[Japanese Version]

Free/Libre/Open Source Software Asian Developers Online Survey (FLOSS-ASIA)

Mitsubishi Research Institute, Inc.

March 2004

Responses to the questionnaire

1. Personal Profile

1.1 Gender



Fig.1 (Q46) What is your gender?

1.2 Family



Fig.2 (Q47) Do you have a partner?

1.3 Education



Fig.3 (Q48) What is the highest level of education have you completed?

1.4 Career



Fig.4 (Q49) What is your profession?


Fig.5 Professional Structure of OS/FS Developers

Table 1 Classification of professions

Software engineerSoftware engineer
StudentStudent (IT)
Student (other sectors)
University / Research InstituteUniversity / Research Institute (IT)
University / Research Institute (other sectors)
Engineer (other sectors)Engineer (other sectors)
OtherConsultant (IT)
Consultant (other sectors)
Manager (IT)
Manager (other sectors)
Exective (IT)
Exective (other sectors)
Marketing / Product sales(IT)
Marketing / Product sales(other sectors)
Other (IT)
Other (other sectors)



Fig.6 (Q50) What is your yearly gross income?

1.5 Habitation



Fig.7 (Q51) What is your nationality?



Fig.8 (Q52) Where do you live in?

2. OSS/FS Experience

2.1 OSS/FS Experience

[Start year]


Fig.9 (Q4) In what year when you started OS/FS development?

[Age at starting development]


Fig.10 (Q5) What your age when you started OS/FS development?

[Current age]

Q4 Q5

Fig.11 Current age

Table 2 Average starting year, starting age, and current age

MeanMedian MeanMedianMeanMedian MeanMedian
Starting year 1999.4 2000 1998.4 2000 1996.7 1998 1996.6 1999
Starting age 24.3 23 26.6 26 22.9 22 - 22
Current age 27.9 27 31.2 31 27.1 26 - 27

3. OSS, FS, and licenses

3.1 OSS/FS



Fig.12 (Q1) Do you think of yourself as part of the Free Software or as part of the Open Source community?



Fig.13 (Q2) Do you think that Free Software and Open Source communities are different communities?



Fig.14 (Q3) Which license do you choose, if your code never depends on any other source code?

Q1 Q2

Fig.15 Perceived Differences between OSS and FS Communities by Position

Q1 Q3

Fig.16 Differences of favorite licenses by Position

4. OS/FS development

4.1 Development time

[Working time on OS/FS]


Fig.17 (Q6) On average, how many hours per week do you work on OS/FS projects?

[working time on non-free software]


Fig.18 (Q7) If you develop proprietary software: On average, how many hours per week do you work on proprietary software projects?

Q6 Q7

Fig.19 Time Spent for Developing OS/FS and Proprietary Software

Q6 Q49

Fig.20 Time Spent for Developing OS/FS by Occupational Background of the Developers

Q7 Q49

Fig.21 Time Spent for Developing Proprietary Software by Occupational Background of the Developers

4.2 Development target



Fig.22 (Q8) For which area do you primarily develop OS/FS?

4.3 Development Environment

[Platform (1)]


Fig.23 (Q9) Which of the following is your favorite distribution / operating system?

[Platform (2)]


Fig.24 (Q10) Which of the following distribution / operating system did you use when you started programming?

[Platform (3)]


Fig.25 (Q11) Which of the following distribution / operating system did you use when you started OS/FS development?

[Programming language]


Fig.26 (Q12) In which tools and programming languages are you experienced in?


Fig.27 Experienced Programming Languages


Fig.28 Experienced Scripting Languages


Fig.29 Experienced Developing Tools, etc.

[Desktop environment]


Fig.30 (Q13) Which of the following is your favorite desktop?



Fig.31 (Q14) Which of the following is your favorite editor?

4.4 Project

[Project experience]


Fig.32 (Q15) In how many Open Source / Free Software development projects have you been involved so far?

[Current project]


Fig.33 (Q16) In how many OS/FS development projects are you currently involved?

[Project leadership]


Fig.34 (Q17) In how many Open Source / Free Software development projects have you been involved in as a leader, coordinator, or administrator?

Q15 Age

Fig.35 Number of Performed OS/FS Projects So Far by Age

Q15 year

Fig.36 Number of Performed OS/FS Projects So Far by Duration of Membership in OS/FS Community

Q15 Q49

Fig.37 Number of Performed OS/FS Projects So Far by Occupational Background

Q17 Age

Fig.38 Number of OS/FS Projects Involved in as a Leader

Q17 year

Fig.39 Number of OS/FS Projects Involved in as a Leader by Duration of Membership in OS/FS Community

Q17 Q49

Fig.40 Number of OS/FS Projects Involved in as a Leader by Occupational Background

4.5 Community

[Community member]


Fig.41 (Q18) With how many Open Source / Free Software developers do you have regular contact on an individual basis (e.g. by email or telephone)?

