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Let’s Admit Some White Refugees!

The big issue in Europe is the ongoing invasion from Africa and the Middle East. If G-20 protestors were going to take to the streets and throw Molotov cocktails last weekend, THAT should have been their target. THAT’S the existential threat, the threat to Europe’s future–the future these millennials will have to live in. But that’s not what the G-20 protestors were protesting. Their target: CAPITALISM? We’re coming up to the hundredth anniversary of Lenin overthrowing capitalism in Russia. How’d THAT work out?

Sometimes the world just doesn’t make sense.

Of all of Africa’s 54 nations, only one is a member of the G-20. That would be South Africa (although Guinea and Senegal were guest participants at this year’s summit).

South Africa’s an interesting study. For race realists, it’s also a disconcerting one.

When the blacks took over 23 years ago, we all assumed the country would quickly collapse into economic destitution and tribal warfare, with the white people of South Africa counted as one of the tribes.

The joke going around at the time was: Q—What’s the difference between South Africa and Zimbabwe? A—About five years.

That was 23 years ago. South Africa’s still up and running, under black-run government all this time. Some humility is called for here among race realists. Some.

Sure, South Africa has its problems, as all countries have. They have 27 percent unemployment, with widespread serious poverty, including a big poverty-stricken white underclass. [Tough times for white South African squatters, by Finbarr O’Reilly, Reuters, March 26, 2010]Levels of corruption are, well, African.

The crime rate is tremendous. South Africa’s homicide rate is in the low-to-middle thirties per hundred thousand. That puts South Africa in the world’s top ten, up there with Jamaica, Honduras, and Guatemala—although not in quite the same league as America’ own St. Louis, Baltimore, and Detroit, all of which have broken fifty per hundred thousand.

A lot of the problems are First World-ish, though. South Africa actually has the ultimate status symbol among First World national vexations: an immigration problem.

The country is doing so well–by African standards, that is–that it’s plagued by illegal aliens from other African countries. There are frequent black-on-black anti-immigration riots. There was a nasty one earlier this year:

The latest anti-immigrant sentiments were set off in a neighborhood south of Johannesburg called Rosettenville, where residents burned down a dozen houses that they said were being used by Nigerians as drug dens and brothels. [South Africa Anti-Immigrant Protests Turn Violent, By Norimitsu Onishi, NYT, February 24, 2017]

Reading South African news outlets, it’s surprising how many immigration stories there are. Random headline from this week: Crackdown Halves Number Of Foreigners With Temporary Residence Permits. [By Farren Collins,, July 10, 2017].

For a further claim to First World status, South Africa also has declining fertility, now just above replacement level.

The country’s politics are quite sane by African standards. Given the current levels of hysteria in Washington, D.C., it’s even tempting to say, “by American standards”…but let’s not over-egg the pudding here.

True, it’s a de facto one-party state, with the ANC, the African National Congress, holding power all 23 of these years. The ANC has quite distinct right and left wings, though, economically speaking: a pro-business wing and a pro-labor wing, who bicker constantly. There are significant opposition parties that did well in last year’s municipal elections. One of them won control of Pretoria, one of South Africa’s three capital cities.

(South Africa has three capital cities, one for each constitutional branch: legislature, executive, judiciary. Pretoria’s the executive capital. This seems to me a very good idea, that could be usefully adopted by the U.S.A. Why do we have all three branches located in Washington, D.C.?)

So, hey, we could just as well be talking about Denmark here!

Well, not quite. South Africa adopted the crony-capitalist economic model. Well-paid do-nothing government jobs are dominated by blacks, while the white and Asian–mostly Indian–business classes are left alone to make money. It’s not a bad model–Malaysia’s made it work for coming up to fifty years.

South Africa has its own particular issues, though–the issues spelled out in Ilana Mercer’s 2011 book Into the Cannibal’s Pot.

Fertility may be down towards replacement level, but as any demography buff will tell you, that leaves a huge “bulge” from the previous higher rates to work its way through the age cohorts. Millions of young black South African adults are jobless. They are rallying to Julius Malema’s new Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF) party, which is Castro-ist in economics and fiercely anti-white.

(Republished from by permission of author or representative)
• Category: Foreign Policy • Tags: Immigration, South Africa, VDare Archives 

Our President went to Poland and made a stirring speech. Remember the old radical chant, “Hey hey, ho ho, Western Civ. has got to go!”? Our President took the opposite line, counter-attacking: “Ho ho, hey hey, Western Civ. is here to stay!

I sure hope he’s right.

The speech of course was grandiloquent. A speech of that kind can hardly be otherwise.

And there are parts of it I’d disagree with. We need to get out of NATO and let Europeans organize their own collective defense, if they have the will. So I’m not as thrilled as the President is about the money pouring into NATO’s coffers.

Nor do I agree with him that the jihadis of Afghanistan and Iraq are significant enemies of our civilization—so long as we make an effort to keep them out of our countries, which we currently don’t.

