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Issue No.02 - March/April (2009 vol.24)
pp: 8-12
Alon Halevy , Google
Peter Norvig , Google
Problems that involve interacting with humans, such as natural language understanding, have not proven to be solvable by concise, neat formulas like F = ma. Instead, the best approach appears to be to embrace the complexity of the domain and address it by harnessing the power of data: if other humans engage in the tasks and generate large amounts of unlabeled, noisy data, new algorithms can be used to build high-quality models from the data.
machine learning, very large data bases, Semantic Web
Alon Halevy, Peter Norvig, Fernando Pereira, "The Unreasonable Effectiveness of Data", IEEE Intelligent Systems, vol.24, no. 2, pp. 8-12, March/April 2009, doi:10.1109/MIS.2009.36
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