Brassy Apple: DIY laser maze kids activity using crepe paper! You would be surprised how easily kids get in awe when u create a unique fun game at home for this saves you all the dollars you would be spending at the arcade.

Brassy Apple: DIY laser maze kids activity using crepe paper! You would be surprised how easily kids get in awe when u create a unique fun game at home for this saves you all the dollars you would be spending at the arcade.

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Super awesome moon sand...wonder if I ziplock bag it & store it for another day it'll keep?
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Nature Scavenger Hunt for Kids with Free Printable Checklist | Frugal Fritzie
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Kids will love feeling, smelling, hearing, seeing and eating this multi-sensory play activity!
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Grape and toothpick sculptures are edible art projects that double as a healthy snack for kids.

Grape and toothpick sculptures are edible art projects that double as a healthy snack for kids.

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This fun and awesome skittles rainbow kids candy science experiment will WOW the whole family. Kids will watch the magic colors unfold on a plate. This activity is for toddlers, preschoolers, elementary grade students, kids and adults... this activity wil

This fun and awesome skittles rainbow kids candy science experiment will WOW the whole family. Kids will watch the magic colors unfold on a plate. This activity is for toddlers, preschoolers, elementary grade students, kids and adults... this activity wil

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Unicorn Poop Slime Recipe: Learn how to create perfect Unicorn poop slime (rainbow slime) to play with!

Unicorn Poop Slime Recipe: Learn how to create perfect Unicorn poop slime (rainbow slime) to play with!

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