The LGBT- Letting Go of Biological Truth Activists have compiled a link to argue for people and children who believe they are in the wrong body to be a healthy thing. It is found here: ^ This is nothing more than a listing of ad hominem attacks against people who disagree, the usual pro-LGBT propaganda that works off the false premise that psychology and biology have little to not connection in chemical and hormonal process as well as the complete disregard for the self-evident DNA and chromosomal makeup within each person. It includes all the usual suspects who misrepresent science, publish flawed research and reference each other in a synergistic, circular way.
The best summary of the science (without an agenda) is found here:
And here:
The evidence shows that reassignment surgery, actually increases the chance of suicide and other psychological problems… "Neuroplasticity — the ability of even an adult brain to change firing patterns and regenerate neurons in response to experience — is yet another aspect of settled human knowledge that is being ignored in the rush to diagnose children and adolescents as transgender and in need of medical intervention." The brains of males who believe they are females are not structurally different than the brains of males, and the grey matter and white matter are still much closer to male brains as well, so to say they are "born with a female brain" is merely a soundbite that has been repeated from the LGBT special interest groups/lobbies. Brain chemistry can alter as a result of behaviors, and even the size of hypothalamus in the brain can change as a result of behavior as well. Another thing to consider is that there are lots of people with severe epilepsy, for example, whose brains clearly differ in some major way from people without epilepsy. So differences in brain chemistry doesn't necessarily mean they should be embraced to live out. We don't encourage epileptics to have more fits, do we? Just the same, changes in the brains that causes confusion or a disconnection to our self-evident biological and physiological truth doesn't mean confusion and acting out confusion is a good thing. John’s Hopkins University has stopped doing Sex Reassignment Surgery, because of the high risks for suicide that increase higher an average of 10 years after the “surgery” than before the surgery: Have you ever seen a sex mutilations surgery? Sex reassignment surgery deliberately damages otherwise properly working bodily faculties. This isn't a medical procedure, because medicine is in the business of restoring bodily faculties to their proper function -- this is deliberate body mutilation. (Warning: the following video is not for a weak stomach): Pure Quackery!... here was another one that showed even more graphic details, but Youtube removed it... More scientific data here shows that it doesn’t bode well for people who have sex reassignment surgery and hormones… “The crude suicide rate among VETERANS with transgender-related ICD-9-CM diagnoses is higher than in the general population, and they may be dying by suicide at younger ages than their veteran peers without transgender-related ICD-9-CM diagnoses.” Japan study of Oct., 2009 concludes their findings do not provide any evidence that genetic variants of sex hormone-related genes confer individual susceptibility to MTF or FTM transsexualism. Rome study of Jan., 2013 concludes: “Gender disorders do not seem to be associated with any molecular mutations of some of the main genes involved in sexual differentiation.”
Hormone therapy is associated with adverse changes in bone turnover markers and bone mineral density in transgender adolescents, researchers from the Netherlands report.
Sex steroids, which reach high concentrations during puberty, play a key role in the augmented bone growth and bone mass accumulation in adolescents, the team writes in Bone, online November 11. During this critical period, transgender adolescents are commonly treated with hormones to suppress puberty, followed by gender-affirming hormones - also known as cross-sex hormone therapy (CSHT). Sweden, 1973-2003 concludes: “Persons with transsexualism, after sex reassignment, have considerably higher risks for mortality, suicidal behavior, and psychiatric morbidity than the general population. Our findings suggest that sex reassignment, although alleviating some gender dysphoria, may not suffice as treatment for transsexualism, and should inspire improved psychiatric and somatic care after sex reassignment for this patient group.” Men who think or believe they are women and act on those feelings have almost 50 times the odds of HIV infection than did the reference population. Men with biological sex confusion (aka. Transgender) have an HIV infection rate 50 times higher… The evidence shows that our psychological, chemical, and hormonal processes have much to do with our biology, and that we are not just an abstract consciousness inhabiting a impersonal body. Is it any surprise that problems still increase if and when people are encouraged and enabled to treat their bodies like ghosts in a machine? Here are a few other resources that the scientifically inclined among you may find interesting or useful: This one is written