There was also some polite papering-over of the history of our past solidarity with the Poles, too. Here I can’t resist quoting the story that opens Chapter 13 of Paul Johnson’s Modern Times:

On 10 January 1946, the Tory MP and diarist “Chips” Channon attended a society wedding in London and remarked to another guest, Lady (“Emerald”) Cunard, “how quickly normal life had been resumed. ‘After all,’ I said, pointing to the crowded room, ‘this is what we have been fighting for.’ ‘What,’ said Emerald, ‘are they all Poles?’”

And with the best will in the world towards our President—and I do have the best will in the world towards him—it was hard not to wince, knowing the President’s own personal history then hearing him say that

If we do not have strong families and strong values, then we will be weak and we will not survive.

These are trivial blemishes, though, by comparison with the nuggets of pure gold in the speech. Nuggets like this:

The fundamental question of our time is whether the West has the will to survive. Do we have the confidence in our values to defend them at any cost? Do we have enough respect for our citizens to protect our borders? Do we have the desire and the courage to preserve our civilization in the face of those who would subvert and destroy it?

Those really are the fundamental questions of our time. They are the questions on the mind of every thoughtful patriot in the West, of everyone who cherishes our civilization.

(They are, incidentally, the questions posed by Douglas Murray in his book The Strange Death of Europe: Immigration, Identity, Islam, which I took delivery of mid-week. I’ll be posting a full review in due course. Here I just note, at a hundred pages into the book, that it’s one everybody who cares about those big civilizational issues should read).

I’ll allow some modest difference of opinion with our President over exactly who those people are who “would subvert and destroy” our civilization.

Sure: the Muslim fanatics of the Middle East, Africa, and West Asia are in there. They would destroy us if they could.

Much more important in the ranks of our enemies, though, are those of our own people who would open our countries to mass settlement from those regions. Also, those of our own people who hate Western Civ., people to whom Western Civ. is only a catalog of oppression, slavery, colonialism, patriarchy, and cruelty.

These people infest our government bureaucracies, our schools and universities, our media outlets, our churches, our corporations. Do we have the will to face them down, to drain the swamps, clean out the stables, chase the money-lenders from the temples?

Well, that just circles us back to the President’s question. Thank you, Mr. President; thank you, thank you for stating that question out loud for the world to hear.

And you could hardly find a better place then Poland to say it. Protect our borders? The Poles can tell you things about that. They remember very vividly—how could they ever forget? —what happened to their borders 78 years ago, when Stalin and Hitler simultaneously invaded.

Concerning which, by the way—as an old Cold Warrior, but also as a person who just likes to hear the plain truth spoken—I’d like to thank our President all over again for not eliding the monstrous crimes of Soviet Russia.

Leftist historians and media types have been playing that game for decades—very successfully, stuffing Stalin’s crimes down the memory hole. Our politicians have mostly gone along with them. Any ordinary, not-very-attentive citizen of the West knows that Hitler invaded Poland in 1939; nothing like as many know that it was a co-invasion, Hitler and Stalin acting together.

(Republished from by permission of author or representative)
• Category: Foreign Policy • Tags: Donald Trump, EU, Immigration, VDare Archives 
Never Forget The Bullet We Dodged When Hillary Was Defeated

From time to time, our President displays a lack of self-restraint, allowing his inner nitwit to escape from its cage, as in his feuds with Mika Brzezinski and CNN. At least, that how it seems to me in my geezer-like way—I know younger Dissident Righters think it’s hilarious. Still, I can always console myself by reflecting on what a huge, lethal bullet the U.S.A. dodged last November.

By way of illustration, here’s something I picked up from the Twitter thread of anonymous tweeter “tcjfs“—that’s his Twitter handle—who is one of the most prolific and insightful tweeters on the Dissident Right.

There’s a link to a blog post at the blog of Jack Balkin (below left—email him) who is a Professor of Constitutional Law and the First Amendment at Yale Law School.

This particular post on Prof. Balkin’s blog is not by him, but by a different constitutional scholar, Prof. Mark Tushnet(below left) who teaches at Harvard Law School.

So we have a Harvard law professor writing on the blog of a Yale law professor. Dodged a bullet? What we dodged here was a heavy artillery barrage.

The blog post is dated May 6th last year, six months before the election, when all reasonable people—and who could be more reasonable than a couple of Ivy League Law School professors?—assumed that Mrs. Clinton would be the country’s next president.

Looking forward to that blessed prospect, Prof. Tushnet (right—email him) contributed this post at Prof. Balkin’s blog: “Abandoning Defensive Crouch Liberal Constitutionalism.” Opening four sentences:

Several generations of law students and their teachers grew up with federal courts dominated by conservatives. Not surprisingly, they found themselves wandering in the wilderness, looking for any sign of hope. The result: Defensive-crouch constitutionalism, with every liberal position asserted nervously, its proponents looking over their shoulders for retaliation by conservatives (in its elevated forms, fear of a backlash against aggressively liberal positions).

It’s time to stop.

Prof. Tushnet then lays out a program for Leftists, once they have swept to power in last November’s election, seizing all the commanding heights of constitutional jurisprudence.

The whole thing is too long to quote, and written in law-school-professor-speranto, so I’ll just pick out some highlights.

