Build Claws Mail from git repo
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Build Claws Mail from Git repo

This Makefile does what the above title says. So far is targeted to
Debian-based systems and AFAIK only tested on Debian itself. Anyway
it should work on any similar system (except the bootstrapping part).

Before you start

You need the Makefile on your system, so first step is to install
git and clone the repository. Assuming you're in the directory
where you want to build it:

$ sudo apt-get install git
$ git clone
$ ln -s bcmp/Makefile

To use the Makefile you need "make" to be installed on your System:

$ sudo apt-get install make

After make is installed you need to install the libraries required
to build Claws Mail:

$ sudo make bootstrap-debian

Patches to add bootstrap-$yoursystem targets are welcome.

Default directory for installation is '/opt/claws'. You can change
this by editing the value of PREFIX variable in Makefile or passing
PREFIX=/some/dir to the make command.

Be sure the user invoking make has the right permissions to write
on /opt/claws directory (or the one you had set), for example:

$ sudo mkdir /opt/claws
$ sudo chown user:user /opt/claws

Building Claws Mail

After completing the previous section this is now very easy:

$ make

That's all. Some log files will be created, so you can check later.

Launching Claws Mail 

Binary will be on /opt/claws/bin/claws-mail. You may want to add
/opt/claws/bin to your path if you want to use it regularly:

$ echo '$PATH=/opt/claws/bin:$PATH' >> $HOME/.bashrc
$ source $HOME/.bashrc

Or alternatively make a link on some of the directories already on
your path. User's home bin is very suitable for this:

$ test -d $HOME/bin || mkdir $HOME/bin
$ cd $HOME/bin
$ ln -s /opt/claws/bin/claws-mail