by someone who identifies as "trans:" HORMONE INJECTIONS ARE NOT NATURAL AND HAVE MANY RISKS ASSOCIATED WITH THEM, ESPECIALLY WITH CHILDREN AND TEENS: The primary serious side effect, venous thromboembolism, occurred in 1% of persons undergoing male-to-female (MTF) transgender transition and was due to estrogen treatment. Dr. Asscheman said although this incidence is still high, it is lower than reported in the past. Among the 1596 adults who completed follow-up, 1073 were MTF and 523 were female to male (FTM). The MTF group had a mean follow-up of 5.6 years and a mean age of 35.0 years, and on average, the FTM group had a follow-up of 4.5 years and age of 27.5 years. More than 70% of the MTF group received cyproterone acetate (in Europe) or spironolactone, as an antiandrogen, in addition to estrogen treatment, he noted. Among FTM subjects, more than 90% received intramuscular or topical (gel) testosterone administration. The diagnosis of "comorbidity," Dr Asscheman said, was made either by another medical professional or by a prescription for a relevant medication. When using the guidelines from the Endocrine Society, you are not going to see a lot of comorbidities with cross-sex hormone treatment. At entry into the study (baseline), the most common comorbidity in both groups was depression, with a 24.9% incidence in MTF subjects and 13.6% in FTM, according to Dr. Asscheman. He noted, however, that the frequency of depression varied greatly among the study centers. Even after treatment, 26 (2.4%) of the MTF subjects and 7 (1.4%) of the FTM subjects still reported depression, leading Dr. Asscheman to tell the large audience, "Sex-reassignment treatment does not cure depression." Other reported pretreatment comorbidities are shown in the table." A side effect of drugs like Lupron is gynecomastia in males. So he might still take puberty blockers. BUT preventing puberty means – preventing the brain from maturing PLUS the horrendous side effects of the drugs. I don’t want know how bad his health actually is. Well it will get worse. Delaying puberty is bad because of the synaptic pruning. Also kids like Jazz will not even have a normal puberty. I wonder what the puberty delaying drugs and the hormones will do to the brain and body and how and when the effects will be fully visible (if they aren’t already). I guess these kids face a grim future when it comes to their physical and mental health. Adolescents like Jazz who are placed on puberty blockers followed by cross-sex hormones never achieve normal human peak bone density. At least not by the age of 22, which is when they stopped studying them: Whether these “never matured” children fail to reach peak development in other areas (ex: brain development) has not yet been studied. The media pandering to transactivists on the issue of puberty blockers remains infuriating in the extreme. Every journalist repeats the claim that the drugs are reversible in minors, when no studies addressing this have ever been completed. Transactivists have been touting a recent Dutch study that reports the post-blockers, post-op satisfaction of young people who are apparently willing to sacrifice their fertility in exchange for transition. Transactivists translate this to mean the drugs are safe, and should therefore be given to all gender-nonconforming children. However, some 80% of these kids don’t end up transitioning, and no one in the trans community seems to give a rat’s ass about what long-term effects the drugs will have on them. Trans medicine specialists like Henriette Delemarre-van de Waal nevertheless continue to use false terms like “reversible hormone treatment,” which proves beyond a reasonable doubt that these are very deceptive people. The headlines say “Hormone Blockers Safe for Transgender Kids”, but as with females, the well-being of the non-transitioning majority subjected to these drugs doesn’t matter to the trans cult. To some cultist who claims trans are 5% of the population: You don’t build public trust by wildly inflating your numbers. Trans people are only 0.5% of the population. There are about 700,000 in the US. This is par for the course though for a mental health community masquerading as a civil rights movement. The trans cult’s main appeal for liberals is the opportunity it gives them to signal their moral uprightness without personal cost, since there are so few trans outside the internet. Never mind the real women and girls affected by their grandstanding. Here’s a more important point: Who cares that he’ll be sterilized by the Lupron prescribed by the quacks his parents hired? At least he and they get to be famous. Whoops, looks like the above comment was deleted within minutes of posting! This is unsurprising given that Clean & Clear is owned by Johnson & Johnson, one of the primary corporate sponsors of the Philadelphia Trans “Health” Conference. There’s a lot of money in medicalizing gender nonconformity, and Big Pharma aren’t about to let a few sterilized, brain growth-stunted kids get in their way. This is what liberals are supporting with their moral peacocking. I will not support any organization, including those of Gay Inc., who cynically choose to enable these predatory multinational corporations. That