Sleeping with knives

Sex on Tuesday

Michelle Zheng

Brandishing a steak knife against her neck, he told her his intent to slit her throat open. He pulled out a blindfold and tied it tightly around her head.
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Nicole Kim Mug

Settling into campus

Berkeley Got Back

Despite its stunning appearance, UC Berkeley, like much of the United States, is tainted by a history of dispossession of indigenous land and culture.
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Nicole Kim Mug

Past, present and absence

Berkeley Got Back

As an intended sociology (and political science) major, I am accustomed to hearing deprecating remarks about my field from peers studying in other, more “legitimate” departments. In fact, I join in on the fun. Teasing myself is one way to cope with crippling anxiety over my future career. Of course,
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A rule of thumb for nuclear war

Pressing Restart

Look toward the horizon. Close one eye. Stick out your arm and hold your thumb over the mushroom cloud looming in the distance. If the cloud is bigger than your thumb, run. Run as fast as you can. This “rule of thumb” has been circulated online as an underground survival
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