With a solid liberal majority on the Supreme Court, justices should, Prof. Tushnet tells us:

  • Overrule key cases. Prof. Tushnet offers a list. Head of the list is the 1978 Bakke ruling, that imposed some slight, cautious restraints on Affirmative Action in college admissions, ruling out blatant racial quotas, for example. According to Prof. Tushnet, the ruling amounted to “rejecting all the rationales for Affirmative Action that really matter.”
  • Deal sternly with what Prof. Tushnet calls “the losers in the culture war.” Quote: “The war’s over, and we won.” Further quote: “Taking a hard line seemed to work reasonably well in Germany and Japan after 1945.” This is what tjcfs means by treating us like “Nazis after 1945.” Just to remind you, this is a professor of constitutional law at America’s most prestigious law school.
  • “Exploit the ambiguities and loopholes in unfavorable precedents that aren’t worth overruling. The assumption here is that with Mrs. Clinton in the White House, liberal justices would be able to overrule anything at all; but where it’s too much trouble, a precedent should be interpreted with maximum progressive spin.
  • Be more ideological! Conservatives are too dimwitted consciously to practice ideological jurisprudence, although the results of their rulings are anti-progressive none the less. Progressives should have their ideology always in mind.
  • Be bold and triumphalist, like Justices Brennan and Marshall (Tushnet clerked for Thurgood Marshall in the early 70s)…not timid and accommodating like that squeaky little mouse Ruth Bader Ginsburg, whose “work as a judge has been shaped more than it should be by defensive crouch constitutionalism.”
  • Stop pandering to Justice Kennedy, whose vote won’t be crucial any more.

(Republished from by permission of author or representative)

Alex Pareene And The Phone Booth Principle. The white-advocacy group American Renaissance, to whose annual conference I shall be speaking in July, had the idea to invite journalists from the other side as guests to the conference — writers for CultMarx outfits like

One of the names they wanted to invite (Alex Pareene [Tweet him] right, now political editor at had made some particularly coarse and stupid remarks about a talk I gave at CPAC in 2012, to which remarks I had responded appropriately. With the fine courtesy that is characteristic of AmRen, the organizers sent me an email to ask whether, as a listed speaker, I would have any objection to that person’s presence.

I didn’t mind his presence; I told them so; they invited the guy; he declined the invitation. (Very politely, I was told. Perhaps good manners really are infectious, just as our mothers told us.)

I didn’t just not mind; I heartily approve of this kind of initiative. There’s a lot to be said for getting together with people whose opinions you strongly dislike, and experiencing them as people.

My guiding rule here is what I call the Phone Booth Principle, from a lesson I learned way back in my student days in London.

I was living in a rented room — a bedsitter — with no access to the house’s one telephone. My girlfriend lived in my home town seventy miles away. Once a week I would call her from a public telephone booth — one of the old-style facilities: a regular little kiosk with glass-paneled sides and door, painted red.

So one winter’s evening I hiked a couple of blocks to the nearest phone booth to make the call. There was a middle-aged woman in the booth, talking on the phone. And talking, and talking …

I stood there impatiently in the cold. She could see me, of course, but was too intent on her conversation to make any acknowledgement of the fact. She talked and talked; I stood and stood, impatience rising.

It was getting dark. There was a chilly wind. A fine, light English drizzle started up. She talked on into the phone. I began to seethe. I moved myself right up against the booth to make myself obvious. She flicked a glance my way but made no sign, only went on talking.

My seething got vicious. I began to work up fantasies of what I would say to her when she finally yielded up the phone booth. I would yell at her for her selfishness in uncouth and obscene terms. Perhaps I’d demand that she pay for my call! — this evil, antisocial person, hogging a public facility without regard to the needs of others!

Reader, I began to hate that woman with hot, boiling hatred. She was not, in my imagination, a person, but a representative — of selfishness, of adult indifference to the needs of youth, of all that was wrong with modern society!

At last, when my imagination was turning towards homicide, the woman finished her call. She hung up the phone, opened the door, and stepped out of the booth. Addressing me with full eye contact, she said: “I’m terribly sorry to have kept you waiting so long on such a miserable night. It was really important. I’m so sorry.”

The wave function collapsed. The woman was no longer an abstraction, a representative of loathsome types or trends. She was a person.

To the person I replied: “That’s perfectly all right. I understand, of course.”

[Afterthought: Perhaps I’m just being hopelessly geezerish here. That story is from fifty years ago, when civilized Western nations still kept barbarism at bay. I doubt The Phone Booth Principle would have much purchase on critters like this.]


If we tried to use our nukes, would they work? In my June 2nd Radio Derb I wondered whether our nukes would still work, should we need to use them.

Nuclear war uses nuclear weapons. The U.S.A. stopped making nukes after the Cold War ended a quarter-century ago. The last time we tested a nuke — to make sure that, you know, it, like, worked — was in fact just 25 years ago this coming September.

