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Links June 2012

This Youtube video is an amusing satire of EULAs and copyright law as applied to uploading consciousness [1].

Washington’s Blog has an insightful article about the way that the lack of trust in the US is killing their economy [2]. It seems that as long as the 1% are allowed to get away with breaking the law the US economy won’t recover. It’s something we should all keep in mind at election time, let’s not be like the US.

AirBnB is an interesting service to allow people to rent a room or an apartment, a quick scan indicates that it’s a lot cheaper than hotels and offers many good locations [3]. It’s probably of most interest to the more social people though which is a down side for me.

Queensland’s highest court has ruled that “vilification of homosexuals is also vilification of bisexuals” because “an essential aspect of bisexuality is a sexual feeling of a person of the same sex, that is, homosexuality” [4]. Anyone who didn’t find that totally obvious could simply consult any dictionary or encyclopedia to find out. But the Australian legal system needed a 46 page ruling. We really need some sanity in the courts.

Father Gregory Boyle founded an organisation named Homeboy Industries with the purpose of providing jobs for people with criminal records [5]. It’s amazing the way he is helping people turn their lives around and it’s apparently a lot cheaper than sending them to jail.

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