Benad's Web Site

Welcome to my little humble home on the Internet. This place is about me, Benoit Nadeau, also known by the alias Benad. It is also a hub for my various Internet activites and interests.


April 26, 2016

Added The Static Blog, about the relocation of my blog to this site.

December 6, 2015

Added the article A Case for Software Architects, where I try to define the software architect role in a software development project.

June 30, 2014

Added the article Why Are You A Programmer?, listing humorous stereotypes of the various kind of programmers.

August 4, 2013

This web site is now written in HTML5. More information in the article The Future is HTML5

Also, I corrected countless grammatical errors all over the place, but hopefully nobody noticed.

June 3, 2012

First, my blog moved (again) to the permanent URL

Second, I added the article "What is Software Design".

March 4, 2012

Since January 2012 I'm posting daily on my Posterous blog.

October 9, 2010

Added article ed, or How I Learned To Love The Mouse" and cleaned up the site a bit.

March 1, 2010

Completed About This Site - The Present and About This Site - The Future. Hopefully I'll update this site at a faster pace in the following weeks.

September 3, 2009

Added the page About This Site - The Past and a (manually crafted, for now) RSS feed.

August 23, 2009

Initial release. For now, only the "About Me" section is complete, but at least it's a start.


The site is broken up in the following sections. More sections will be added in the future if needed.

About Me

Find out more about who is Benad. This could be quite boring and overwhelmingly narcissistic, so feel free to move on to another section.

About This Site

Learn about the making of this site. Can get technical at times. Interesting if you like reading a web site describing itself.


Long-winded rants or thoughts about things, when they are too big to fit in my blog.


Various references to my Internet activities.