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Diep (Computer) vs Deep Junior (Computer)
World Computer Chess Championship (2004)  ·  Queen's Gambit Accepted: Central Variation. Alekhine System (D20)  ·  0-1
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Kibitzer's Corner
Jul-14-04  Tennyson: Needless to say, great knight tour starting with 19. ... Nc4-e5-f3, the theme of this game. Feels kind of silly kibitzing on what a computer moves, though, like complimenting an appliance for doing a good job. Then I salute the programers of deep junior.
Jul-14-04  themindset: "like complimenting an appliance for doing a good job" funny line dude, totally describes the way i feel about it too.
Jul-16-04  TheAussiePatzer: yeehah!
Jul-18-04  Andrew Chapman: How does Black win from the end position? I can see 28 g2xNh3 Rxh3+ 29 Qxh3 Qxh3+ 30 Kg1 Qg4+ and if 31 Kf1 then Qg3+ forks the rook. If 31 Kh1 then Qf3+ Kg1 Qxf2+ looks decisive.
Premium Chessgames Member
  tpstar: <Andrew Chapman> Your line is right, but after 30. Kg1 try 30 ... e3 threatening Mate in One (31 ... ef++). If 31. fe??/f3?? Qg3+ & 32. Qxc7, or 31. Rf1? ef+ 32. Rxf2 Qg3+ again, so White only has 31. f4, then 31 ... Qg3+ 32. Kh1, and now Black has to be careful against 33. Rxg7+! Kxg7/Qxg7 34. Rg1, so maybe 32 ... Qxf4 hitting the Rc7, then 33. d6, and finally 33 ... h6 relieving the back rank problem, letting the Rf8 get involved and Black mops up quickly. It's very good practice to figure out these winning lines, so good job!
Jun-01-07  asmama: wow ! nice game.
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