video is simply sexist stereotypes extravaganza. Its kind of hilarious that so called “progressives” look back at history and see what was wrong with creating eunuchs like castration or are horrified by female genital mutilations in Africa. Yet they find it perfectly ethical to completely mess up somebody reproductive potential before the person reach voting age. I just thought I post this blurp published a few years back: ”THERE was at least one downside to Farinelli’s castration. The operation may have preserved the 18th-century singer’s treble voice into adulthood, making him a musical legend, but it also condemned him to a skull deformity that may have affected his mind. Farinelli was exhumed in 2006 so that his skeleton could be studied. Lead investigator Maria Giovanna Belcastro of the Alma Mater Studiorum University of Bologna, Italy, was able to identify two unusual features. Like those of other castrati, Farinelli’s limb bones were unusually long. And the front of his skull had grown inwards in a lumpy mass, in places twice as thick as unaffected bone (Journal of Anatomy, DOI: 10.1111/j.1469-7580.2011.01413.x). This is called hyperostosis frontalis interna (HFI). It is thought to be caused by hormonal disorders, particularly too much oestrogen, which explains why it is normally found in post-menopausal women and is rare in men. HFI was thought to be harmless, says Israel Hershkovitz of Tel Aviv University in Israel, but is now linked to behavioural disorders, headaches and neurological diseases like Alzheimer’s. Though any such symptoms probably would not have affected Farinelli until late in life, Hershkovitz says.” from: (1.) Does Johnson and Johnson makers of Clean and Clear advocate for the sterilization of children? Most rational people view sterilizing children as a human rights abuse. Why not email or call Johnson and Johnson and ask them what they think? Jazz is a male child, and because he is biological male, I will refer to this young man as “he.” I’ve seen a video where it says he is on GnRH agonists (puberty suppressing drugs), and he might already be on female hormones. Pumping a child full of cross gender hormones before his or her body has a chance to sexually mature renders the child infertile. Some kids go straight from the puberty suppressing drugs to cross gender hormones. It sure looks like this is Jazz’s future. Treatment with puberty delaying drugs leads to sterilization if it is followed with the administration of cross sex hormones at 16 years, as the Brill and Pepper handbook on “transgender” children (2008), explains, “the choice to progress from GnRH inhibitors to estrogen without fully experiencing male puberty should be viewed as giving up one’s fertility, and the family and child should be counseled accordingly” (Brill & Pepper, 2008, p. 216). For girls, sterilization is the outcome too, because “eggs do not mature until the body goes through puberty” (Brill & Pepper, 2008, p. 216). Do parents have the right to compromise the future fertility of their children? This could be construed as a human rights violation. Deliberate delaying a normal part of human development, adolescence, because of what basically amounts to a questionable psychiatric diagnosis in healthy children assumes all the following: (a.) The diagnosis of “gender dysphoria” is correct to being with, and there isn’t something else going on in the child’s life. (b.) The child is completely free from any parental, peer, or cultural influences. How much is “gender dysphoria” in a 12 year old child, and how do we separate this from everything the parents read on transgender websites and blogs? How much is actual “gender dysphoria” or GID and how much is parental discomfort at having a child that doesn’t fit neatly into sex based gender roles? (c.) Children have the mental capacity to decide or choose for themselves. It’s a scientific fact that the pre-frontal cortex of the human brain which is sometimes called the judgment center of the brain isn’t fully developed until the early to mid-twenties. ”The prefrontal cortex, the part of the frontal lobes lying just behind the forehead, is often referred to as the “CEO of the brain.” This brain region is responsible for cognitive analysis and abstract thought, and the moderation of “correct” behavior in social situations. The prefrontal cortex takes in information from all of the senses and orchestrates thoughts and actions to achieve specific goals. This brain region gives an individual the capacity to exercise “good judgment” when presented with difficult life situations. These children might feel different because adolescence is a tumultuous time for all children, but this doesn’t mean that they have the maturity or judgment to make informed decisions. Teenagers can’t vote, buy alcohol, or take out bank loans, but they are supposedly mature enough to willingly give up their fertility. Besides infertility, I seriously doubt that people know the long term effects of drugging children with puberty suppressing drugs and/or cross gender hormones. @Morag “If you dose your child with most poisons, you end up in jail; if you dose your child with Lupron, you end up on television.” Lupron isn’t the only GnRH agonist. Lupron has