That brought in a very interesting email from a knowledgeable listener. Slightly edited:

There is a surprisingly candid statement about the ability of the National Nuclear Security Administration to certify the reliability and safety of the existing stockpile of nuclear weapons (about 1,550) in the Nuclear Matters Handbook. [PDF]

Nuclear weapons such as the W87, W88, B-61 (various versions) and B-83 were designed to be absolutely state of the art in terms of yield-weight ratio, using the technology of the 1970s and 1980s. The expected service life of those nuclear weapons was about 20 years, after which they’d be retired and replaced with more modern ones.

Well, that isn’t happening and no one really understands how keeping these weapons past their expected service lives is affecting their reliability — the high explosive surrounding the plutonium pits keep absorbing radiation.

It can be removed and replaced but the high explosive is literally glued to the pit and sometimes cracks when it’s taken off.

There’s also the question of exposing personnel to additional radiation as a result of americium-241 ingrowth in the plutonium core.

And, of course, none of this can be tested. The Nuclear Matters Handbook also mentions some known safety upgrades that cannot be installed, because no one knows how they might affect reliability.

As a minor aside, it has been well over twenty-five years, since the U.S. tested a weapon with a yield in excess of 150 kilotons, so the secondary designs of existing weapons may well be from the 1960s …

Here’s me with a 1964 Chevy Nova.

(Republished from by permission of author or representative)
• Category: Ideology • Tags: VDare Archives 

There’s something to report almost daily now in the war between Muslims and infidels being played out on the streets of Western cities. It’s getting to be so that any news outlet needs to just include a regular slot for these events, like the weather report. If things get any worse, some entrepreneur might start an entire cable TV channel—you know, like the Weather Channel. He could call it the Terror Channel.

Well, here’s this week’s Terror Report.

I logged four incidents this week: Two on Monday, one on Tuesday, one on Wednesday.

There was terrorism elsewhere, too, of course. Muslim fanatics attacked a tourist resort in Mali last Sunday, killing four or five people, it’s not clear [Mali: Death Toll Rises in Mali Attack,, June 19, 2017] But hey, Mali. If you care about Mali, go read about it. I care about the civilized world.

London, Monday, shortly after midnight local time. Darren Osborne, no known religious affiliation, a middle-aged Welshman, drove a van into a crowd of Muslims outside a mosque in north London. One Muslim died in the attack and nine were hospitalized. Witnesses quoted Osborne on the scene saying he wanted to “kill all Muslims.” [London terror attack near mosque: New info on suspect, CBS, June 20, 2017]

Paris, Monday afternoon. A few hours after the London attack, on Monday afternoon, Adam Djaziri, Muslim, of Tunisian origin, deliberately crashed his car into the lead car of a police convoy on the Champs Elysées boulevard. The car was full of guns and explosives. It did in fact explode after the impact, killing Mr. Djaziri but no-one else. [Prosecutor: Champs-Elysees attacker pledged allegiance to IS, By Elaine Ganley, Associated Press,June 22, 2017]

Brussels, Tuesday evening. Oussama Zariouh, Muslim, a Moroccan national resident in Belgium, tried to blow himself and many other people up at the main railroad station. The attempt failed; his bomb only caught fire. Distraught at his failure, Zariouh ran back and forth on the station platform until he encountered a soldier. He shouted “Allahu akbar!” at the soldier, who thereupon shot him dead. Zariouh’s bomb did later explode, but no-one was hurt. [Brussels explosion: Prosecutors say major terror attack at station averted after bomb packed with nails fails, by Lizzie Dearden, Independent, June 21, 2017.]

Flint, Michigan, Wednesday morning. Amor Ftouhi, Muslim, a Canadian citizen born in Tunisia, stabbed a member of the Flint airport police force while shouting “Allahu akbar!” Ftouhi gave his motive as hatred of the U.S.A. He is in custody; the cop is recovering in hospital.

That’s the butcher’s bill for this week. I don’t have anything new to say about the attacks themselves, nor about the weather. The reactions to the attacks have been interesting, though.

That first attack, the one in London where a non-Muslim drove his van into a crowd of Muslims, drew some crowing from out here on the Alt Right. “It’s started!” people were saying. Occidental Dissent ran the story under the headline When the Saxon Began to Hate. [By Marcus Cicero, June 19, 2017]

That’s a misquote from Kipling, who in reference to World War I wrote a poem with the refrain, “When the English began to hate.”

Kipling did not write, “When the Saxons began to hate.” It would have been odd if he did, since Saxons are Germans, natives of Saxony. In World War I, Saxons were the enemy, along of course with Bavarians, Swabians, Prussians, Silesians, and other Germans.

And while I’m picking nits, I note that the guy who drove the van was Welsh. A Welshman will not thank you for calling him English, and he’ll be plain baffled if you call him a Saxon.

All that aside, this talk about the Cold Civil War turning hot is unconvincing. Real civil wars turn on sectionalism—big geographical territories at loggerheads with each other. That’s not the case, either in Britain or the U.S.A. Sure, we have red states and blue states; but the red states are 52 percent red and the blue states are 53 percent blue. We don’t have sections.

If you cut down to the county level you can get sectionalism: Professor Michael Hart has written a book about that. Much as I admire Prof Hart and his work, I think this is a stretch. [ Editor Peter Brimelow does not agree].