Q18 Q17

Fig.42 Leadership Experience of OS/FS Developers by Regular Contacts to Other Members of the Community

[Base for activities]


Fig.43 (Q19) Where is your base for OS/FS development activities?



Fig.44 (Q20) What roles do you play in OS/FS project?

[English skills]


Fig.45 (Q21) Which level is your English ability?

Q20 Q21

Fig.46 Differences of Base for Activities by English Ability

[Community leader]


Fig.47 (Q22) Which of the following OS/FS developers do you know?

4.6 Use of OSS/FS

[Daily use]


Fig.48 (Q23) Do you use OS/FS at work or if you are studying, at university/college/school?

[Daily use]


Fig.49 (Q24) How do you use OS/FS?

4.7 Qualification and learning

[OS/FS qualification]


Fig.50 (Q25) Do you have any of OS/FS qualification?



Fig.51 (Q26) From what did you learn the knowledge of OS/FS development?

Q25 Q26

Fig.52 Do you have any of OS/FS qualification?

5. Incentive, Expectation, Thought on OS/FS

5.1 Incentive to develop OS/FS

[Your / Other developer's incentive]

Q27 Q28

Fig.53 (Q27) What is your reason for participating in OS/FS development and/or distributing OS/FS?
(Q28) For what reason(s) do you think other developer go on with developing and/or distributing OS/FS?

5.2 Beginning of OS/FS development



Fig.54 (Q29) By what did you concern with OS/FS development?

5.3 Expectation from OS/FS community

[Your / Other developer's expectation]

Q30 Q31

Fig.55 (Q30) What do you expect from other OS/FS developers?
(Q31) What do you think other OS/FS developers expect from you?

5.4 Goal of OS/FS community



Fig.56 (Q32) If you had to describe the OS/FS scene in general, which of the statements below reflects most your opinion? The OS/FS scene is a forum...

5.5 Cotribution and benefits

[Your / Other developer's balance]

Q33 Q34

Fig.57 (Q33) Developers contribute to the OS/FS community in different ways, and they receive many benefits from it. In general, how do you assess your balance?
(Q34) When you consider other developers of OS/FS, how do you assess their balance?

5.6 Importance of sign



Fig.58 (Q35) Do you mark source code you provide as OS/FS as yours, e.g. by signing your name or email address on it?

Q35 Age

Fig.59 Awareness for Signing by Age

Q35 Q49

Fig.60 Awareness for Signing by Occupational Background of the Developers

6. Payments for OS/FS Development

6.1 Direct payments relating to OS/FS

[Direct payments]


Fig.61 (Q36) Do you earn money from OS/FS directly?

6.2 Indirect payments relating to OS/FS

[Indirect payments]


Fig.62 (Q37) Do you earn money from OS/FS indirectly?

6.3 OS/FS project support

[Frequency of support]


Fig.63 (Q38 - 41) Among the OS/FS projects in which you have been involved, how many received some support from a business corporaton (or consortium), private or public foundation, or other sources of funding?


Fig.64 (Q38 - 41) The Number of supported times with the Change of the Times



Fig.65 (Q42) Who supported any of OF/FS projects in which you have been involved during the past 5 years?

6.4 Income relating to OS/FS

[Income (OS/FS)]


Fig.66 (Q45) What is your yearly gross income relating to OS/FS projects?

6.5 OS/FS development and your company

[Notice on OS/FS development]


Fig.67 (Q43) Which of the following statements are true for you?

[Notice on OS/FS development]


Fig.68 (Q44) Which of the following situation are you looking forward to?

6.6 Skills Development in OSS/FS community


Fig.69 (Q53) Would you say that people learn very much from participating in the OS/FS community?


Fig.70 (Q54) According to your personal experience, what do you learn from participating in the OS/FS community? (check maximal four answers)


Fig.71 (Q55) How do you learn software development skills? (outside my job/school/university)


Fig.72 (Q56) On average, how many hours per month do you spend on learning software development skills?


Fig.73 (Q57) What do you think about the skills you develop in the OS/FS community? (Note: in the questions below, "professional career" refers to your existing career, or the professional career you plan to have)


Fig.74 (Q58) Do you think that self-organised learning in the OS/FS community is more efficient than the more formalised ways to learn in universities or companies?

*For inquiries regarding this survey, please contact:
Kazuo Hiyane, Jun Iio, Hiroyuki Shimizu
Information Technology Research Department
Mitsubishi Research Institute, Inc.
2-3-6 Otemachi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 100-8141
Email: floss-asia-admin@mri.co.jp
TEL (+81) 3-3277-0750 FAX (+81) 3-3277-3473

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