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Python Language

22 Requested Topics

Wrapping C or C++ code using ctypes I think this could be very useful, because this is not that hard, but there are some pitfalls and difficulties which you cannot solve if you do not have examples. It would be a great contribution to have several samples grouped in one place, to know the best practices and to easily and quickly adapt its code. requested by Delgan 6,945
High end Python testing This topic should compare custom friendly testing tools as nosetests or py.test. I wrote this request due to some improvement requests on the topic Unit Testing requested by strpeter 523 6 comments
import hook how import hook works, how to implement it, how to modify modules when importing them with import hook.... requested by cwgt 26 1 comment
nose On the Unit Testing article there is an improvement request to have one article per framework. Great idea. requested by Jonatan 422 3 comments
Dealing with folders I had created this Topic but it was deleted. I would like to contribute this example: [Deleting folders recursively] Delete a folder which contains subfolders or files can be achieved in this way: import shutil shutil.rmtree('/path/to/your/dir/') I tried to add this example to Topic Files & Folders I/O but the maximum number of examples are reached. So a new topic like this could be useful. requested by avb 631
Visualization of geographic data - working with remote sensing data - working with raster and vector data - examples how to load data requested by LaughU 188 3 comments
Deploying Python code as web service on Windows How to run a python + flask web service on a windows machine. How dot i get it to startup as a service so i can consume the service it code exposes. requested by shivas 765 2 comments
openssl OpenSSL a Python interface to OpenSSL. OpenSSL is a rather thin wrapper around (a subset of) the OpenSSL library. With thin wrapper we mean that a lot of the object methods do nothing more than calling a corresponding function in the OpenSSL library requested by Chinmay Hegde 60
Creating Python packages with requirements inside Sometimes it's required to install package with all dependencies, without access to internet (for eg. in banking environment). It's possible to include required packages and install with setup.py in one distribution file. requested by Maciek 16 1 comment
Memoryview python memoryview objects requested by FATZOMBI 1
PyMC 2 & 3 Python is becoming a powerful scientific computation tool, and with it there is plenty of statistics. The approach of Bayesian Interference is important but can become particularly complex; PyMC attempts to abstract these difficulties away. I propose that there are good worked examples of using PyMC, whose documentation takes a statistician to translate. requested by Tristan 42 1 comment
py2app How can someone install game in python on mac(incluses images, sounds) requested by Freddy 440
python.net Python for .NET (pythonnet) requested by denfromufa 2,046
Complexities of built-in functions associated with different structures Complexities of built-in functions associated with different structures by briefly explaining their underlying C code. Eg:- append() function Also this needs to explain entirely that structure itself i.e. the C code behind it. Eg:- To explain the append() function related with the list, briefly the list structure C code must be explained. requested by pmsh.93 1
OpenFace This topic should contain on how to setup to begin using OpenFace. Also, it would be great if this topic could provide steps on how to OpenFace. Most especially how to use OpenFace with Django and how to setup the web server for OpenFace. requested by Mikebarson 49
tftpy Tftpy is a TFTP library for the Python programming language. It includes client and server classes, with sample implementations. Hooks are included for easy inclusion in a UI for populating progress indicators. It supports RFCs 1350, 2347, 2348 and the tsize option from RFC 2349. requested by Chinmay Hegde 60
zeromq Documentation for using pyzmq, especially in Python 3+, as examples in its docs are python2 only. Ref to pyzmq examples: learning-0mq-with-pyzmq.readthedocs.io/en/latest requested by nlsdfnbch 1,007