been given to “transgender” children, but doctors usually prescribe implants like Suprellin. With precocious puberty there is at least some kind of medical reason, and it’s never followed up by cross gender hormones. This is the same class of drugs that are given to patients with advanced prostate cancer and endometriosis. I don’t even know if GnRH agonists for “gender dysphoria” is approved by the FDA. “But the treatments are expensive and last year Jeanette revealed that she was quoted $18,000 a year for the hormone-blocking medication.” Big Pharma makes more money off of these children than they do off menopausal women. Doctors don’t routinely prescribe hormones to menopausal women like they used to. So, I guess Big Pharma has to make up the slack somewhere. Start them on puberty suppressing drugs at age 11 or 12 and keep them on cross gender hormones for life. (2.) Does Johnson and Johnson makers of Clean and Clear advocate for the sterilization and/or mutilation of persons caught up in homosexual practice? Correcting malformed and improperly functioning genitalia to fit self-evident biology and dna... “Jazz Jennings, who transitioned seven years ago after being diagnosed with Gender Identity Disorder, told Barbara Walters during an episode of 20/20, that she is attracted to boys. ” He could have same sex attraction or not. We don’t know, and no one can predict how this young man will feel when he is twenty or thirty years of age. He is a biological male and he says he is attracted to boys. What would this make him? He is a soon to be a sterilized and mutilated young gay man. Where have we seen this before? In Iran, men and women who engage in homosexual practice get their genitals mutilated and told that they are really the opposite sex. This has been going on for years, and it’s no secret. Nothing will ever change the fact that this young male will never have a female reproductive system even if he undergoes sex reassignment surgery. It doesn’t really change one’s sex. It’s basically extensive plastic surgery on otherwise healthy genitalia. I think it’s deplorable that parents would tell their young children that their is something horrible and abnormal about their bodies. From lobotomies to thalidomide, history is littered with medical experiments that seemed so progressive at the time. Jazz’s non-profit, run by his parents: transkids purple rainbow 501 (c) (3)... In Toronto, Drs. Kenneth J. Zucker and Susan Bradley, authors of the major book in the field, “Gender Identity Disorder,” have been providing sensitive treatment to children with the precursor of transgender conflicts. They have written that the goal of treatment is to develop skills associated with children of their own biological sex and friendships with such children. They reported that 80% of 45 GID kids they treated were no longer gender dysphoric in their adolescence. We have experienced similar clinical results in treating such children over the past 30 years. Psychiatry expert: �scientifically there is no such thing as transgender’ OTTAWA, January 11, 2013 – A prominent Toronto psychiatrist has severely criticized the assumptions underlying what has been dubbed by critics as the Canadian federal government's "bathroom bill," that is, Bill C-279, a private member’s bill that would afford special protection to so-called "transgender" men and women. Dr. Joseph Berger has issued a statement saying that from a medical and scientific perspective there is no such thing as a "transgendered" person, and that terms such as “gender expression” and “gender identity" used in the bill are at the very least ambiguous, and are more an emotional appeal than a statement of scientific fact.Berger, who is a consulting psychiatrist in Toronto and whose list of credentials establishes him as an expert in the field of mental illness, stated that people who identify themselves as "transgendered" are mentally ill or simply unhappy, and pointed out that hormone therapy and surgery are not appropriate treatments for psychosis or unhappiness. Here is the other video, where a child psychologist testified to the California legislature that children have normal stages of development they need to go through, in learning about gender and becoming secure in their God-given physical gender. It's worth a listen!
The review of more than 100 international medical studies of post-operative transsexuals by the University of Birmingham's aggressive research intelligence facility (Arif) found no robust scientific evidence that gender reassignment surgery is clinically effective.... "This information and the improved understanding of what we had been doing led us to stop prescribing sex-change operations for adults at Hopkins — much, I’m glad to say, to the relief of several of our plastic surgeons who had previously been commandeered to carry out the procedures."
"At any rate, we at Hopkins hold that official psychiatry has good evidence to argue against this kind of treatment and should begin to close down the practice everywhere."
Comments by Paul McHugh is University Distinguished Service Professor of Psychiatry at Johns Hopkins University. Addressing the Intersex and Chromosomal Disorder Issue: Again, intersex is a medical issue.