Looking at the toll from our last Civil War, I hope to God we don’t have another one. For sure we don’t need one. What we need is sane immigration policies, that’s all.

Comment from the CultMarx multiculturalists in the Main Stream Media gravitated towards moral equivalence on the London van attack. Sample from the New York Times, June 20th:

(Republished from by permission of author or representative)

Professor Paul Gottfried is well-known to readers for his mordant commentaries on our present political culture. I seem to have known Paul for ever, although our personal acquaintance can’t actually be much older than my review of his 2009 memoir Encounters, in which I described him as a “modest and good-natured” man through whose books there none the less run “currents of disillusion and despair.”

Recently, since the Alt Right was dragged into the foreground of public attention by Mrs. Clinton last year, Professor Gottfried has become more widely known as the person who first came up with “Alternative Right” as a descriptor. (The shortened form was Richard Spencer’s idea.)

Paul’s feelings about the movement he christened—or perhaps, since he’s Jewish, one should say “brised”—can be inspected in a column he wrote for us last year. Those feelings are mixed, although, as he wrote, “I make no bones about preferring Altright [sic] (warts and all) to Conservatism, Inc.”

Neocons have a correspondingly low opinion of Paul. A National Review editor, responding I think to my review of Encounters, told me that Paul is “the house Jew of the Buchananites.” Charity is not a distinguishing characteristic of respectable conservatism.

Paul describes himself, in this new book, as “a European historian specializing in the nineteenth century.” That greatly understates the depth and breadth of his knowledge.

Here, to take a letter at random from the alphabet, are the personal names listed under “H” in the book’s index.

Jürgen Habermas, Nathan Hale, Alexander Hamilton, Victor Davis Hanson, F.J.C. Hearnshaw (author of Conservatism in England), Hegel, Heidegger, Henry IV (of France), Gertrude Himmelfarb, the Hindenburgs (father and son), Hitler, Hobbes, Hölderlin, Francois Hollande, Evander Holyfield (Paul has, he writes, “a passion for boxing matches”—at age eight he briefly sparred with middleweight champ Jake LaMotta, the “Raging Bull”), and Mike Huckabee.

That’s a pretty good range for a historian: wide enough to impress a much-less-well-read person—this reviewer, for example. And Paul has of course read the Germans in the original German, as well as Aristotle in the original Greek, and, it seems from the fact that I can’t find any translation on the internet, Fisichella’s La democrazia contro la realtà in the original Italian.

Bertrand Russell once opined that he would rather be reviewed by his worst enemy among philosophers than by a friend ignorant of philosophy. I very much hope Paul does not nurse some similar preference.

Revisions and Dissents contains fourteen essays on different subjects, though all are in the broad general area of political science.

Fourteen is the number of lines in a sonnet. I hope the author won’t mind if, with no better excuse than that, I sonnetize his Table of Contents, one line per chapter. (To get the scansion right you need to know that “Bagehot” is pronounced “Badge-ot.”)

Biography: the Prof’s a small-town lad.

Sociology: does Nisbet vanquish Kirk?

The neocons usurped true rightists—sad!

History without contingency won’t work.

Equality! they promise us, while power they seek.

What’s a state? Ask Oakeshott, Hobbes, de Tocq.

Charles Maurras was no Burke, but worth a peek.

Present-centered history’s a crock.

The Euro-right is rising—up they go!

Walter Bagehot didn’t trust the proles.

Bobos are a class, says Murray. No!

Popes were never Nazis—different goals.

Strauss, Heidegger: as thinker, who’s ahead?

Trump’s triumph means the Right is not yet dead!

It’s that last essay, on Donald Trump’s capturing of the U.S. presidency, to which most readers will turn first.

That’s a shame: not because the essay is bad in any way, only because most of it—ten of its twelve pages—was written early in the primary season last year, so that subsequent events have weakened its interest.

The essay is still worth reading, though, for its predictive insights into last year’s election.

(Republished from by permission of author or representative)
• Category: Ideology • Tags: Conservative Movement, Neocons, VDare Archives 

The really striking feature of the June 8 U.K. election was the relative success of the Labour Party under its leader Jeremy Corbyn.

This crazy old Lefty, who never saw a commie dictator or an anti-British terrorist he didn’t want to kiss up to, and who won the endorsement of the British Communist Party for Thursday’s election, somehow got forty percent of Brits to vote for him, five days after anti-British terrorists ran amok in the nation’s capital. What’s up with that?

To a person of my generation, who grew up in the Cold War, visited European communist countries, and lived for a year in communist China, Corbyn’s affection for the twentieth century’s greatest political blight is incomprehensible.

Corbyn is, in fact, of my generation—he’s four years younger than me—which makes it double incomprehensible. How did he miss noticing what a despotic horror show communism was?

Well, there is such a thing as being blinded by ideological passion, we all know that. Still the question remains: Why did forty percent of Brits vote for this whiskery old fool?

