
Bergisel Ski Jump 2002
Zaha Hadid Architects

July 09, 2003 /

Bergisel Mountain, Austria

Photo © Helene Binet

Situated on the Bergisel Mountain overlooking downtown Innsbruck, the ski jump will be a major landmark. It is part of a larger refurbishment project for the Olympic Arena and has replaced the old ski jump, which no longer met with International standards.

The building is a hybrid of highly specialized sports facilities and public spaces, including a cafe and a viewing terrace. These different programs are combined into a single new shape which extends the topography of the slope into the sky.

Photo © Helene Binet

The Ski Jump is a concise piece of functional design, an instrument for high performance sport, shaped with mathematical precision.  The challenge here was to integrate a new, initially alien element into a given formula: The cafe and Sundeck. The assemblage of elements was resolved in the manner of nature, developing a seamless hybrid, where parts are smoothly articulated and fused into an organic unity.  The result is a rather unusual silhouette on Bergisel.
/Zaha Hadid

Photo © Helene Binet

At a length of about 90 meters and a height of almost 50 meters the building is a combination of a tower and a bridge. Structurally it is divided into the vertical concrete tower and a spatial green structure, which integrates the ramp and the cafe.

Photo © Helene Binet

Two elevators bring visitors to the cafe 40 meters over the peak of the Bergisel Mountain. From here they can enjoy the surrounding alpine landscape as well as watch the athletes below fly above the Innsbruck skyline.

Zaha Hadid Architects won the international competition for the ski jump in 1999. The new structure opened in 2002.

Drawing courtesy Zaha Hadid Architects

Model photo courtesy Zaha Hadid Architects

Facts about Bergisel Ski Jump 2002

Total floor area: 

1,470 m2
Built area: 355 m2

Architectural Design:

Zaha Hadid Architects

Project Architect:

Jan HŸbener

Project Team:

Matthias Frei
Cedric Libert
Markus Dochantschi
Garin O'Aivazian
Jim Heverin
Sylvia Forlati
Sara Noel Costa de Araujo

Competition Team:

Markus Dochantschi
Jan HŸbener
Ed Gaskin
Eddie Can
Yoash Oster
Stanley Lau
Janne Westermann

Structural Engineer:

Christian Aste, Innsbruck
Jane Wernick, London [competition stage]

Project Management:

Baumeister Ing. Georg Malojer, Schwaz/Innsbruck

Ski jump technology:

Bauplanungsbüro Franz Fuchslueger, Trofaiach

Electrical engineer:

TB Pürcher, Schladming

Services Engineer:

TB Schrempf, Schladming

Building Physics:

Peter Fiby, Innsbruck

Lighting consultant:

Office for Visual Interaction, New York

Last updated: December 19, 2013

See also

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