Use the same strategy that Ben Shapiro does whenever the Left uses rare cases of rape or incest to guilt us into abortion. Ask them if they are first willing to agree that we shouldn't jack hormones into people and/or mutilate people who only mentally believe they are the opposite sex, but have no actual chromosomal medical issues. If by some slim to none chance they agree, then proceed to use this following knowledge to speak on theses rare case trans issues....
Addressing the Intersex and Chromosomal Disorder Issue: The liberal explanation of "gender" following its translation...
""Gender" is two things, which we'll need to separate: Sex, which is your "physical" gender. This is usualy binary, but not completely - i.e. some people have XXY chromosomes or YYX or whatever, which makes them inter sex, and not part of the gender binary. Gender, on the other hand, is a "mental" aspect. Your gender is decided by what you feel, basically. How you identify yourself, and it is seperate from the physical sex, from your genitalia, though somewhat influenced by it, and by chromosomes and hormones, but not entirely. This is the important part - if you identify as a woman, then you are, per definition, a woman, and the other way around, and if you don't identify as either a man or a woman, then you aren't either. So if the mustached person identifies as a woman, then people who think she's a man are in the wrong, and should probably be educated better." <--- "educated better" is Leftist code for forced compliance. Further Translation: "We're all just an abstract consciousness inhabiting an impersonal body. It's like we're all just ghosts in a machine living in the matrix....pass the bong dude....whoa."
Addressing the Intersex and Chromosomal Disorder Issue (continued) : There are a number of viable combinations of sex chromosomes in humans...
(1.) XX (male), XY (female),
(2.) XXY (Klinefelter's syndrome), <--- Male is dominant reality from the inside, but has defects in anatomy and/or chemical/hormonal processes
(3.) XXX, (Triple X syndrome) <--- Female is the dominant reality from the inside, but has defects in anatomy and/or chemical/hormonal processes
(4.) XYY, (Jacob's syndrome) <--- Male is the dominant reality from the inside, but has defects in anatomy and/or chemical/hormonal processes, and...
(5.) XO (Turner's syndrome), <--- Female is the dominant reality from the inside, but has defects in anatomy and/or chemical/hormonal processes and other, more rare examples of 4, 5 or more sex chromosomes. XX gonadal dysgenesis also falls in the category of Turner’s syndrome.
They all contain the X chromosome, but the presence of the Y chromosome makes the person male dominant. Interestingly, there has been no combinations found that contain only Y: YO (Y, missing X), YY, or YYY syndromes.
Besides chromosomal abnormalities, there are numerous genetic loci which undergo various types of mutations, which cause predictable changes which affect appearance, anatomy and physiology of sex organs and secondary sex characteristics. If one has androgen insensitivity, then doctor prescribed and regulated hormone therapy in the direction of the more dominant chromosomes would logically be the correct medical procedure, not the opposite.
If somebody has XXY (Klinefelter's syndrome), can you take a guess what is the dominant gender chromosome? That's right, it's a male. So from there, is it the male anatomy we medically correct in appearence and function, or do we chop it off, because the patient wrongly thinks or believes he is a female? Same logic applies when it comes to the other syndrome.
Another study exposes the long running lies of the transgender advocates; proves transgenders are not "born in the wrong body." The SRY is the main sex-determining gene. AZF a, b and C are genes for male infertility.Transsexuals do not even have a smidgeon of abnormality there. The DAX1 and androgen receptor genes were theorized to cause transsexualism since they can lead to intersex and can turn a person with a normal Y chromosome into a XY woman. Yet there is no alteration in these genes in any of the transsexuals. The DNA of the transgender is normal. They've looked at various parts of the DNA and their conclusion: "This gender disorder does not seem to be associated with any molecular mutations of some of the main genes involved in sexual differentiation. Maybe transsexuals are not females trapped in male bodies after all. Maybe they are just average guys with psych problems. Decades of research and they just have not found anything significant, and now not to find an alteration in any of the main genes for sex determination in any transsexuals... The SRY gene provides instructions for making a protein called the sex-determining region Y protein. This protein is involved in male sexual development, which is usually determined by the chromosomes an individual has. People usually have 46 chromosomes in each cell. Two of the 46 chromosomes, known as X and Y, are called sex chromosomes, because they help determine whether a person will develop male or female sex characteristics. Females typically have two X chromosomes (46,XX karyotype), while boys and men usually have one X chromosome and one Y chromosome (46,XY karyotype), but there are rare exceptions where mutations and defects almost completely stop the protein synthesis that is needed to develop one or the other chromosome, and the 46 XY karotype is a rare exception to the rule on how these inter sex conditions are treated...