The polls show two big gaps between Tories and Labour in the voting: an enthusiasm gap, and an age gap [Election turnout: Labour gains seats where voter numbers increased more than 5 per cent, By Elizabeth Stromme and Ajay Nair, Express (UK), June 9, 2017]

A lot of people who normally wouldn’t bother to vote, did so on Thursday; and they voted Labour. Where turnout increased more than five percent, Labour won.

And a lot of people who were not registered to vote, did so. Most of these were young voters registering for the first time, and again they leaned heavily towards Labour.

Enthusiasm and youth. Well, the enthusiasm goes with Mrs. May’s total lack of charisma and her bungling on the campaign trail.

Also perhaps—I hope!—to her feeble, formulaic response to Saturday’s London Bridge atrocity.

She put on her angry face and told her countrymen that she was very upset and something or other would be done. The Brits must “deny safe spaces to the extremists,” and, quote, “assert the superiority of British values.” She said there needed to be “some difficult, and often embarrassing, conversations.”

Can’t you just see the jihadis trembling with fear? “Forget about trying to fit that suicide belt, Achmed. The Brits are going to make us have embarrassing conversations. We can’t fight against that!”

Meanwhile, the defenders of law and order hastened to warn Brits that they would crack down with maximum force on anyone who blamed Islam for the attack. London’s Mayor, Muslim-supremacist Sadiq Khan, snarled that

Just as the police will do everything possible to root out extremism from our city, so we will take a zero-tolerance approach to hate crime. If you witness a hate crime, please report it to the police. If you commit a hate crime, you face arrest.

Mayor Sadiq Khan reveals rise in hate crime in London after bridge attack,

By Mark Chandler, Evening Standard, June 7, 2017

Significantly, in the subsequent public quarrel between Khan and the President of the United States, Donald J. Trump, Prime Minister May sided with Khan.[ May Condemns Trump’s Attack on Khan as She Backs London Mayor, BloombergNews, June 5, 2017]

But as for the youth: What do young Brits know about the Cold War? What do they know about the horrors of Lenin, Stalin, and Mao? The artificial famines and mass killings, the slave-labor camps and torture chambers, the crushing of dissent and the endless official lying?

They don’t know anything, of course. Their school history lessons didn’t tell them anything about communism. The great evils of history, they were told, were British imperialism and the slave trade. Of twentieth-century totalitarianism, all they know is Hitlery-Hitlery Hitler Hitler Hitlery-Hitler.

There’s more than that going on, though—something deeper. Corbyn, like Donald Trump in the U.S.A. and Emmanuel Macron in France, is seen as an outsider—someone not part of the political establishment.

That’s perfectly bogus: Corbyn has never had a job outside politics. It’s bogus in Macron’s case, too: Macron was actually a cabinet officer in French government s. He had done some private-sector work, though, so the degree of bogosity there is less than Corbyn’s. Trump is the genuine article, a true outsider.

(Republished from by permission of author or representative)

President Trump fulfilled one of his campaign promises by withdrawing our country from last year’s Paris agreement on phasing out fossil-fuel energy production.

This is pure America First policy-making. The Paris agreement was a big favorite with globalists, in spite of the fact that it wasn’t actually very global.

Sure, all the important countries signed on to it, but not on equal terms. The U.S.A., in the person of Barack Obama, promised to reduce the U.S.A.’s carbon dioxide emissions by at least 26 percent over 15 years; China only promised that their emissions would stop rising by 2030 — having of course risen mightily in the meantime. [U.S., China formally enter climate change deal, CBS, September 3, 2016 ]

The fact that well-nigh every country has signed on to the agreement tells you, all by itself, that nobody much takes it seriously. Only Syria and Nicaragua have not signed. Syria is busy with other issues, and nobody knows or cares where Nicaragua is or what happens to the place, if it even is a place.

When 195 of the world’s countries agree to something, without discord or rancor or the mobilization of troops, you can be sure it’s something of very little consequence to any of them. This is global-scale virtue signalling.

And as is the case with all virtue signalling, the Paris agreement, so far as it has any content at all, is anti-white. It places the heaviest obligations on prosperous, successful developed countries, which means mostly white countries.

(Apologies to the Japanese and Koreans, who, I would guess from some modest acquaintance with them, signed the agreement in a spirit of pure undiluted cynicism. And in case you’re wondering: Yes, North Korea is a signatory to the agreement too — a very telling index of the level of cynicism here.)

Setting aside the degree of sincerity with which the countries of the world have signed up to the Paris agreement, the agreement itself amounts to nothing much.

What, for example, would be the penalties against a country that broke its promises under the Paris Agreement? And who would enforce those penalties? Answers: Nothing and nobody. There is no enforcement mechanism.

In the particular case of the U.S.A., our signature to the agreement anyway has no force, as it’s not a treaty as defined in our Constitution. Article II, Section 2 of that blessed document specifies that the President, quote, “shall have Power, by and with the Advice and Consent of the Senate, to make Treaties, provided two thirds of the Senators present concur,” end quote. Obama never went through that little formality, so the agreements have no legal force in our country.[ The U.S. can’t quit the Paris climate agreement, because it never actually joined by Eugene Kontorovich, Washington Post, June 2, 2017]

So pretty much anything to do with the Paris agreement is just gestural. Our signing up to it was a gesture; our leaving it is a gesture. Neither act makes any difference to your life or mine.

