Christopher Warner "So, it's not like the code is my brain; keep it"


Plone – IUser* why don’t you exist?

Jotting this down before I forget. Basically the problem is that when you create a new user you want to do stuff after the user is created. Whether it be, add a bunch of folders, send an email, etc. Regular stuff you'd be able to apply via rules in Plone. Or via the elegant event/subscriber model and hooking it up via zcml.The problem is that this doesn't exist. So there is no IUser* interface which means specifically there is no IUserAddedEvent/IUserCreatedEvent and I NEED YOU RIGHT NOW! I'd add it myself but i'm busy so in the meantime I'll probably end up modifying this.

def afterAdd(self, member, id, password, properties):
'''Called by portal_registration.addMember()
after a member has been added successfully.'''

Which is very bad because it's in CMFCore/; ugh. Soon as I get a chance it'll be in the bug repo. Probably in the next day or so.

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About Christopher Warner

Christopher Warner is part genius, part idiot. This makes him well balanced. He's worked on numerous opensource projects with great people and has generally led an eventful and fulfilling life. He hopes to retire an old man in a rocking chair should he be so fortunate.
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