essay writing help

Essay writing guide: generating original ideas

essay writing

Throughout your academic life you're going to have to write many essays. It's very easy to learn the format, the structure of your essays and how they are to be set out, but it is not necessarily so easy to come up with original ideas. The topics you are going to write about are the key to whether or not you are successful. Choosing a topic in which you have a passionate interest or a lot of knowledge is a really smart move. So choosing the right topics mean you are far more likely to get original ideas.

As silly as it may seem, another key point is to write it yourself. Many students feel that they've hit a brick wall, that they have some sort of writer's block and have run out of original ideas. As a result they turn to an ib extended essay writing service and get them to come up with the ideas. This works for some people but for others sometimes the best way to get the best ideas is to do everything yourself.


This is a tried and tested way of coming up with original ideas. The key is to remove all shackles and let your writing flow freely. On a blank piece of paper you simply write any word or words which come into your mind on a particular topic. Make sure the topic is clearly written at the top of the page, and then you simply write, write and write again. You don't stop to think about the spelling or punctuation or the order in which you are writing things. You simply get the words down on the paper. Then when the brainstorming session has finished, you are then able to go through and highlight words which have stimulated ideas for your essay.

Try the opposite approach

So you have your essay topic and you've done some brainstorming and you come up with a number of ideas. Now try writing your essay from the opposite approach. In other words if you were setting out to prove A, change tactics and write the essay setting out to prove the opposite, i.e. B. As an exercise it forces you to think outside the box. All of a sudden what she thought would be a straightforward approach to writing the essay has been turned on its head. This forces you to come up with even more original ideas.

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Whatever you do - avoid plagiarism

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It's so easy when you are stuck for original ideas to simply copy them from somewhere else. This is self-defeating. You don't feel good about having copied somebody else's work. It's not your original idea and in fact may not be relevant to your essay topic anyway. Think carefully about what you want to do and come up with your own original ideas.

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