(6.) XY and XX gonadal dysgenesis (Swyer Syndrome) <----- So there is another inter sex condition that is also very rare. XY gonadal dysgenesis is a bit of an exception to the rule here. It's the only circumstance where we cannot necessarily say when a Y chromosome is present, then it is safer to default to saying these persons are male. There are mutations that attack the SRY gene within the Y chromosome so early in it's stage of development, that either the gonads develop into just mere tissue and nothing more. It also prevents external male charateristics from developing almost completely. In this situation, if the Y chromosome is attacked with mutations very early, then the gonads only form as mere tissue that can become cancerous, so the best thing is to have the gonad tissue removes and treat this person with hormone therapy as if these person are female. And again, XX gonadal dysgenesis falls in the category of Turner’s syndrome. Gonads may exist in a more fully developed form more than juts tissue that poses a cancerous risk, but they still cannot make estrogen and progesterone and cannot produce eggs. But since there is no Y in the chriomosomal makeup of such persons, they are female and hormone treatments are geared toward that.
We are our bodies. The chemical and hormonal processes flow from our self-evident biological and physiological truth. And our psychology isn't an abstract "ghost in a machine" inhabiting an impersonal body. This is and should be common sense. Our psychological, chemical, and hormonal processes have much to do with our biology, and that we are not just an abstract consciousness inhabiting a impersonal body. Is it any surprise that problems still increase if and when people are encouraged and enabled to treat their bodies like ghosts in a machine?
The whole idea of science and the medical field is to fix and correct defects, not redefine reality based on the rarity of their existence, or to not redefine problems and defects as normal and healthy. If both the medical field and the psychology field are not helping people align with their dominant chromosomes, but even worse, doing the opposite, this is nothing short of malpractice and quackery. But there is a lot of money to be had in making hormone therapy and reassignment sugery just as a blanket practice. Just as one example, electrolysis and hair removal professionals can make anywhere from $20,000-$40,000 on one man who wants all of his body hair removed permanently. Why just rely on the bodybuilder demographic for this money, when they can also get the men who are confused about their biological sex. Two markets are better than one when it comes to making money and profits, right?
The fact is, and which is wrongfully being ignored, there exists medical solutions that are geared toward correcting malformed and improperly functioning genitalia to fit self-evident biology and dna. Instead of arguing semantics and trying to make the exception the rule in terms of what is self-evident or not, I suggest we get behind, advocate, and help others become aware of such medical solutions (see next link for example), so people with intersex conditions can feel whole with their self-evident dominant DNA...
Another condition worth mentioning isn’t chromosomal, but mainly psychological; emotional/mental. It is called autogynephilic disorder...
Bruce Jenner appears to fit the profile of an "autogynephilic transsexual" to a "t." Autogynephilic “transsexuals” are, as the name suggests, a disorder where the man is erotically aroused by the thought or image of themselves as women (auto for “self,” gyne for “woman,” and philic for “loving;” i.e., loving oneself as a woman). They tend to be attracted to women and men, sometimes to one or the other or, if asexual, to neither. Chiefly, however, they are sexually excited by the image of themselves as females with vaginas. As adolescent boys they found sexual gratification through secretly wearing women’s lingerie, looking in a mirror, and masturbating to that image. Since autogynephilic disordered men as boys engaged in male sports and had male friends, they were not perceived by others to be particularly feminine boys. Typically, they have been married to a woman before becoming an overt “transsexual” or “cross-dresser,” find employment in �masculine occupations’ (technology, science, etc.), don’t come out publicly as women until their late thirties or beyond, and are least likely to be able to passing their physical appearance off as women.
Essentially autogynephilic disordered men are misdirected persons who have transferred the woman of their desires from outside themselves to within themselves; in short, they are men who are almost always opposite sex-oriented to the woman inside them. Anne Lawrence refers to them as “men trapped in men’s bodies,” rather than “women trapped in men’s bodies.” For obvious reasons it is not unusual for autogynephilic disordered men to hide from others the fact that they get sexual thrills from thinking of themselves as a woman."
See further, "Transsexuality and Ordination" at: In any case, we cannot define what is normal by the abnormal. Is Amputee wannabeism made normal by the fact that some babies are born deformed? We should never make laws centered around rare cases.