Shlomif's Technical Posts Community - Vim Tips: scp URLs, "set tabpagemax" and fixing C indentation [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
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Vim Tips: scp URLs, "set tabpagemax" and fixing C indentation [Feb. 18th, 2012|06:24 pm]
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Here are some Vim tips I ran into recently. First of all, when opening scp:// URLs, one should use two slashes after the hostname instead of 1, like scp://hostname//home/myuser/foo.txt instead of scp://hostname/home/myuser/foo.txt. I don’t know why that is the case, but it does not work properly without it. It also seems that netrw is buggy as it displays an irritating grey line on the cursor, the syntax highlighting tends to be off and saving a file displays several lines at the bottom.

Another tip is that gvim limits the number of tabs it opens when doing gvim -p [file1] [file2] [file3]. As a result, it is possible that not all files will be opened. If you want to change it you can set set tabpagemax in your .vimrc.

Finally, I noticed that Vim c-indentation tends to indent parameters to functions on subsequent lines using 8 spaces instead of 4 by default. I was able to change it to 4, which is my preference by adding set cinoptions+='(0,W4' to my .vimrc. There is plenty of other nifty stuff available in the cinoptions parameter.



From: (Anonymous)
2012-02-19 08:28 pm (UTC)

vim tips


As I understand it, two slashes just mean that you start from the root directory of the host, while one slash starts from the $HOME of the specified user.