Vectors - Motion and Forces in Two Dimensions

Photos from The Physics Classroom's Flickr Group

Lesson 1: Vectors - Fundamentals and Operations

Lesson 1 pertains to the concept of a vector as a quantity with magnitude and direction. Various vector operations such as vector addition and resolution are discussed. Relative velocity, river boat problems and the independence of perpendicular components of motion are explained. Photos from the group's pool include compasses, protractors, clever signs that depict the displacement to various cities with a magntiude and a direction, boats crossing rivers, and much more. Photos complement many of the discussions from Lesson 1 of the Motion and Forces in Two Dimensions chapter of The Physics Classroom Tutorial.

See more in the The Physics Classroom Flickr Group - Unit 3, Lesson 1 Photos

Lesson 2: Projectile Motion

Lesson 2 describes the concepts and the mathematics associated with projectile motion. Much emphasis is placed upon how various trajectory characteristics change over time. Photos from the group's pool include both stills and sequence photography photos of platform divers, cliff jumpers, ski jumpers, airborne snowboarders, equestrian jumps, javelins, high jumpers, pole vaulters, soccer balls, and much more. Photos complement many of the discussions from Lesson 2 of the Motion and Forces in Two Dimensions chapter of The Physics Classroom Tutorial.

See more in the The Physics Classroom Flickr Group - Unit 3, Lesson 2 Photos

Lesson 3: Forces in Two Dimensions

Lesson 3 discusses the application of vector principles and operations to forces existing in two dimensions. Equilibrium scenarios involving the balancing of three or more non-perpendicular forces are discussed. Problems involving the acceleration of objects along horizontal surfaces by non-horizontal forces are explained. Inclined plane analyses are conducted. And two-body scenarios involving pulleys are discussed. Photos from the group's pool include interesting and unique equilibrium photos, objects being suspended by cables and ropes, roller coaster drops and inclines, chandeliers, skiers pulled by toe ropes, and much more. Photos complement many of the discussions from Lesson 3 of the Motion and Forces in Two Dimensions chapter of The Physics Classroom Tutorial.

See more in the The Physics Classroom Flickr Group - Unit 3, Lesson 3 Photos

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