Professional Resources


The CCAR has gathered resources to promote healthy relationships between rabbis and congregations. In this section you will find guidelines for contract negotiations, salaries, and benefits, as well as a mutual review outline. In addition, in the unfortunate event of a conflict, the NCRCR (National Commission on Rabbinical-Congregational Relationships) is available to CCAR rabbis and URJ member congregations.

CCAR Ethics Code

As rabbis, we are expected to abide by the highest moral values of our Jewish tradition: personal conscience and professional integrity, honorable social relationships, and the virtues of family life. As teachers and role models, we are called upon to exemplify the ideals we proclaim. Should we fail, we need to do teshuvah , ask forgiveness, avoid repetition, and make restitution whenever possible.

Therefore, in keeping with the high traditions of the rabbinate, the Central Conference of American Rabbis establishes the following Code of Ethics, to which its members are obligated. Improprieties in any of the areas covered will subject the rabbi to the review of the Ethics Committee.

Compensation Studies

The CCAR conducts studies of compensation using anonymized data from CCAR members and URJ congregations.

NCRCR Guidelines

The National Commission on Rabbinic-Congregational Relations (NCRCR) recognizes the need for rabbis and congregations to engage in constructive and mutual review. Based on its experience with Rabbinic-Congregational Relations, the NCRCR recommends a process whereby lay and rabbinic leaders can, on a frequent basis, evaluate how well they are progressing toward reaching mutually agreed upon goals.

Discretionary Fund Guidelines

Important Note: These Guidelines are only a suggestion. Each Congregation and Rabbi needs to have a tax consultant whose advice will guide them in the implementation of a specific policy.

Sabbatical Resources

The CCAR Sabbatical Project is a resource and repository for sabbatical information, utilized and expanded by CCAR members.

Guidelines for Rabbis Working with Prospective Gerim

Adopted by the Central Conference of American Rabbis June, 2001


Rabbi's Contract Checklist


Personal Rabbinic Concerns