Projects / deltasql


deltasql is a tool to synchronize databases with source code, which helps to keep database evolution under control. While developing mid-sized or big applications, developers make changes to the data model that go along with changes to the source code. From time to time, branches of source code are done to stabilize the code that will go to production. A sort of data model branch is also needed. deltasql provides a simple way to collect all scripts that change the data model and means to handle data model branches. The deltasql server runs on Apache and is backed by MySQL.

Operating Systems

Last announcement

1.6.2 Indipendence Day release for deltasql! 04 Jul 2013 13:06

To celebrate Indipendence Day, deltasql 1.6.2 ships with logic to select only the branches valid for a given project. This is used when submitting or editing scripts. When synchronizing, only valid tags/branches are shown in the synchronization form. The three listboxes of the synchronization form adapt dynamically, as done with the Freepascal deltaclient. The feature is achieved with AJAX technology. These two features help to reduce the amount of human errors when using deltasql in a complicated environment with many branches and tags. The Python client is extended to support Oracle's mysql.connector. Minor fixes and features like the Cancel Search link on the navigation bar round up the release.

Recent releases

  •  16 Apr 2014 14:35

    Release Notes: This release can be exposed to the Internet via HTTPS, as a new option was added to keep the entire content private. If the option is selected, any user needs to login first to see any content. Other minor fixes round out this maintenance release.

    •  07 Oct 2013 07:00

      Release Notes: This maintenance release included major fixes and visual enhancements to deltasql server. Get Synchronization Table is now a main menu entry. Automatic branch selection when creating a synchronization table was added. Branch selection was fixed in the main synchronization form. It was previously not possible to synchronize from BRANCH_X to BRANCH_X. The same fixes were applied to deltaclient for Windows. The dbredactor client includes now a JDBC driver for SQLite databases. A favicon and other visual enhancements were provided in the navigation bar.

      •  02 Sep 2013 15:55

        Release Notes: This release ships with two new tools that help to create SQL scripts based on exported files in comma separated value format (.csv). They are useful when managing third party applications that require configuration via GUI, or generally when customers send data to be loaded into the managed application. The two tools support creation of INSERT scripts, and of INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE scripts based on .csv exported from your SQL client. The bash client has been fixed; retrieving the version number did not work in all circumstances.

        •  04 Jul 2013 13:02

          Release Notes: This release adds logic to select only the branches valid for a given project. This is used when submitting or editing scripts. When synchronizing, only valid tags/branches are shown in the synchronization form. The three listboxes of the synchronization form adapt dynamically, as is done with the Freepascal deltaclient. The feature is achieved with AJAX technology. These two features help reduce the number of human errors when using deltasql in a complicated environment with many branches and tags. The Python client is extended to support Oracle's mysql.connector.

          •  14 May 2013 14:33

            Release Notes: New features: a navigation bar on the left for faster switching between pages. Fixes: copy&paste; works in Internet Explorer. Known Issues: the Copy&Paste; link disappears after being clicked once. Documentation: one new FAQ entry on why deltasql is so different from commercial tools. The new Web page is part of the package in the web subfolder.


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