Moodu Pani

The Star Malaysia - Star2 - - TV HIGHLIGHTS -

(TV2, Astro Ch 102/Hyp­pTV Ch 102, 4.35pm) After his fam­ily is torn apart by his fa­ther’s af­fair with a pros­ti­tute, Chan­dru de­vel­ops ex­treme ha­tred to­wards women who re­mind him of her and mur­ders them. Con­cerned about his feel­ings and be­hav­iour, Chan­dru con­sults a psy­chi­a­trist who ad­vises him to get mar­ried soon so he won’t think about the past and kill peo­ple. Chan­dru pro­poses to Rekha, but she po­litely de­clines. He fol­lows Rekha around and later, kid­naps her. This 1980 Tamil psy­cho­log­i­cal film stars Shobha, Prathap Pothan, N Viswanathan, Bhanu Chan­der and Mo­han.


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