Spooky-Gro fertilizer

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Spooky-Gro fertilizer
Spooky-Gro fertilizer

This is a can of fertilizer spray. It radiates a faint magical aura. It's funny how many things radiate a faint magical aura.

(Meat Pasting component)
Type: usable
Selling Price: 6 Meat.

(In-game plural: Spooky-Gro fertilizers)
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Item number: 76
Description ID: 991217692
View in-game: view
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Obtained From

The Spooky Forest
Through Thicket and Thinnet
Obsoleted Areas/Methods
The Spooky Forest

When Used

  • From inventory:
You have nothing to fertilize, but you enjoy spraying the fertilizer into the air for a while.
You spray the fertilizer on the Spooky Sapling. The Sapling's roots twitch, but nothing else happens. You ought to try planting it somewhere first.




  • The name of this item is a play on Miracle-Gro brand gardening products.


TOP 10 Spooky-Gro fertilizer collections
1. Esdor - 1707 | 2. iepiat - 1500 | 3. BobThorton - 1357 | 4. KeheMur - 1159 | 5. DreamTune - 1096
6. Mistress of the Obvious - 670 | 7. BrassOnes - 669 | 8. Nikademus - 640 | 9. Dysamyne - 616 | 10. PlutoOfPluto - 416
Collection data courtesy of ePeterso2 and Jicken Wings