hours. By then, many of the children were done at the museum and could have happily left, but Kaitlyn was just getting there so we continued on. They have a nice dinosaur collection. I personally really liked the history of the Americas section--that is something I have not seen as a whole before in a museum. My favorite part of this was the Native peoples of North America.

The children were all also fascinated with the gem room. In that room, I pointed out each person's birth stone and that definitely made them more interested in the room in general.

Membership Tip
A great money saving tip for you is to get a family membership to the American Museum of Science and Energy. A family membership is only $40 and it can be used to attend the Field Museum, the Museum of Science and Industry, and the Alder Planetarium. $40 gets your entire family into all three of those museums. Fabulous right?!? So if you go, look into this pass. You just order online and then they mail you the pass. Do it a few weeks before you need it--it does take time.

This also works at many museums around the nation. The rule is you can't live within 90 miles of the museum. There are several here in Utah it can be used at, so you can look at their list and see if it will work for at other places, also.

I think any place you go, you will look up information and they will include a list of "must-eats" in that city. I always try these suggestions, but I am rarely as impressed as the author was with the location.

Let me tell you, Chicago is a place for food lovers. Even if you just appreciate food that tastes good but aren't a foodie, you will love the food here. I am really a picky eat out person. I like fresh ingredients and I like food that was 100% prepared on sight. The food in Chicago was good. While I had that "I am full from eating out every day for a week" feeling by the end of the week,  I did not have that "I am sick of eating out. I just want real food" feeling by the end of the week.

Now, in most instances, you can pack a lunch and eat it somewhere during your activities. We did this most days.

At dinner time, it is time for some good food. And here is the thing--traffic is so bad leaving the city at night that it makes sense to eat in the city and then leave in lighter traffic when you are done.

Day one, we ate dinner at Giordano's. This is a pizza place. Amazing. They have deep dish pizza and also thin crust (which is what the kids ate). I am not a huge pizza fan, but I find myself craving more Giordano's.

Portillo's is a great place to go for a Chicago dog. They also have a very varied menu, so people who aren't into the Chicago dog can get something else. Everything we ordered was delicious, and our friends said they haven't ever had anything they don't like there. They are also famous for chocolate cake, which I did not eat sadly.

Garrett Popcorn
Chicago is also famous for its popcorn. Walking down the street past a popcorn shop is a fantastic experience for the olfactories. We went to Garrett popcorn. Now, I have to say, it was good, but it was not amazing like I expected it to be based on the raving. It kind of reminded me of the popcorn you get in those Christmas tins...I know! Boo and hiss me if you like. That is just my little opinion and the place rates extremely well, so I would say you should try it for yourself. It was good and it made for a good snack. It was inexpensive to get a couple of smalls for the whole family and that was more than enough for us. 

Corner Bakery Cafe
This is a restaurant you can find around the US. This was a good little soup and sandwich shop. It wasn't special to Chicago, but it was good and we ate there :). This isn't a must-visit, but it was a delicious lunch so if you are in need of a place to eat, you won't be sad you went here.

Again, this isn't specific just to Chicago area. We got shakes here one night. It was a great shake place! The food looked good, but we didn't eat there so I can't say.

J. Alexander's
This is a place we went for a girl's night. I would not take children here. It was good! I got a turkey burger and I am pretty picky about my turkey burgers. Again, not Chicago specific. I wouldn't say this is a must-visit in Chicago.

Things to Be Aware of
Chicago is the third most populated city in the US, and the traffic reflects that. Traffic is bad all day every day. It is much worse at typical rush hour times. The worst is a Friday night leaving the city. The best is the weekend (and this is all assuming there aren't games going on).
The drivers in Chicago really are crazy. There was not one day I didn't witness several near-accidents. People are aggressive and they don't typically look well. A different friend I have who lives in the area said she has only been in a few accidents in her life. That shocks me because I have been in zero, so "only a few" sounds like a lot. She said it is good for the area. So be on your best defensive driving.

Lane Lines!
In the actual city, lane lines apparently mean nothing. It is every man for himself, so if you want to move about the city, you have got to pick up on that and drive like a native.

Everywhere you go, you will pay to park. Parking will be $20-40 a day. Be sure as you are planning your activities that you keep things close to each other so you can just stay in your parking spot all day long.

There is a lot of walking going on, so be sure to have a stroller if you have a little one who can't do all of that walking. We didn't the first day and it was very exhausting for Nate, who carried Brinley around a lot. 

Take Note
About 45-60 minutes north of Chicago downtown, there is a Six Flags. We did not go there, but I think it would be a fun day trip if your family likes amusement parks. We just did Southern California last year and we have season passes to Lagoon, our local amusement park, so we felt like we would rather spend our time on more Chicago-specific activities, but that is a fun idea for you.

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