Trending in open source

See what the GitHub community is most excited about today.

  1. Roadmap to becoming a web developer in 2017

    9,925 1,033 Built by @kamranahmedse @lex111 @uralbash 678 stars today
  2. ๐ŸŽ‰ V2 release! ๐ŸŽ‰ โ€” Step-by-step tutorial to build a modern JavaScript stack.

    JavaScript 13,106 1,027 Built by @verekia @fbertone @UsulPro @saniko @nagamalli9999 607 stars today
  3. Recurrent Neural Networks - A Short TensorFlow Tutorial

    Python 593 58 Built by @mrubashkin-svds @mrubash1 @iplaman @mbrookes @rdrushal 584 stars today
  4. The open source codebase and curriculum. Learn to code and help nonprofits.

    JavaScript 248,279 10,318 Built by @QuincyLarson @BerkeleyTrue @sahat @terakilobyte @ltegman 492 stars today
  5. Papers from the computer science community to read and discuss.

    21,171 2,026 Built by @zeeshanlakhani @jeremyheiler @DarrenN @newsomc @bowmanb 331 stars today
  6. Pretty and useful exceptions in Python, automatically.

    Python 1,098 25 Built by @Qix- @paradoxxxzero @gaojiuli @pylipp 327 stars today
  7. Free resources for learning Full Stack Web Development

    5,351 507 Built by @bmorelli25 @Roshanjossey @atehrani21 @ashoknailwal @Faisal-Hassan 286 stars today
  8. A tool for thinking in systems

    JavaScript 393 28 Built by @ncase @mguida22 279 stars today
  9. โ˜‘๏ธ [Cheatsheet] Tips and tricks for Android Development

    Java 1,345 165 Built by @nisrulz @qwert2603 @ajdeguzman @FaizMalkani @funkyidol 263 stars today
  10. Learn how to design large-scale systems. Prep for the system design interview.

    Python 13,082 1,034 Built by @donnemartin @luisbg @ralphite @balki-server @baldassarreFe 254 stars today
  11. Java 520 40 Built by @google-automerger 242 stars today
  12. A lightweight scroll animation javascript library without any dependency

    JavaScript 1,160 38 Built by @hsnaydd @clintonyeb @lex111 @374632897 @johnbacon 197 stars today
  13. One framework. Mobile & desktop.

    TypeScript 22,234 5,675 Built by @vsavkin @vicb @tbosch @IgorMinar @alexeagle 179 stars today
  14. A progressive, incrementally-adoptable JavaScript framework for building UI on the web.

    JavaScript 47,949 6,231 Built by @yyx990803 @defcc @kazupon @Jinjiang @phanan 167 stars today
  15. Everything you need to know to get the job.

    Java 6,865 647 Built by @kdn251 @sqrthree @fatosmorina @jsroyal @sbennett1990 173 stars today
  16. Higher order React components for file uploading (with progress)

    JavaScript 195 4 Built by @zackify @danielberndt 177 stars today
  17. Perceptual JPEG encoder

    C++ 8,073 562 Built by @robryk @khavishbhundoo @jyrkialakuijala @dflynn15 @likealcohol 167 stars today
  18. A fully decentralized network for distributing data

    Python 2,009 55 Built by @jackrobison @jobevers @lyoshenka @jimmykiselak @DaveA50 172 stars today
  19. Computation using data flow graphs for scalable machine learning

    C++ 51,837 24,337 Built by @tensorflower-gardener @vrv @benoitsteiner @caisq @martinwicke 124 stars today
  20. A common Android coding style , you can apply it in your own Android group. ๅฏๅœจ็ป„ๅ†…ๆŽจ่กŒ็š„Androidไปฃ็?่ง„่Œƒ

    179 40 Built by @LoranWong 146 stars today
  21. JavaScript 684 8 Built by @drcmda 155 stars today
  22. Data and code behind the stories and interactives at FiveThirtyEight

    Jupyter Notebook 5,243 1,930 Built by @andrewflowers @ascheink @dmil @ritchieking @atmccann 137 stars today
  23. A declarative, efficient, and flexible JavaScript library for building user interfaces.

    JavaScript 62,725 11,573 Built by @zpao @spicyj @sebmarkbage @jimfb @gaearon 135 stars today
  24. Recall what you did on the last working day. Psst! or be nosy and find what someone else in your team did ;-)

    Shell 3,500 108 Built by @kamranahmedse @ivanstegic @ptrf @apjanke @golbin 142 stars today
  25. A fully functional local AWS cloud stack. Develop and test your cloud apps offline!

    Python 733 34 Built by @whummer @kevinsteele @goodmanship @FJK-NZ 137 stars today
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