President Trump’s pulling out of the agreement was at least, though, a gesture in the right direction. As I said, it was a gesture to his America First principle. As he said, quote: “I was elected to represent the citizens of Pittsburgh, not Paris,” end quote. The Mayor of Pittsburgh grumbled that his citizens actually voted eighty percent for Mrs. Clinton. [ Mayor Peduto slams Trump for name-dropping Pittsburgh, by Adam Smelts, Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, June 1, 2017] But that’s splitting hairs. President Trump was elected, and the American electorate in its collective wisdom elects a President to represent them all, including those who didn’t vote for the winning candidate.

Given what a nothingburger this all is, the reactions both at home and abroad to Trump’s announcement have been bizarrely disproportionate. Ex-President Obama said Trump had “joined a small handful of nations that reject the future.”[Barack Obama’s statement on Trump’s Paris Agreement withdrawal: Read it in full, Independent, June 1, 2017]

German Chancellorette Angela Merkel paused briefly from handing over her country to Muslim invaders to tell us that Trump, “can’t and won’t stop all those of us who feel obliged to protect the planet.” [EU to bypass Trump administration after Paris climate agreement pullout, Guardian, June 2, 2017] A tabloid newspaper in her nation ran a front-page heading saying: Earth to Trump: [bleep] You!. That headline was of course in German, except for the bleep, which was Anglo-Saxon … or in this case, I guess, just Saxon.

(Republished from by permission of author or representative)
• Category: Ideology • Tags: Donald Trump, Global Warming, VDare Archives 

Richard Emmanuel Goldstein Spencer. Emmanuel Goldstein is the number one Enemy of the State in George Orwell’s Nineteen Eighty-Four, and the main target of the daily Two Minutes Hate sessions.

Who plays the corresponding role in the soft — but increasingly less soft — totalitarianism of 2017 America? The obvious answer is of course: Donald Trump.

That’s not quite right, though. For a really convincing hate figure there needs to be an element of treachery. Emmanuel Goldstein, like Trotsky (on whom of course he was modeled) had once been a comrade-in-arms of the Supreme Leader; but their views had diverged, and Goldstein had gone to the dark side.

You can’t really fit Donald Trump into that mold. It’s true that in the past he schmoozed with liberal politicians and sometimes expressed liberal sentiments. He wasn’t any kind of leader of liberalism, though, and never had any connection at all with the violent antifa fanaticism that is now taking over from late 20th-century milquetoast progressivism.

I submit that a better candidate for the Emmanuel Goldstein role is Richard Spencer.

No, Richard was never a liberal leader either; nor even a liberal. He is, though, articulate, well-educated and well-read. In that sense he is a traitor to his class — the intellectual class. There’s the element of treachery.

This comes out very well in the article on Richard in the current issue of The Atlantic. (In which article, by the way, your humble diarist has a walk-on part, paragraph ten.) The article is by Graeme Wood, who was a highschool classmate of Richard’s in late-1990s Dallas.

Wood is a conventionally unimaginative liberal who seeds his piece with an appropriate number of virtue signals — gasping in horror, for instance, at the notion that “East Asians are slightly smarter than whites, who are in turn much smarter than blacks,” as if this were not a plain fact in the world known to every person not blinded by ideology. Still, he’s a pretty good reporter, and gives a fairer picture of Richard than is usual in mainstream-media outlets.

That’s a low bar, though. While an antifa thug would probably think Wood’s piece insufficiently hostile, Wood makes it clear he is writing about an Enemy of the State.

That’s Richard’s status now. The antifa bullies are out to make his life as difficult as possible, and there is no significant institution in our society with the guts to stand up to them. At age 39, Richard is utterly unemployable. Given the unavoidable incidence of lunatics in a population of one-third of a billion, he is also at risk of serious harm.

And his Emmanuel Goldstein status is entirely ideological. Richard has broken no laws or windows; nor has he incited others to do those things. He wishes for white gentiles to have a homeland of their own, that’s all. You can agree with that or disagree, but it doesn’t pick your pocket or break your leg. So far as I’m aware, he doesn’t wish harm to anyone.

Richard organizes meetings where bookish people like himself discuss the writings of Julius Evola and Carl Schmitt. What’s wrong with that?

An antifa would say: “Open discussion of those ideas might bring about a rebirth of fascism.” I suppose it might. Open discussion of Marx’s and Lenin’s ideas might bring about a rebirth of militant communism, leading to the kinds of horrors that were engulfing Cambodia forty years ago. Mighty oaks from little acorns grow; and mighty oaks can be a mighty nuisance. That is not, however, a case against tolerating acorns.


The Beggars’ Democracy. Reflecting on the thing I just wrote about Richard Spencer being unemployable, I wonder if that is the case in the public sector.

When Jared Taylor found he could not host the annual conference of his white-advocacy group American Renaissance in private hotels, he booked instead a facility owned by the State of Tennessee, which apparently is not allowed to practice ideological discrimination. This has worked very well. We’ll be meeting there again in July. Both Peter Brimelow and myself will be speakers.

