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Mon, 10 Sep 2007:

Open Hackday @ Bangalore

For once, I'm not the one being cryptic (the revenge of the apostrophes?).

Yahoo! Bangalore is throwing a hack fest on the 5th of October and all through the night. If you've ever done something with pipes, YUI, y! mail or flickr apis, this is the place to be for you. And it doesn't even matter if you like writing RoR based backends or greasemonkey funk - what matters is how it works and what it solves.

The hack session is by invite only and we've got a submission queue for you to put in your geek credentials, so make sure to put all your cool hacks in the list. And take a good look at what happened at the previous hack days for inspiration.

It is going to be a "Bring your Own Laptop" hackfest of the kind you've never seen before. To keep the tempo, we'll be trying to put up a strong team of hackers from Yahoo! to help you hack (and more importantly, appreciate the uber-coolness of your hack-in-construction).

Watch hackday.org for more announcements. Hope to see you there ... so start planning!

To whom the mornings are like nights,
What must the midnights be!
                -- Emily Dickinson

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