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//! Code for applying CSS styles to the DOM.
//! This is not very interesting at the moment. It will get much more
//! complicated if I add support for compound selectors.
use dom::{Node, Element, ElementData};
use css::{Stylesheet, Rule, Selector, Simple, SimpleSelector, Value, Keyword, Specificity};
use std::collections::hashmap::HashMap;
/// Map from CSS property names to values.
pub type PropertyMap = HashMap<String, Value>;
/// A node with associated style data.
pub struct StyledNode<'a> {
pub node: &'a Node,
pub specified_values: PropertyMap,
pub children: Vec<StyledNode<'a>>,
pub enum Display {
impl<'a> StyledNode<'a> {
/// Return the specified value of a property if it exists, otherwise `None`.
pub fn value(&self, name: &str) -> Option<Value> {
self.specified_values.find_equiv(&name).map(|v| v.clone())
/// Return the specified value of property `name`, or property `fallback_name` if that doesn't
/// exist. or value `default` if neither does.
pub fn lookup(&self, name: &str, fallback_name: &str, default: &Value) -> Value {
self.value(name).unwrap_or_else(|| self.value(fallback_name)
.unwrap_or_else(|| default.clone()))
/// The value of the `display` property (defaults to `Block`).
pub fn display(&self) -> Display {
match self.value("display") {
Some(Keyword(s)) => match s.as_slice() {
"inline" => Inline,
"none" => None,
_ => Block
_ => Block
/// Apply a stylesheet to an entire DOM tree, returning a StyledNode tree.
/// This finds only the specified values at the moment. Eventually it should be extended to find the
/// computed values too, including inherited values.
pub fn style_tree<'a>(root: &'a Node, stylesheet: &'a Stylesheet) -> StyledNode<'a> {
StyledNode {
node: root,
specified_values: match root.node_type {
Element(ref elem) => specified_values(elem, stylesheet),
_ => HashMap::new(),
children: root.children.iter().map(|child| style_tree(child, stylesheet)).collect(),
/// Apply styles to a single element, returning the specified styles.
/// To do: Allow multiple UA/author/user stylesheets, and implement the cascade.
fn specified_values(elem: &ElementData, stylesheet: &Stylesheet) -> PropertyMap {
let mut values = HashMap::new();
let mut rules = matching_rules(elem, stylesheet);
// Go through the rules from lowest to highest specificity.
rules.sort_by(|&(a, _), &(b, _)| a.cmp(&b));
for &(_, rule) in rules.iter() {
for declaration in rule.declarations.iter() {
values.insert(, declaration.value.clone());
/// A single CSS rule and the specificity of its most specific matching selector.
type MatchedRule<'a> = (Specificity, &'a Rule);
/// Find all CSS rules that match the given element.
fn matching_rules<'a>(elem: &ElementData, stylesheet: &'a Stylesheet) -> Vec<MatchedRule<'a>> {
// For now, we just do a linear scan of all the rules. For large
// documents, it would be more efficient to store the rules in hash tables
// based on tag name, id, class, etc.
stylesheet.rules.iter().filter_map(|rule| match_rule(elem, rule)).collect()
fn match_rule<'a>(elem: &ElementData, rule: &'a Rule) -> Option<MatchedRule<'a>> {
// Find the first (highest-specificity) matching selector.
rule.selectors.iter().find(|selector| matches(elem, *selector))
.map(|selector| (selector.specificity(), rule))
/// Selector matching:
fn matches(elem: &ElementData, selector: &Selector) -> bool {
match *selector {
Simple(ref simple_selector) => matches_simple_selector(elem, simple_selector)
fn matches_simple_selector(elem: &ElementData, selector: &SimpleSelector) -> bool {
// Check type selector
if selector.tag_name.iter().any(|name| elem.tag_name != *name) {
return false;
// Check ID selector
if|id| != Some(id)) {
return false;
// Check class selectors
let elem_classes = elem.classes();
if selector.class.iter().any(|class| !elem_classes.contains(&class.as_slice())) {
return false;
// We didn't find any non-matching selector components.
return true;
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