So perhaps if Richard Spencer were to apply for a job with, say, the U.S. Postal Service, they would not be able to reject him on ideological grounds. I’d be interested to hear an opinion on this from someone who knows the relevant law.

For sure the private sector is closed to him employment-wise. The ranting of old-line socialists against capitalism looks very quaint in 2017. American business is now a wholly-owned subsidiary of the antifa mobs.

This month Richard had his gym membership revoked — not for any misbehavior, but because the gym owners didn’t like his opinions.

(Or possibly some antifa activists paid them a visit: “Nice little gym you’ve got here. Be a shame if anything happened to it …” Might things really have gone that far? Nothing in this zone surprises me any more.)

(Republished from by permission of author or representative)

Headliner of the week was the Muslim terrorist attack on a pop concert in Manchester, England. The bomber blew himself up and took 22 others with him. That’s the count as I go to tape here; over a hundred were injured, some critically, so the death count may be higher as you hear this.

The bomber was a 22-year-old Muslim, name of Salman Abedi, born in Britain to parents from Libya. Those parents had been settled in England as refugees from Colonel Gaddafy’s government; so that’s where the bomber was born, in England, 1994.

In 2011, you’ll recall, Barack Obama, prompted by the Three Horsegirls of the ApocalypseSamantha Power of Obama’s National Security Council, his U.N. Ambassador Susan Rice, and his Secretary of State Hillary Clinton—who in turn were prompted by Britain and France, with an assist from George Soro s—overthrew Colonel Gaddafy.

Salman Abedi’s parents thereupon, in 2011, returned to Libya. Salman Abedi, then 17, stayed in the U.K.

So I’ll just pause to note here that this is yet another case of absimilation. Here yet again is the relevant passage from We Are Doomed, the one book you need to explain the modern world. Chapter 10, edited quote:

The English word “assimilation” derives from the Latin prefix ad-, which indicates a moving towards something, and the same language’s verb simulare, “to cause a person or thing to resemble another.” You can make a precisely opposite word using the prefix ab-, which marks a moving away from something. Many immigrants of course assimilate to American society … Many others, however, especially in the second and following generations, absimilate.

That’s what Salman Abedi did: He absimilated, ending up hating the country that had taken in his parents.

It wasn’t just him, either. His younger brother Hashim, 20 years old, and so presumably also born in England, seems to have been an accomplice to the bombing. He was arrested by authorities in Libya on Tuesday. There’s also a slightly older brother, 23-year-old Ismail, arrested by British police in Manchester, also on Tuesday.

The father has been arrested, too, also in Libya. The authorities there say he belongs to an extremist sect of Islam.

There’s also a sister, 18-year-old Jomana Abedi, also born in Manchester, where she is studying molecular biology with a view to advancing cancer research … No, sorry, I got my news stories mixed up there. Ms. Abedi actually works at a mosque, though I haven’t been able to discover what she does there. Perhaps she’s the hat-check girl, I don’t know.

Whatever: She told the Wall Street Journal that her brother Salman, the bomber, was a “kind” and “loving” person. [Manchester Bomber Believed Muslims Were Mistreated, Sought Revenge, WSJ, May 25, 2017] Forty-eight hours after the bombing she posted some Arabic verses on her Facebook page congratulating her brother on having entered Paradise. [Sister of Manchester suicide bomber posts prayer about ‘entering Paradise’ days after evil brother slaughters 22 innocents, By Stephen Jones, Mirror (UK)May 25, 2017]

So it looks like this whole born-in-Britain family absimilated. Instead of learning to play cricket, quote Tennyson, and enjoy a nice treacle tart, they dream of killing infidels and going to Paradise thereby.

And there’s plenty more where they came from. There’s a whole Libyan “community” in Manchester. I can’t find out how many are there, but there are close to 20,000 Libyans in the U.K. and this Manchester community is one of the biggest, so I’m guessing it’s well into four digits.

How many of those thousands have assimilated, versus how many have absimilated, is not known to me, or probably to anyone.

What does one say about a story like this? What, to be personal, do I say as a commenter who grew up in England before the place was destroyed by mass immigration?

Until astonishingly recently it was the common opinion among English people that the worst disaster that could befall a nation was invasion and occupation by foreigners. This opinion was, of course, disgracefully nativist and xenophobic, if not actually racist. But it was what all English people believed in the darkness of their ignorance and the arrogance of their selfish pride in the dark, ignorant times just forty or fifty years ago.

They fortified that belief with the smug recollection that England had not in fact been invaded and occupied for several centuries. The last time it had happened was the year 1066, the year of the Norman Conquest.

(Republished from by permission of author or representative)
John Derbyshire
About John Derbyshire

John Derbyshire writes an incredible amount on all sorts of subjects for all kinds of outlets. (This no longer includes National Review, whose editors had some kind of tantrum and fired him. He is the author of We Are Doomed: Reclaiming Conservative Pessimism and several other books. His most recent book, published by com is FROM THE DISSIDENT RIGHT (also available in Kindle).His writings are archived at

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